
Majed Jarrar

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We are invited to a family barbecue this Saturday&I think I will be the only one fasting. Shall I still fast or is it considered impolite&inappropiate to fast since it could make them feel uncomfortable eating around me. (I don't care if sb eats around me). what is better to do in this situation?

Break your fast if someone invited you, and make it up another day.

سلام من الحجاز. ابغى أسالك عن فقه، وش الفرگ بين الواجب والفرض

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
حياكم الله وبياكم
الحجاز مليئة بالعلماء ومراكز العلم والمساجد والمعاهد والجامعات الإسلامية يا أخي، الأولى أن تسألهم وتنتفع بوجودك حولهم، فهذه نعمة عظيمة، والله هناك الملايين من الناس يغبطك عليها ويتمنى أن يسكن في الحجاز حتى يكون على مقربة من العلماء والحرمين.
أما أنا فأساعد المساكين من حولي هنا ممن لا يعرفون العربية ولا يستطيعون الوصول للعلماء.
جوابا لسؤالك فإن الواجب والفرض عند جمهور الأصوليين هما نفس الشيء، خلافا للسادة الأحناف.
وفي مذهبنا روايتان عن الإمام أحمد: إحداهما أن الواجب والفرض هما سواء، وهو قول الجمهور، والثانية أن الفرض أعظم من الواجب
هذا في الاصطلاح الأصولي، أما في الفقه، فيندر استخدام لفظ الفرض في كتب الفقه إلا للتعبير عن الركن في كتاب الطهارة حصرا.
فالركن: ما لا تصح العبادة بتركه، عمدا ولا سهوا، مثل الفاتحة في الصلاة، والوقوف بعرفة في الحج.
والواجب: ما لا تصح العبادة بتركه عمدا، وتصح العبادة إن سقط سهوا، كالتشهد الأول في الصلاة الرباعية، والبسملة قبل الوضوء عند الحنابلة.

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Salam alekoum, i have a friend he from Spain , he just be muslim last night and he need to know more about Islam, how can I help him,? Do you know Good sites help in this issue but he only knows Spanish no English.. thank you for your help..

Allahu Akbar wa Lillah Alhamd
The most important thing is to link him with a good mosque, mentor and good friends.
He can contact br. Daniel for any questions online https://www.facebook.com/daniel.a.hernandez.92754
Also, send me his name and number, I'll link him with a scholar in Spain.

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يا شيخ انا بفتح صفحتك وانتقي العربي واقرأه كان نفسي اعرف انجليزي عشان اقرأ كله 😅 بوركت

خلاص اتعلم انگليزي علشان تقرأ الباقي :)

Is there added expiation for each additional year that Ramadan fasts haven't been made up?

It is forbidden to delay making up days from Ramadan until another Ramadan passes. If this happens, then on top of making up the day of fasting, you also need to give a poor person a full day meal, for each day you delayed making up for over a year.

ينفع ادعى ربنا وقولوا اني اكلم واحدة بنية التعارف ولو هنكون مستريحين لبعض أنوي الزواج منها أقصد يعني بعد مااكلمها ونبقي اصحاب واستريحنا لبعض سعتها مش هضيعها من ايدي

مش محتاج تدعي ربنا لهذا، الشيطان يعملك كل هذا حتى يوقعك في الفاحشة.
بل قل: يا رب، لا أريد من هذه الدنيا سوى رضاك. إذا كان الزواج يعينني على السعي في رضاك فأهلا به، وإذا كان يبعدني عنك، فلا حاجة لي به.
تضرع إلى ربك أن يكفيك بحلاله عن حرامه، وأن يغنيك بفضله عمن سواه.
وثق بالله، وتوكل عليه.

If Eid is on a Friday, is Jumah still required? There is always a big debate at my Masjed about this.

It's required in all mathaahib, except in Hanbali mathhab.
Special offer: become a Hanbali today and you'll get a free Friday prayer waiver on September 1st. Conditions apply. Ask your doctor if being Hanbali is right for you. We're not responsible for death or severe injury resulting from misuse of this mathhab.

Salam sheikh in a group project with 5 friends, we are being forced to break off 2 members. To avoid any bad relations, is it okay if we use probability like drawing straws to find out who we should remove?

It's permissible.
But a terrible idea for team formation, frankly.
For maximum performance of both groups, I'd suggest you all take MBTI test (16personalities.com), SII test (not free), innovator's DNA (MIT, not available publicly, but try searching for "discovery or delivery test"), team dynamics (itpmetrics.com)
If you consult with the results as basis for making the teams then you'll see a better performance for both teams.
If it's an insignificant project, then perhaps any single test is better than none, try the last one.

Do I have more ajr if I fast when I am sick or is it a bad thing cause I don't use Allah's licence sheikh? I want to know what makes me closer to Allah.

The reward is proportional to the struggle, if you think you can handle it.
But do that while recognizing that your body belongs to God, not to you, and you've been entrusted to take care of it. It's the vehicle that drives your soul around. So if you feel you're leaning towards inflicting intentional damage to it with the excuse that you're pleasing God, it may be a sign of self hate. Speak to a counselor.

لازم أبلغ البنت اللي هتجوزها إني عندي سكر ؟

بما أن السكر وراثي بنوعيه type 1 و type 2، لا يلزم، لأنه ليس عيبا في الاستمتاع ولا النكاح ولا الانجاب.
لكن من الأفضل نعم، لأنه يؤثر على مصاريف الاسرة والطعام والحياة اليومية، ولأن الصراحة راحة.

Very important jazakum Allah kheir If someone slipped and fell in a store like Walmart or Costco due to the negligence of the staff (wet floor), is it islamically permissible to sue them for compensation?

If there was no "wet floor" sign, and no worker physically present and cleaning the floor.
Practically, a company in the size of Walmart has an army of lawyers, so even if you have a solid case it might take years to sue them.
Watch Adams ruins everything - the truth behind McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit.

عذرا هنا لطفا₩₩₩₩₩

لا تصح ولاية المرأة على المرأة في النكاح
لا بد أن يكون رجلا، جدك أبا أباك أو عمك أخا أباك أو أخاك.
Liked by: Forgotten Password

Sheikh Majed, I remember i used to do constant istighfar/dhikr every day previous year but then I made a sin (looked at a girl) and slowly but slowyly i left doing dhikr. Now I want to do that as Before but SubhanAllah its so difficult. Do you have any advice? And my intention is not to make riya'!

O poor soul, what have you done! Did your devil whisper to you that because you've done such and such amounts of seeking forgiveness, that you'll get away with one sin?
The prophet said: a look is an arrow of the arrows of Satan.
You have let Satan in once, and he took a clear shot at your heart.
This should teach you to never feel arrogant or invulnerable; for the majority of forest fires begin with an unattended spark.
Do not despair. The one who keeps begging and knocking at the door of the Most merciful, is about to be allowed back in. Go plead guilty before your Lord, cry in your prostration to Him, and do not lift your head until you've repented.

If there is mucus that is already in our throat or mouth (not originally from the nose) and we swallow it accidentally, is the fast invalid?

If your mouth produces mucus, I think you should go to the hospital immediately, you may be turning into a spiderman or something. :)

If you miss a few days of fasting in the next ten days of nafal fasts does it invalidate the blessing of the ten fasts? For instance if I fasted for only 7 days as intentionally missed 3, would that defeat the purpose of these ten fasts since we're supposed to do all 10?

1. It's prohibited to fast the 10th, is the day of Eid.
2. As for the ninth, it's stringy recommended to fast them all.
3. Fasting some of them only is permissible, but don't lose the virtue of fasting the 9th (August 31st) because it's the day of Arafah.
Liked by: Unio Umm Anṣār

طب معلش يا شيخ بالنسبة للمنتقبات في مشاكل عليهم في كندا ولا عادي ممكن واحدة تبقى منتقبة وتدرس أو تشتغل جزاك الله خيرا

إجمالا عادي
لكن أحيانا عادي وأحيانا أوتوماتيك.
نكتفي بهذا القدر من القلش.

هل الاستصحاب من الادلة المجمع عليها؟

خالف بعض المعتزلة و بعض المتكلمين وبعض الشافعية و بعض الأحناف
والجمهور على حجيته، مع تفصيل كثير.

Maalik ibn Anas mentioned that some people shave their moustaches, and he said: The one who does that should be beaten. (al-Bayhaqi) Maalik ibn Anas said: Shaving the moustache is a bid’ah (innovation) that has appeared among the people.

What did we say, boys?
1. No swimming without floaties.
2. No diving in books without a teacher.
3. Shaving, or trimming, or lining the moustache is all permissible.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Have you memorised Qur'an in any other qira'ah than Hafs 'an 'Asim?

Have I said to you before: mind your own business? Don't look up to me, look up to the imams of the salaf.

Last Ramdan i ddnt fast because of breast feeding 23 days and i've just donate woth food 23 meals ..nw should i fast these days too or not ?

You need to fast them. That's all.
If you delay making them up until another Ramadan passes, then you need to make them up and expiate for the delay by feeding a meal to the poor for each day.


Language: English