
• Mallory •

Ask @screwyoumario

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The people who threaten to call the police to other people on ASK FM are ruining ASK FM.

Nah the people who think it’s okay to harass others because they can hide behind the anon feature are ruining this site

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what belief do you have that most people disagree with ? 🐍

svspicion’s Profile Photomedusa
as long as they are properly cared for, and not taken from the wild without good reason, there is nothing wrong with keeping animals in human care

What’s your favorite workout ?

I don’t have any specific “workouts” i follow
I just do some cardio and whatever strength training I’m up for that day

what’s ur fav airport ever

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I’ve only been to like 8 different airports.
The Orlando airport is nice. It’s got a fountain in the middle, a decent food court, easy to follow, walk out to a bunch of palm trees and warmth.
But the absolute WORST is the airport in Beijing. Mostly just because the staff were all terrible. Maybe it was just the airline we took idk but never again

[1]Age? _ [2] Fav color? _ [3] Height? _ [4] Single? _ [5] Best Memory? _ [6] Color Underwear right now? _ [7] Last kiss? _ [8] last hug? _ [9] Crush? _ [10] Kisses or Cuddles

You send this same exact thing every couple months. Nothing has changed and you’re not slick.
Please stop

Are more of ur family members in prison or in the military ?

None of my family are currently in either.
But I’ve only ever had one cousin go to jail and all my mom’s uncles, my grandfather, my dad and my brother have all been in the military in some aspect so


Language: English