Ask @lia64

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Can madness be attractive? can a person who is mad be attractive? to you. Please, if you don't like my questions then simply tell me, so that i could stop asking you.

No i love ur questions :D that depends on the person him self :D but yes actually i find it shmexy as well v.v

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What kind of crazy are you?

Hehehe xD you gotta ask my friends :p crazy as dancing dinosaur :p like i love bein crazy :D ❤️❤️ And i hope my future husband be crazy as i am xP
Liked by: N* life Seeec

Are you direct with eyes?

hmm it depends if like i wanna read the body language so yes if im not interested and so i kinda get shy as well and take my eyes off xD.
Liked by: Seeec

If you knew of someone who had brain cancer, was going through chemotherapy and recording it to show it to the world, what would you think? xoxo

merna2810’s Profile PhotoAnrem.
Not a bad idea actually cuz sometimes sick ppl need to be courage to let them forget about the idea of being dead like if that person start to get well and then he get rid of the cancer then that gonna be a good thing , a hope i call it ^^
Liked by: w.weed Anrem. Seeec

my question for you, ask yourself whichever question you prefer and answer it.

why you im changing but my "cold issue isnt ?! cuz ppl deserve to be cold with v.v
Liked by: Seeec

Ahaha the funny thing is I get what you're trying to say, and I think that would be cool (not sure if its scientific though xD) but what does that have to do with music? XD xo

merna2810’s Profile PhotoAnrem.
Lool xD ooh i thought you asked me about an idea suggest sth xD sorry my mind currently in a vacation xD idn now im addicted to jason walker songs and passenger - let her go ;) and ed sheeran - i see fire

What do you think about Hitler?

Well he killed many and thats not really an honor thing its outrageous but sth inside me make me love his way of taking control :p
Liked by: H Seeec

Just suggest something you like, I'll listen and see if I like it :) xo

merna2810’s Profile PhotoAnrem.
i've been thinking of this lately but no stealing my invent ppl xD
Ok what about if we can bring on what we didnt hear xD e.g. Ur friends wr talking about u while i weren't in da room so after the go you wanna know what they talked about so we build up that machine that can bring on all the atoms
We took the voices can turn into atoms and every word is related to a wave that is full of atoms that atoms as i guess hit the wall and stuck there for moments now the Q is where do they go :p
See we can seize the lost atoms in da words and by building up this machine we can gather them all together and the last word or maybe even the phrase will pomp out and viola
XD now i know im bad at explaining xD i bet u understood anything but think about it just for a while :D
Ikr it seems amazing :D interested in ur opinion :p

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Merry Christmas eve ally ❤️❤️❤️ Hehe hope you a joyful colorful shimmeing life bb ""kisses hugs "

saraaa :D i told you stop calling that name xD and thank you darling may it be for you as well enjoy ur christmas young lady hope that ur santa xD bring all the gifts u want xD hohoho and since ur online open up ur skype plzzzz :p i have a serious thing to tell you xD the thing you said :/ its coming true >.< lool xD


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