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Mz Tada gue nggak ulang tahun.. Kecepetan satu bulan. heu.
Kayaknya yang di bawah itu ngira gue ultah gara-gara kemarin International Cats Day.

Happy birthday to the best teacher on askfm. We appreciate you and everything you do for us! :D

Dhea Alvida
aduh makasih banyak ya, Dhea. bersyukur banget udah diucapin gini.
coba ucapannya di hari yang tepat gitu gue lebih bersyukur lagi pasti.

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Hi, would you listen and read the lyrics then tell us what's on your mind about this song? Thank you :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxRIhICLce8

Riccy Antarbudaya
Hi, Ricci!
It is a deep (but not meaningful) song. I had to google some stuff because the song uses lots of euphemism and whatnot. Anyway, the lyric goes:
(1) Some said the local lake had been enchanted
(2) Others said it must have been the weather
(3) The neighbors were trying to keep it quiet
(4) But I swear that I could hear the laughter
(5) So they jokingly nicknamed it the porridge
(6) Cause overnight that lake had turned as thick as butter
(7) But the local kids would still go swimming, drinking
(8) Saying that to them it doesn't matter
(9) If you just hold in your breath til you come back up in full
(10) Hold in your breath til you thought it through, you foolish child
(11) The genius next door was busing tables
(12) Wiping clean the ketchup bottle labels
(13) Getting high and mumbling German fables
(14) Didn't care as long as he was able
(15) To strip his clothes off by the dumpsters
(16) At night while everyone was sleeping
(17) And to wade midway into that porridge
(18) Just him and the secret he was keeping
(19) In the morning the film crews start arriving
(20) With donuts, coffee and reporters
(21) The kids were waking up hungover
(22) The neighbors were starting up their cars
(23) The garbageman were emptying the dumpsters
(24) Atheists were praying full of sarcasm
(25) And the genius next door was sleeping
(26) Dreaming that the antidote is orgasm
First thing you need to know is that there is this thing called autoerotic asphyxia. Did you know that people who die from hanging themselves usually ejaculated before they died?
This is caused by the brain not getting enough oxygen; the sudden accumulation of carbon dioxide can increase feelings of giddiness, light-headedness, and pleasure, all of which will heighten masturbatory sensations. (more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erotic_asphyxiation)
The song starts by picturing a lake that had been "enchanted (1)." But it is actually something shameful as "the neighbors were trying to keep it quiet (3)."
"They jokingly nicknamed it the porridge (5)." -> A porridge is white and thick, just like sperm.
(9) affirms our deduction. "If you just HOLD IN YOUR BREATH till you COME back up in full."
From (1)-(9) we can imply that this lake is full of sperm because it is used by the local kids to do autoerotic asphyxia, drowning themselves just to get orgasm.
Then the song shifted to this genius next door whose life is in shamble (11)-(15). This genius went to the lake at night to do autoerotic asphyxia himself (16)-(18).
(19)-(24) describes how the town in the morning looks like, still intact even without the existence of the genius. (25)-(26) implies that the genius is dead in the bottom of the ocean, /dreaming/ that the antidote is orgasm. The key word here is "dreaming," He believes that the orgasm is the sign he's been waiting for before he can get out of the water, but this didn't happen. And he died in the end.
That's it! Like I said: deep, but not meaningful. *shrugs*

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Malam! Menurut kalian seberapa jauhkah platform ini bisa menjadi tolak ukur kepribadian seseorang?

Anggada Samira
Hi, Anggada!
Lumayan jauh sih. Bukan dari cara seseorang menanggapi jawabannya (karena itu bisa dikontrol dengan mudah), tapi caranya memilih jawaban mana yang dijawab.
Kan pasti ada aja tuh anon-anon yang nyerang banyak hal, liatin aja jawaban apa yang bikin seseorang itu marah.
Jawaban-jawaban yang seseorang pilih untuk tanggapi itu biasanya secara bawah sadar adalah topik yang menurut mereka penting untuk dibahas. Itu kan bisa dijadikan tolak ukur kepribadian seseorang. Heu.

Hi ko kent, udah baca The Cuckoo's calling (mystery) & seri keduanya The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith a.k.a J.K Rowling? Kalo udah gimana pendapat koko tentang karya barunya?

Hi, Agnes!
I read The Cuckoo's Calling, but not Silkworm.
By god, I have tried to like JK Rowling. I tried so hard, but I can't bring myself to like it. I don't even like Harry Potter, for fuck sake.
Maybe it's her writing style that uses third person point-of-view, maybe something deeper than that, maybe it's her overly slow pace or the over-descriptive narration; all I know is, I hate it.
Jadi yah.
Gitu deh.

ko kent, rekomen novel bagus dong :D

Sherly Limin
Hi, Sherly!
Numpang sekalian gue bikin FAQ ya, secara banyak banget yang tanya ini.
(Warning, long list ahead. Skip ahead if you'd like.)
Here is a list of novels that I recommend and my review of them. Keep in mind that this list is far from extensive.
1. The Hunger Games Trilogy [dystopia, thriller, action]
My very first dystopia novel. It is full of actions and Suzanne Collins did an amazing job in describing the ambience of Panem and the psychological dilemma of the protagonist, Katniss.
I've read the entire trilogy three times, each time discovering a new perspective that I failed to see in the last read-through. When I started writing novels, I found myself thumbing back to this trilogy to understand how to write a vivid description.
Score: 9/10
2. The Faults in Our Stars/Looking For Alaska [romance, sappy shit]
I don't usually like romance. But John Green is an exception. He uses simple words to conjure up vivid images. Unlike dystopia/psychological thriller, TFIOS/LFA occurs in daily lives, it is something that we are able to easily relate to, yet the way John Green mystified them.
They're kinda love-it-or-hate-it kinda book, though. I loved them, some of my friends don't. So yeah, consider yourself warned.
Score: 7/10 (TFIOS) and 8/10 (LFA)
3. Inferno (and extensively, any other Dan Brown's books) [historical, action, thriller]
As a rule of thumb, I generally dislike anything written in third person point of view. But Dan Brown's books are an exception. Inferno's first half was kinda boring, but brace the boredom and you'll be rewarded with one of the most amazing plot twists, ever.
Score: 8.5/10
4. Gone Girl [psychological thriller]
Pretty much like Inferno. Boring first half, brace the boredom and you'll be rewarded with one of the most amazing plot twists. What differs this from Inferno is that Gone Girl is much more relatable. While Inferno happens during a police chase, Gone Girl happens in your usual household, making it much much more terrifying.
Score: 9/10
5. Every Day [romance/sappy shit]
The story revolves around this soul who can never stay in one single body. That means he/she wakes up everyday in a different body (meaning he/she can wake up today in Jakarta, but the next day in Surabaya). But he/she falls in love with one specific girl and is determined to stay with this girl.
The premise is interesting, but David Levithan's execution left something to be desired. It is a light read, though. So there is nothing wrong with giving it a try.
Score: 5/10
6. Agatha's Christie's novels [detective, whodunnit, thriller]
My favorite is probably The ABC Murder, but if you're into detective novels, you can pretty much read all her works (I've only read Poirot, though. I don't quite like Miss Marple, but give it a try if you want).
And no. I don't like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Score: 7/10
Wah udah abis limit characternya. Niat juga gue nulis sepanjang ini.

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Did ask.fm change your life? If yes, how?

Yes to some extent,
I originally created askfm just for fun. But turns out that askfm is actually a great source of information, a platform in which I can peek inside people's minds.
Moreover, I learned how to communicate my idea better through writing. So yeah.
Oh and also,
askfm's anons taught me that most people are indeed stupid.

ka kent beli balon yang dipake di dp kaka belinya dimana ?

Jessica Aileen
Hi, Jessica!
Belinya di depan ITB pas wisuda-an temen kok. Ngomongin itu, gue ada cerita.
Ceritanya jadi waktu itu gue sama temen-temen baru nyampe di ITB buat wisuda temen. Terus kita mau beli bunga. Nah di salah satu rombongan pedagang asongan ada yang jualan buket bunga gitu bagus-bagus, ya udah dong kita melipir tanya harga.
"Satu biji 50 ribu aja, Mas," kata penjualnya waktu melihat kami mendekat.
"Wanjer, mahal tingkat naga," pikir gue, bersiap untuk lari mencari pedagang lainnya.
Temen gue dengan lantang berkata, "20 ribu, Bang!" Dan begitu sang penjual menggelengkan kepalanya, temen gue dengan santai membalas, "Oh kalo nggak bisa ya udah," dan berjalan menjauhinya.
Tidak sampai lima detik, penjual tersebut berteriak dan mengatakan, "25 ya, Mas."
Temen gue dengan kalem membalas, "20."
"Ya udah, pilih deh, pilih," sahut penjualnya dengan suara agak lemas.
Sambil memilih buket bunga mana yang mau gue beli, dalam hati gue berpikir, "Anjir, jago juga temen gue nawarnya.
Lalu kami berjalan menuju gedung tempat wisuda dilakukan. Di depan gedung tersebut terdapat ratusan orang dan puluhan pedagang balon. Mengingat temen gue memaksa gue bawain balon pas wisudanya, gue dengan kalem menghampiri salah satu pedagang yang menggenggam puluhan balon di tangannya.
"Mas, satu berapa?"
"10 ribu aja, Dek."
"MAHAL! LIMA RIBU YA!" teriak gue, meniru teknik menawar temen gue.
"Yah, nggak bisa. 10 ribu, Dek."
"Ya udah kalo nggak mau," balas gue sambil mendengus dan berjalan menjauhinya. Dalam hati gue menghitung "Satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima," mengantisipasinya memanggil gue kembali dan dengan enggan menjual balonnya dengan harga lima ribu.
"KOK NGGAK DIPANGGIL???" seru gue dalam hati.
Terus temen gue bilang, "Loh kalo balon ya 10 ribu udah fix memang, Kent, nggak bisa ditawar."
Dan dengan berat hati gue menghampiri sang penjual. "Balon Doraemon, Mas, satu aja," kata gue sambil memberinya dua lembar lima-ribuan.

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"Reading gives us a place to go when we have to stay where we are". Couldn't agree more! Everybody should just have the love of reading. About the pay, I heard authors only get less than 10% from each sale?

Ivana Taslim
It really depends on which publisher you use to publish your book, really.
But for giant publishers (we're talking like Gramedia), writers only get 10% from the price of the book, and that is still subject to income tax and shit. So bottom line, we only get ~8-9% of the book's MSRP.
For self-publishing company (like nulisbuku.com), you get around (I believe) 40% of the profit or something. However, the coverage wouldn't be as great as Gramedia's
Jadi yah, ada pro/con-nya sendiri-sendiri lah.

I like reading your posts. Yours is one of my favorite blogs for spending my free time, (do you do random read too? ^^ ) Well, I just hope my blog can consist better stuff someday kkk. Anyway, hello kent! (or it should be kak kent? :) )

Hi, Loysiana!
You can call me whatever you want. And thank you for the kind words!
I just skimmed through your blog (for anyone who wants to check it out, it's http://msoranye.wordpress.com ) and it seems like a very pleasant read!
You're 16, right? You write MUCH better than I did when I was 20 years old!
Keep molding words and twisting sentences!

Kapan pake "you and me" dan "you and I"? Terima kasih sebelumnya

Shanaz Safira
Halo, Shanaz!
Di bahasa Inggris itu ada kata ganti subjek dan kata ganti objek. Lain dengan bahasa Indonesia yang semua kata ganti dipukul rata.
Langsung contoh aja ya.
"He attacked /me/." --> "Dia menyerang /aku/."
"/I/ attacked him." --> "/Aku/ menyerang dia."
Keliatan kan perbedaannya? "Me" itu digunakan untuk kata ganti OBJEK orang pertama, sedangkan "I" untuk kata ganti SUBJEK orang pertama.
Nah, yang bikin agak bingungin, "you" itu digunakan sebagai kata ganti SUBJEK dan OBJEK orang kedua.
Menjawab pertanyaan kamu, "you and I" itu digunakan untuk SUBJEK, sedangkan "you and me" untuk OBJEK.
"/You and I/ attacked him." --> "/Aku dan kamu/ menyerang dia." (karena aku dan kamu di sini adalah subjek)
"He attacked /you and me/." --> "Dia menyerang /aku dan kamu/." (karena aku dan kamu di sini adalah objek)
Kalo kamu bingung kapan pake "you and I" ato "you and me," coba "you"nya dihapus dulu.
"(?) attacked him." --> Kalo pake "/Me/ attacked him," kan kedengarannya salah, jadi yang benar adalah "you and I."
"He attacked (?)" --> Kalo pake "He attacked /I/," kan juga aneh, jadi yang benar adalah "you and me."
Semoga menjawab!

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What do you think is one of the most undervalued professions right now?

Ivana Taslim
Hi, Ivana!
I think one of the most undervalued (and dare I say, underpaid?) professions right now is a writer.
And no, I'm not saying this because I'm a novelist; I'm saying this because I'm a reader.
Reading gives us a place to go when we have to stay where we are.

Science has always been trying to decipher almost everything. Since science is all about logical thoughts, does it mean something illogical isn't exist? Lets say an extraterrestrial life form. For some, it is unfathomable. Does it mean it is not exist? What's your thoughts on this? Thank you. ^^

ipronounceyou’s Profile Photoipronounceyou
Hi, Kuma owner! (heuheu)
That's exactly what makes science interesting, isn't it?
Did you know that Earth and everything observable to us (commonly referred to as "normal" matter) only makes up like 5% of our Universe?
The other 95% is made of by dark energy (68%) and dark matter (27%).
We don't know what dark energy and dark matter are, we believe they're there because if they weren't, the Universe wouldn't be expanding like it is.
Just because something is unfathomable, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It means our brain is not capable of understanding it, yet.

Kent your definition of love just now was taken from your blog right? Im waiting for your new post. Like. Nungguin. Banget. Loh. :')

Novia Nathania
Hi, Novia,
And yes, it was taken from my blog!
Haduh syukur deh rupanya masih ada yang baca.
Thank you for your kind words, Nov. Salam kecup hangat dari Jakarta Selatan!
(numpang ngiklan secara populasi ask.fm rata-rata nggak memiliki kemampuan membaca bio, blog gue bisa dibaca di http://nyankent.blogspot.com monggo melipir yak)

Come on you're just fishing for compliments. 72 cats tho???

HannaTheodora’s Profile PhotoIG: hannatheodora
No, Hanna. That was not fishing for compliments.
Fishing for compliments tuh gini:
1. post "I'm single because I'm ugly and fat and no one wants me"
2. tunggu ada anon yang muji bilang "ah kak kent ganteng kok"
3. bales "anon juga cantik"
4. tunggu balesan "kak kent lebih ganteng"
5. bales "anon lebih cantik"
6. "kakak lebih!"
7. "anon lebih!"
8. "ih kakak ga punya kaca ya"
9. "back at you prits!"
10. repeat step 6-9 indefinitely.

Kak,novel yg sedang dikerjain sekarang itu kategori apa? Romance, science fiction, thriller, horror, biography?

Gue sekarang lagi fokus ngelarin sekuel meter/second sih (udah molor mati2an),
tapi my next novel will be a reverse-whodunnit/psychological thriller novel. And I'm very excited to write that one. Ditunggu ya :D

What does love mean to you?

Hitomi Liem
I had always thought of love as something beautiful. Something fragile. Something that you needed to hide and put in a safe box in order to not accidentally drop and break. Something that 'felt so right' at the very moment you laid your eyes on it. Something like a Cinderella's glass shoe, I would guess. Then it occurred to me that love is nothing like a Cinderella's glass shoe.
Love is so much more like a pair of sweat pants. The kind of pants that Hulk wears. The kind that always seems like it's too small but in the end it would stretch and fit no matter how much Hulk grows. It's anything but fragile, you could put it into a washing machine and it would be just fine. And the best thing is that it's comfortable. Ever since I first read the story of Cinderella, I had always wondered how uncomfortable it must have been to wear glass shoes. One wrong step and they would break. Ugh.
Love is not about finding the perfect person that would fit for us. Love is about finding and being the right person that would fit into each other.

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hai kak, menurut kakak zaman sekarang klo kita chat bareng cowok tapi sesekali ada unsur yg lebih ke seks gitu, itu wajar ga ya? (cowok nya bule)

"It depends on how close you are with the guy. How long have you known him? I guess if you're close with him and have known him long enough, well that's kinda okay-ish. But if you don't know him well and long enough, I'd say, dump the horny motherfucker and find yourself a decent gentleman."

Kak kent, how to show a guy I like him without being too aggressive? *note: the guy is a little bit insensitive. Thank you in advance!

"The guy is insensitive, for you to be aggressive is a must. Just enough to get his attention. Bear in mind that at the end of the day, you will need to just say it. Because honey, nobody can read minds."
"Why should you be afraid of being too agressive? I mean, what if you are able to be with him and you have problem? Chances are he'll be too daft to realize and you will be too afraid to talk, and this is a recipe for disaster. Try talking, take initiative, what's the worst that could happen anyway?'
"Hi, I am with @einedame and @to_rant!"

i once adored you.. when your answers are inspiring... now I find it sad. along with your chatting episodes that einedame posted, the fact that you do relate to people that way. i know you dont live to impress anybody, know this merely as someone who once wanted to be friends with you.

"The fact that you do relate to people that way."
Excuse me?
If you don't know them personally, kindly save your judgment for yourself. They (maldi macan and yogi) are great people and amazingly fun to hang around with.
"Know this as merely someone who once wanted to be friends with you."
Well thank god we didn't become friends, then. I feel bad for your children because they can't be friends with whomever they want.

Good morning, askfm universe! Would you mind sharing your favorite scene from a movie/series/book? And is there any particular reason why you like that scene? Well anyway, have a nice sunday, people!

gilangkharisma’s Profile PhotoInstagram: gilangkr
Hi, Mz Gilang!
I like this scene a lot.
Reading it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, reminding me how falling for someone feels like.


Language: English