
kent sutjipto

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Share referral code gojek dong plis, mau d add 😃😃

Gue minggu lalu baru aja nyobain Go-Jek! Dan pengalamannya bener-bener luar biasa sih.

Ceritanya gue order martabak gitu di daerah Binus.

Nggak lama kemudian, driver-nya telepon gue karena harga martabaknya udah naik. Setelah confirm mengenai order gue, doi langsung capcus ke tempat gue sambil bawa martabaknya. Masih anget-anget gitu kayak pasangan yang baru jadian.

Btw, yang mau pake Go-Jek bisa pake referral code gue yak biar bisa dapet 50rb Go-Jek credit gratis: 544764476 (angkanya cantik yak).

Bonus pap SMS gue sama Mbak Go-Jek.

yesterday i have a conversation with my friends about why gambling is ilegal and why is it so taboo. if you think about it stock market is all about gambling. gambling does not put your body through any harm unlike drugs and cigarette, it is just another way to have "fun". please share your thoughts

Stock trading is NOT gambling.
In gambling you put an X amount of money and you either multiply it by a factor, or lose it all.
In stock trading, however, you get information pertaining the ever-fluctuative number of stock price and you can react accordingly.
Sure, the basic idea is the same, you put money into something you have no control over.
But when the stock price plunges down, you have power over your investment. You can pull the brake and cut your losses.
When you're losing a gamble, you better have a parting speech ready for your money.

Hello, Kent. My school's arranging Studium General for the students and I'm curious, will you accept the offer for talking in the event? Talking to student? Talking to some fellas younger than you about things?

Sure! For inquiries you guys can always reach me through my e-mail at nyankent@gmail.com.

Jangan ditawarin terus di-php dan ditinggal ya gaes hatiku rapuh nggak bisa diginiin thx.

Gue tau lu mau ngomong apa

Btw, buat kalian yang lagi butuh uang, lagi ada lomba nih. Hadiahnya 500 ribu Rupiah.

Kalian cuma perlu:
1. ngepos foto meja kerja (atau meja belajar) kalian di Instagram
2. cantumin hashtag #mejaqerja
3. tag dan follow akun @qerja
Gampang kan?
Yuk langsung cus ke Instagram.
Deadline-nya tanggal 21 Agustus ya!


Language: English