Ask @lia64

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What is your opinion on plagiarism? Publications of other people's ideas,thoughts + expressions + representing their work as one's own?is it morally right?

No i dont think so actually and i was wondering and i dont know for who i told that but" taking an idea or product and adding on it another thing create another product " i actually refused that cuz the basic idea came from that guy so if you added a thing you should mention the idea wr it at first came from at least ..

Related users How come she claims she took the pic recently,while the pic is 3 years old and was taken by another person? Idc if she is fake,her answers are,they are copied off the Internet

I know i read ur report im not saying about the photos im talking about her in general .. and i dont know really why shes doing that

I love food , see but my boyfriend dont want me to eat he want me skinny bitch , what do you think :c ?! Should i stop eating

hun just eat what ever you want hamburger with 1200 calorie or idn how much french fries with cheese whatever you want cuz soon we will be old grannies that cant taste a thing enjoy the flavors since we are young but theres But you have a body inside it theres a soul and ur beautiful soul should be in healthy body eat what ever you want just workout some exercises well do the job :D idk about ur boyfriend till him i want skinny bitch guy dunno xD enjoy !!
Liked by: Joko '9ay Seeec

How to make a woman happy?

Invite her to pizza :D
Go with her to funfair
Do crazy things with her
Give her ur credit card :D
I dunno but i would be more than happy if some one do that to me xD
Liked by: Joko '9ay Aya Majed Seeec

Would you ever pretend to be someone ( like a policeman, or a teacher, or a survey taker) just to get something that you wanted ? and like what or to get what ?

Yes we did before a mother we wr doing a prank on our new teacher and so we dressed up as a mom and ask for my daughter xD which is one of our friends xD

Would you divorce your husband/wife if your favorite celebrity wanted to marry you ? and why :D ?

!!! Seriously
Noo of course screw actors and whatso ever i chose my husband v.v
But if they propose now im single xD

Would you ever donate an organ in order to save other person's life ? and why ? whether ur answer yes or no tell me the reason :)

Yes :P cuz its like giving life another person isA and thats what prophet mohammad asked us for if we can help ;)
Liked by: ميشيل ! M Joko Seeec

Would you rather: read the book, watch the movie version of it, or both and why? (sorry for the book related questions people, if it annoys you then simply tell me, so that i could stop asking you)

Both cuz sometimes i imagine other stuff and violaaaa at the movie another story xD haha

What makes books so valuable?

Omg i love books , the reason the amount of imagination and excitement i be in , the events u imagine all , books are addiction ❤️❤️ My only friend mu husband xD my family ok exaggerating just to show how much i live books xD
Liked by: Joko Seeec

but then i said that i must start drawing again, because i love to draw. so i started after 7 years xD...which is around 6-8 months too :) i think im getting better and better, i just need more time :D

Yh ur gooooOod cuz u care about detail so much which is pretty awesome :D plus practice create miracles :D

ah im sorry to hear that xx. but what ever that is, its seems like its gone ahamdulellah :) well you are a pro artist now ;) B) me i started when i was at 1st grade. until 9th. and then i stopped because i had no art classes in high school.

Haha thank you ur words mean allot to me
But look who is talkin too
Liked by: Seeec Joko M

when did you actually started drawing? :)

Well actually i used to sketch when i was young and before but i its all was rubbish xD sketching like 3 yo kid kinda xp after grade 11 sth happened to me i was so sad that i just wanted to take it off so i started with drawing i used to draw really evil things xD but it all started grade 12 or the before 6 months precisely xD started to absorb and practice and al hamdu lelah im not that bad :D when did you start :D ?!


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