
kent sutjipto

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Just stopping by to thank you for writing such beautiful FFs despite all the difficulties you faced while writing them. You might not read this but you and your fictions are the reason I started to write again after being in hiatus for months. Thank you for the motivations you indirectly gave me.(c)

hi thank you for making me feel less like shit but unfortunately i cant think of anything to write so can i just skip this weeks fff

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for those who never read your works and are interested, can you recommend some of your creation that is most 'you'?

OneDayJ’s Profile PhotoTommy
Hello to be honest I am not entirely sure what constitutes as a Kent-esque story.
Consulted with @katharania, @steffiteo, and @mglouvre; they said my stories are always emotionally charged.

So, I guess this FF is an epitome of how my story generally goes.

Kak Kent, have you ever done a research for your writings, or just go with something that you've already known before? (Especially for FFs) Mind to share your story with us? Have a relaxing Friday night!

Anggada Samira
Hi Angga!
I always start with a tiny idea and then I expand the story outward.
Sometimes, when I try expanding the idea, I stumble upon stuff I have little to no idea about.

For example, do you guys remember the news about a co-pilot who crashed a German airplane two months ago?

I started with an idea in mind but quickly realized that I had no clue whatsoever regarding this topic. So I spent the next 30 mins googling related news before I could finally write up something comprehensible.

So yeah. I do quite a lot of research just for a piece of writing that only takes you two minutes to read.

Sebagai individu yang pernah atau sedang tinggal di Indonesia, realitas/fakta sosial semacam apa yang menurut kalian sangat mengundang tawa? Dan mengapa? P.S: Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan kata dalam penulisan yang menyebabkan kata-kata menjadi kurang nyaman untuk dibaca.

The fact that people put SO MUCH emphasis on other's religion and/or sexuality.

Like, why?

Kak, sedih ya bumi sekarang makin panas. Kasian juga negara yang kena gelombang panas. Emang sih sekarang sejauh mata memandang isinya gedung- gedung bertingkat, rumah, dan kendaraan bermotor. Apa kabar bumi tempat tinggal anak cucu nanti ya kalo keadaanya sekarang aja uda kayak gini :"

The planet has been here for 4.5 billion years old.
How vain are we to think that thousands mere years of our interference will disrupt the planet's well-being.

As George Carlin eloquently put:

What's your take on suicide? Do you think people should have the right to end their own life or it must be prevented in any way possible? Please explain your reasoning.

KeiSavourie’s Profile PhotoKei Savourie
I'm a firm believer of suicide (heck, I'd probably kill myself years ago if it weren't painful and messy).
If someone is thinking of suicide, I will try my best to motivate them, but in the end, I believe it is up to them if they still want to end their life.

Kak.. kan banyak org blang buku jendela dunia. Dngn buku kita bisa dpt banyak pengetahuan dan menambah wawasan.. Dan jenis buku yg dmaksud ntu kaya gmana? Buku pelajaran sklh? Buku motivasi? Novel? Ato kaya gmana?

I was trying to make business books happen in my writing council and this happened:

Kent, I feel that you refuse to answer question from the app because of the enter button bug betul nga

Jessica Johana

eh nggak juga sih. kan ngomentarin ff orang satu-satu emang requires tons of typing. kalo pake askfm app jempol gue bisa keriting... ini aja benernya belum semuanya gue komentarin tapi udah capek. udah ah bubar.

ceritanya Polo udh ngikutin Marco kemana-mana tp diem2 trus ngelempar glove karena mau nunjukkin it was him that saved Marco. Also, Marco thought he was going to hell bcs he's obviously not a saint since he curses.. ceritanya mau gt tp maklum lha under 200 words neh:( ..maafin anaknya defensif

Asyifa Isvari
"Oh look I'm drowning and probably gonna die soon. Better throw my glove to show my brother that I saved his ass."

Yaaaaa. Nope not gonna do that.
Also, by your logic, I wish there is wifi in hell because I definitely am going there.

Aku mau dong flash fiction pertamaku dikomentarin Kak Kent hehe https://instagram.com/p/3G-hvLH5OC/ (there was some error when I tried to send this, I'm not sure whether the first two were sent or not, so I'm sorry if I'm spamming your ask box) :)

Annisa Setyarti
Uh, for me it feels too bland sih?
I like my flash fictions full of emotion and when I reach your ff ending, it just feels "Oh. Terus?"
Maybe try elaborating on why they can't be together? For me it looks like the guy is just a major PHP without reason.
Give us a reason to stand behind the narrator and cheer for her.

pertama kalinya buat aku :) https://sixtentacles.wordpress.com/2015/05/25/my-first-flash-fiction/


Several errors, such as "mengubah," not "merubah." And also several punctuation errors.
Also, you should split the doctor's last dialog onto a new paragraph, because 1. If there's a shift in speaker, you should write it in a new paragraph, and 2. It delivers the bomb much better.

All in all, I like. I would argue that, plotwise, this is the best one so far.

senpai, notice me!😂😂 https://instagram.com/p/3G9o-qgz9-/

Monica Astrid
Apart from several grammatical errors, this reads more like an excerpt of something longer than a flash fiction.
What is the darkness?
Who is the girl?
Who are /they/?

Remember that although we are working with minimal words, we have to keep the story moving.
I think this could be better.

KAK KENTTT! ini ff buatanku http://ask.fm/Malikahsnal/answer/128465451030 dan ini juga ff pertama yang aku publish. what do you think? dan aku penakut jadi menulis ff horor malah jadi takut sendiri '-'

A cliche plot but executed properly. Well done.

1. Some sentences are somewhat ineffective, but that's minor error. For example, the last dialog should be, "Nah, sekarang giliranmu."

2. Also, choose one: quotation mark or italic dialog. If you're putting a dialog inside quotation marks, don't italicize it, and vice versa. Both are just too much.

3. Don't use interrobang (!?) please.

4. The pointer/cursor between "lalu" and "aku" bugs me. :(

All in all, I like it!


Several grammatical errors.
And I might be wrong, but I don't think "voice" can be warm? They can make you feel warmth, yes, but voice by itself can't be warm. (Ya ya I get that it's poetic and whatever, but I try my best to keep my fiction scientifically accurate.)

Apart from that, is the narrator killing herself? If yes, why?
What's stopping her from having her own Teddy if she's a grown up? It's not like people are physically removing Teddy from her.
And what does the last line actually mean?

Mau ikutan juga, Kak. Cuma 100 words :( http://tinypic.com/r/2vjwosk/8

The hardest thing about writing a flash fiction is that we only have 100 words to work with.
We don't have the same amount of leeway compared to when we write the description in novel or short stories.
This is why we usually resort to "telling" instead of "showing," and this actually cripples our story.

One way that we can use to circumvent this is by repackaging the message so that readers have to guess what the story actually is about.

For example, in one of my story, I started the story with the sentence, "Sleeping peacefully in my arms is my wife's killer."
And I ended the story with "Sleeping peacefully in my arms is my wife's killer, and I'm bottle-feeding her."

The message of the story is simple: the narrator's wife died when giving birth to their baby, but I repackaged it in a way that makes readers have to guess and (hopefully) reread the story.

Hope you learn something from this!

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Hello, I hope you'll read my ff and give some comments about it. Thank you in advance, kak Kent. https://twitter.com/lafindritania/status/602845801006518272

I had to google the reference but it's basically about someone who died, right?
Just like the one I commented before, your ff is basically a plethora of circumstances description.
I don't know, but for me, I would like to know why he died.
Not to mention that your story seems very "telly" instead of "showy."
This could definitely be better. :)

"You don't write about the horrors of war, no. You write about a kid's burnt sock lying on the ground." - Richard Price


Asyifa Isvari
There are a lot of things I would do if I were drowning.
But I don't think throwing my glove to the person I just saved is one of them.
Also, why does Marco think he is going to Hell? Too much stuff left unknown for me to enjoy this story.

Apart from the plot, I adore the imagery in this story, especially the "His right fingernails almost ripped the overused glove, while the left ones were turning blue." It pictures the condition really well without saying it explicitly. Good job!

Hai Kent! The caption of this photo in my instagram is my first flash fiction :) https://instagram.com/p/25qh8zGamQ/

muteyy’s Profile Photodisabled account
I can't remember when I started drinking black coffee.

Everytime I went to coffee shop, I ordered different stuffs. Mocha Latte. Caramel Frappucino. Earl Grey tea. Hot chocolate. Anything, anything sweet.

But I can't remember since when, all those sweet drinks doesn't attract me anymore. Instead, I got my self a long black. Or Americano. Or just Espresso. The bitter, the better.

The bitterness of the coffee...fits me well.

I can't remember when I started drinking black coffee. But come to think of it, perhaps its not long after you leave.
(End of story)

This is a good metaphor, but I think you could have explained it better using imagery instead of listing all the possible coffee out there.
Try explaining the motive.
Why does the narrator like sweetness?
How does the narrator feel after drinking sweet coffee? After drinking bitter coffee?
Explain through words all the sensation.
Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the readers: not the fact that it is raining, but the sensation of being rained upon.

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*~shamelessly submitting my ugly writing~* https://twitter.com/yogyurt/status/602835491281440768


In all seriousness, the part that is grammatically ambiguous is ". . . the beauty you tell me . . ."
All in all, I like it; reminds me of @steffiteo's.
P.S. the squiggly line behind your initial bugs me, though.

https://m.ask.fm/pleasenoticemesenpais thankyou:))

Several noticeable grammatical errors, namely subject-verb agreement, passive voice, fragments, et cetera. (Also, please capitalize "I".)

I am a big fan of plot and plot twists in flash fiction and unfortunately yours only consists of a plethora of emotional description and this isn't exactly my cup of tea. Good choice of words, though. Can definitely be better.

Hello, Mr. Kent! Would you mind to mention 1 track from each studio album(s) and/or EP(s) of your favourite musician(s)? Wish you nothing but a nice day!

Anggada Samira
Hi, Angga!

Satu lagu aja ya yang bikin bener-bener baper.
I'm a sucker for songs with goosebumps-inducing lyrics.
And John Mayer used to sing amazing songs.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfFi4Q7ueA8nyankent’s Video 129967121800 IfFi4Q7ueA8nyankent’s Video 129967121800 IfFi4Q7ueA8

We're going down,
And you can see it too.
We're going down,
And you know that we're doomed.
My dear,
We're slow dancing in a burning room.

I miss your ff like cray cray please write something:(:(

Oh, since there are so many people who ask what I think about their writing, why don't you guys write a flash fiction and then send me a link to your flash fiction (fewer than 200 words please) and I will tell you guys what I think about it. Batas pengumpulan sampe jam 10 malam WIB ya! Any flash fiction submitted after 10 nggak akan di-publish.


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