Ask @lia64

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Related users How that come ?!

.e.g. U have ur family that love u , friends that care about you , children in gd health , happiness , the most important thing ((health ))...etc... but u dont have enough money ......... Other 1 have money , ships , cars , companies , factories and family but he may miss the love the , care ! He might have them but he might miss the faithful friends , he might have kids but they may got issues like umm down syndrome , he may have family friends kids every thing okay but he might miss the ((health )) happiness so i think life is fair enough to give u stuff and take away things from u to be equal to other ppl cuz no body is perfect thats from ma prespective ;)))

Life never been fair to people who agree and example? personally for me i dont revise alot and get marks more than who eat books, they say hard workers beat talents do you agree and why?

Nah i dont agree in both of them its just luck i guess ;) even if sth horrible happened to you take it from the positive side and be optimistic , always have faith in god and u'll c a result which is "fair enough " ;)


Language: English