
Dyn | IG: beautywithdummy

Ask @navartierre

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We were designed to be with one another..Man and Woman.were we not?So why do so many fail at the relationship aspect of life.no one said it would be easy.anything worth having is never easy.so with that being said Single or Relationship.which do you prefer and what are the positives and negatives?

Haha do I know you, darling? ;D
Well gue dr keluarga diajarin kalo yg namanya pacaran itu bukan main2. Kalo dibilang jga smua yg diajarin di keluarga gue bukan main2 sih. Mamah bahkan cuma pacaran sekali seumur hidup with someone whom now I call as my papah ^^ Dr dulu tiap liat ada yg pacaran sebetulnya deep down gue pgn juga ngerasain rasanya in a relationship. Tp gue ga pernah dikasih petuah ini itu sm orangtua jd gatau caranya pacaran tuh gimana haha xD Gue lebih seneng berteman aja sebetulnya, there's a stronger bond in friendship than when you're in a more romantic relationship with someone. Pacaran buat gue sebetulnya justru mempersempit hidup ya apalagi jga ngeliat jaman sekarang orang pacaran udh serampangan kyk pengemis ngemper di depan toko2. Masalah kemudian abis putus abis itu jadi menjauh dan awkward, itu sifat pribadi masing2. Jgnkan sm yg udh pernah pacaran, sm yg confess suka ke gue dan gue tolak jga gue skrg jd awkward ;p I don't want to be in a relationship yet. It takes a whole lot of courage for me because my family taught me to treasure the term of "being in a relationship". Pacaran itu bagi gue pribadi sesuatu yg sama pentingnya kyk mau nyari suami, harus serius dan pastiin bener apa ga buat kita. Makanya gue udh 17 tahun (even nearly 18!) and I've been single since ever for God knows how long. When I'm comfortable with someone, staying by his side as aa friend is the best option. I never think too much of who will be my boyfriend because God has His own way of bringing that person into my life, when the time is right :)

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Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

in a man body: do you prefer abs legs or arms?

Chest lmao >< Men with toned chests are heaven on earth omg. Gue personally ga terlalu suka sm yg "abs-ed" banget asal keliatan fit dan sehat aja sih. Ga glember2 tangan atau betisnya biar keliatan sehat haha
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Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

Separoh hati gue jatoh ke "lonely genius" ya krn begitulah bagi gue kepintaran dan inteligence seseorang begitu mengagumkan dan dlm bbrp tahapan gue pribadi nganggep kalo otak itu mendescribe watak orang. Kalo "sociable idiot" enaknya gue ga bakalan kesepian but then biasanya orang yg sociable itu ga idiot ya haha krn klo udh idiot gada yg mau temenan sama gue pasti. It's a bit 51% x 49% I'd choose lonely genius still~~
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

What kind of music are you into?

I'm into anything as long as they're not garbage. My ear has something weird with it lol it listens to music which people never happen to discover. I'm not so familiar with rap tho. I prefer melodic songs or even just some instrumental being played

I am sure the member does not have a girlfriend because exo sasaeng fans will be angry! Right?

Lol I don't think it's really us to judge. I mean, it's funny if you think it that way that EXO are "scared" by the sasaeng. EXO never get scared, they're concerned about the existence though. They're still partially new in the industry and imo they should focus on their career first than their personal matters (like having girlfriends yeah). It's like when you get your first job ever and you don't quickly spend your earnings--you save them up :)
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Do you know anyone who can sub or already subbed the Law of the jungle?? ep1

Got to EXO LIVE VOD's channel they've subbed a few episodes there
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Opinion On Justin Bieber

I never listen to his songs ever since the beginning, even when the "Bieber Fever" was so popular back then. Much say I was one of his haters but now I'm not anymore, nor I have turned to like him. The feeling is neutral. There are a few of his songs that caught my attention but I'm not a fan. He's just.... fine?
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

Who on twitter do u wish u could meet in real life?

Ambil dari @taoreumdaun aja ya wa pgn bgt ketemu Ji and Emma they're the most humble exostan in my tlist huhu. I was thinking about meeting Eekie as well but few weeks ago I found her too arrogant for someone like me otl Idk I just wanna meet those people ;__;
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what is your favorite entertainment when you are bored?

Watch movies/videos, read fics, comics, novels, write fics, browse through Tumblr/Pinterest, listen to music Idk I always do them on repeat everyday. Most of the time when I get bored I just sleep

do u know how to cook?

I know how to burn the house
better yet, I know how to set your heart on 'fire' ;)

how many posters you have hanging on the wall?

Lol just a few (I would say only one), I don't really hang posters aside from the ones I got from official albums because they're not sold everywhere and it's better to see them either inside the tube from how they sent first or hang them inside a glass. The ones I got from magazines mostly just kept inside~

What are your bad habits?

I think I curse a lot (either using Bahasa or English)
I'm lazy
And I'm a walking ball of eating machine lmao (I don't chew on furnitures fortunately)
I space out quite a lot
I love sleep
I do all my homeworks D-2
I'm kind to other people and I think too much about their feelings

what personality inspires you? :) + you are really cute

Yehet, thank you!
Smart ones. I'm easily amazed even by the smallest little things and when I bump into smart people they kind of inspire me to be smart too. I always have a keen interest with smart people they're like the fifth world

What are your hobbies?:)..

Writing, reading (I read anything from comics, novels, newspapers, magazines, dictionaries), drawing (not painting), sleeping, studying world's literature, travelling, shopping, eating, listening to classics, swimming, running (or jogging), playing The Sims (because YOLO), watching movies and cartoons
Lol can I can be called as a hobbyist? ;D
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

Why is getting to the top never enough?

When you've reached the top, there's no other option aside from going down, right? And no one wants to go down from where they're at. So going over the top is something a bit... natural? People always want something more to secure their place

sebelum ketemu internet hidup lo gimana?

Lebih hidup kaliya. Internet selama ini jd sarana buat gue ngeliat sesuatu yg jauh dr gue misal acara2 besar di dunia perfilman yg held di luar negeri etc. Jga buat ngejelajah dunia. Internet buka wawasan gue lebih lebar tentang dunia di luar pager rumah gue. Tp honestly gue bosen dgn internet yg bikin orang jd males ahahah. Kehidupan gue waktu kecil dulu msh SMP pure bener2 blm familiar sm internet tuh rasanya lebih lively aja soalnya fokus pikiran gue cma sm kehidupan nyata ga sm kehidupan socmed
Liked by: Adeayu Hadijah SM

who do you think is the worst dancer in exo? and who is the best?

I wouldn't use the term "worst" tho. Probably just "less than good". Kris and Sehun would be on my top 2 for less than good dancers in EXO. Kris is lacking of spirit when he dances Idk if it's because he's too tall but then I remember Zitao and Chanyeol and they're doing it fine. I don't enjoy seeing Kris dancing it feels like he's forced :< As for Sehun, his moves are different and so rigid. He's a like a robot that dances with no expression... Even Jongdae can dance better than them imo.
Best dancers would be Yixing, Jongkai, and Minseok
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What is your dream occupation?

I've always wanted to be an animator for Disney cartoons (and Pixar too). My love for cartoons is undeniable but then again my parents would speak against it haha ;D

holy krisus how did you get all of them are those complete documentation of all exo's airport fashion??? :o

Through links from Twitter or Tumblr. I usually take photos from Weibo, fansites, and Facebook because I need the HD in case I wanna make them as my laptop wallpaper someday haha. Not that complete, I only save the ones I like (I mean the outfits and all) or the funny ones. I don't save it if it's only EXO-K unfortunately :<

pap sama temen dong siapa aja random <:D

Haha ini aja baru diambil hari ini abis kasih surprise ultah 18 buat Hana-jie di SMB <333 Kesayangan banget pake banget ^^
pap sama temen dong siapa aja random D

favourite youtuber? (if you have one) and you're beautiful :-) -runs-

Lol the only youtuber I know are fansite noona and those fanaccs who record fancams for EXO ;D

why do you ship taoris

I don't really know. It just happened one day. The feeling just got me right when I first heard about their story of being together as trainees back then. I mean, being Chinese trainees is not an easy thing and remembering how Zitao's Korean is so so so broken--even until today, having a trainee friend from his hometown helped him a lot. The relationship they have shared for the past few years makes me jealous to the bone. Zitao seems to make Kris as his role model. Someone he can always look up for and depend on. And somehow Kris isn't annoyed by that fact. He has the father figure and he wants to take care of Zitao like he's his own brother. Taoris for me is not just some touchy touchy and skinship interaction towards each other, it's more about the feeling in the air. The 'brothership'. The relationship of Taoris for me is a really beautiful one. Despite of their badass faces and their killer airport fashion, and even when sometimes Zitao laughs at Kris or Kris doesn't comfort him as much as other member, they're still there for each other. No matter who he starts the day with, at the end of the day, it's his brother, Kris who he'll spend the rest of the day with. I really envy how Zitao is so lucky to find this man :)
"When I turn 22 later, I want to be like Kris-ge." --HZT

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Do you think you're a spoiled kid?

Probably a bit. I'm very greedy when it comes to having stuffs. Kadang sampe maksa ha-ha -_- Tapi kalo misal ga boleh ya yaudah... Biasanya sih mamah papah beliin2 aja atas dasar gue dpt prestasi bagus, baru ada rejeki, atau gue jarang belanja beberapa bulan sebelumnya jd langsung ngasih. Kadang jga tergantung jenis barang sama kebutuhan. Looking at all my stuffs, I think I'm a bit spoiled, especially since last year my older brother started staying apart from us for study, making me as the oldest one in the house (not to mention the only girl too)
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wut idgi who did you choose for the vocal???

Lmao sorry I always have typos when answering questions
It's Byundae

http://24.media.tumblr.com/e532e0486744856cbc2600b4b170ac27/tumblr_mlixkirjQJ1r1zmo8o1_r1_500.png define exo members by this

Wow what a coincidence this has 12 positions~
> Leader: Junmen
> Magnae: Zitao
> Visual: Kris
> Dance: Jongkai
> Rapper: Chanyeol
> Vocal: Vocal
> Babo: Yixing
> Total FOB: Hunhan (lol)
> Ahjumma/ahjussi: Dyo
> Aegyo master: Minseok (trust me you gotta see him when he asks for Luhan hyung to buy him foods)
> Troll: Jongdae
> Diva: Baekhyun
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What do you expect in 2014?

Bisa dpt ranking paralel minimal 15 besar, lulus UN dgn score yg memuaskan, bsa dpt undangan di jurusan yg gue mau, and make my parents so damn proud of me

what"s your fav colour??

I basically love primary colours and pastels. One time I love solid colour-blocking, the other time I love soft earthy-tone. Blue is my eternal love, I love the colour blue in all shades
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eminem to u is.......?

A rapper. Haha, I don't anything about him except that he does rap ;D Not that I'm one to hate him or dislike him I just don't get the groove with his music. But he's a really good rapper I suppose

if someone could be cuddling you right now, who would you want it to be?

May I hug Yixing please...? ;_; He's so hug-able
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You said you love politics like one needs air to live. Berarti ngerti dong sistem hukum Indonesia luar dalam? Terus menurut lo sistem kita udah bener apa belom?

I do love politics - tapi terbatas sama politik luar negeri kita. Kalo buat politik dalam negeri gue ga terlalu pay attention karena sistem Indonesia makin lama makin riweuh. Antara pembuat hukum sama hukum yang dibuat semakin ga sinkron dan gue ga ngerti lagi sama guna adanya hukum kalo pd akhirnya ga ditaati. Gue paling cuma tertarik sama jalannya hukum perdata sama pidana, siapa tau nanti gue ngelanggar hukum gue jadi tau hukuman apa yg menanti gue. But that's all. Pertanyaan "apa sistem Indonesia udah bener apa belom" itu tuh udah jadi pikiran sehari2 dan jawabannya juga jelas bgt kalo sistem kita masih jauh dari bener. I don't want to comment on this issue because I, however, have no right to talk about something as complicated as this. I know too little to comment. I guess the answer lies within you, how you determine the system itself nowadays from how you see it

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Great! I also loooveeee action movies! :D Suggest me some? I'm curious of what kind of movies you actually watch, in case we share the same interest -and by that I mean really "same"- xx

Wow, high 5!!! ;D
I love old action movies. The ones that got John van Dame, Steven Seagal, and Silvester Stallone in it. Universal Soldiers (1-3) is still my favourite for all time >< The old Terminators are also good to watch. I keep forgetting the titles otl ._. But I probably have watched almost all old American action movies~
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What kind of movie genre you like to watch? :) xx

Any genre would fine, I guess. But one thing for sure is I DO NOT WATCH horror movies. I like actions, sci-fi, cartoons, and how do you call movies of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson...? Yeah, stuffs like that
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what is your resolution for 2014??

I never make new year resolution :/ I don't like making one and the idea of getting stuck with it like your whole fucking life for the whole fucking year is planned. I prefer to let everything have its own way like how it should be~
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