
Lex Talionis

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Romanian is hard to learn and it differs a lot depending on the region. People from north (e.g Transylvania) have a complete different accent than those down south in Bucharest. for ex If someone from Bukovina will speak with a regional dialect, someone from Bucharest will not understand them xD

Correct. I was born in one region, have a current residence in another and I couldn't agree more about Bukovina. They are very hospitable people but I can hardly understand what they say. My thick Brooklyn accent does not help much either. 🤣
Dracula's Grave, Snagov Monastery / Sir Simon Marsden
Romanian is hard to learn and it differs a lot depending on the region People

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How to acquire knowledge from reading books and watching documentaries in a way that it retains ? I read so many books but I just keep forgetting what I read.

I believe that it might be much easier if you have a genuine or profound interest in a topic. If I were to read some sappy romance novel, it would put me in a coma and I would be lucky if I could retain the book's title. On the other hand, an interesting treatise might stick between my ears for a long time. Focus on topics which you enjoy and they may lead to others. To give you an example, I had practically no interest in esoteric disciplines and belief systems until I came across certain philosophical works. I hope that helps... =)
How to acquire knowledge from reading books and watching documentaries in a way

I have hard time explaining stuff to people or articulate my thoughts. I always feel like I didn’t express my thoughts how I wanted to. What should I do to improve?

Reflect on what you would like to express and visualize the exchange in your mind. With a little practice, you will be able to articulate your thoughts like a seasoned expert. Remain confident, be sincere and you will have very little trouble. =)
I have hard time explaining stuff to people or articulate my thoughts I always

whats your sexuality? i will always support you <3

> whats your sexuality?
> i will always support you <3
Thank you. It is greatly appreciated but your support might be required by those who make their s3xuality the central focus of their entire existence. I'm sure that your generosity would be encouraged elsewhere. At any rate, thanks again.

If you prey on children you deserve to have your face turned into ground hamburger by a baseball bat.

An emotional or v!olent response to any horrific action or incident is rarely justified. Instead, I would propose that the accused should receive a fair trial and if found guilty, he or she should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Let's bear in mind that we aren't savages and we live in a civilized society.
If you prey on children you deserve to have your face turned into ground

Can delusional thinking be beneficial, in your opinion? In what way, if it can?

While they can be harmful, there is some research which suggests that delusional people can be happier and / or more productive. I am not certain how I feel about this (or if I agree), but I would certainly like to see more data. In light of the pandemic, I would not be surprised to learn that some delusions could have been beneficial to those struggling to cope with the lockdowns, etc. It may not necessarily be the delusions but rather, how we behave when we have them.

“the primary objective has always been to disarm the population and leave us weak and vulnerable” How is that the primary objective when it’s so easy to get a gun?

> How is that the primary objective when it’s so easy to get a gun?
This is a myth. In the first place, it is not "easy to get a gun" unless it's obtained illegally. Those who advocate for stricter gun control measures *never* make a distinction between legally and illegally obtained firearms. Secondly, licensing and registration are required for legally acquired firearms. In many states, there is nothing "easy" about this process and in some states, it is practically impossible to obtain a firearm through legal means. This is *unconstitutional* and a clear violation of The Second Amendment. Lastly, it is the primary objective because whenever an incident occurs, the only "solution" which is offered by gun control advocates is to ban *all* firearms. They aren't even denying it at this point. They have also invented the fiction "assault weapon" which does *NOT* exist. Firearms are either *automatic* which are illegal to own or sell, or *single shot* and *semi-automatic* which *are* legal. Let's acquaint ourselves with the *facts* before we opine further...

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Do you the police should be sued for negligence after how they handled the last shooting? It was horrific and resulted in more children being k!lled

> Do you the police should be sued for negligence after how they handled the last shooting?
In my opinion, there should be a full investigation and *if* it's determined that law enforcement failed to act appropriately, follow proper procedures (or was negligent to any extent), yes, those officers and / or their supervisors should be held accountable. No excuses. With respect to any lawsuit, this is a separate matter. *Evidence* from an investigation would have to be presented - otherwise, suits could be dismissed. The law is a complex process but it must be followed if we wish to pursue justice.
> It was horrific and resulted in more children being k!lled
At the moment, this is pure speculation and media hysteria. We are not aware of *all* the facts, what transpired and who (if anyone) needs to be held accountable. You are making a judgment based solely on the *few* pieces of information which have been released. We must not reach a conclusion until *everything* is revealed. As I see it, the families of the victims deserve to know exactly what happened but at the moment, none of us are aware of *all* the facts pertaining to this case. Currently unknown details are vital and they must be thoroughly examined before presented as evidence of any negligence or wrongdoing.

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Why can’t we have Police hero like in movies who is brave enough to enter the damn school and kill the shooter?

Active situations aren't anything like Hollywood productions. I have never had any trouble responding and / or following orders and I've put my personal life / safety on the line many times but of course, every situation is unique, there are various training methods (some more effective than others) and we all address emergencies differently. It is my hope that every emergency responder receives adequate training and has the tools which are necessary to perform his or her duties. It isn't a perfect world and calamities will occur, but we aren't going to minimize tragic occurrences until we stop politicizing every horror and diverting attention away from the issues which *must* be addressed: mental health, safety and *responsible* ownership / training of firearms.

What do you think should be done about all these shootings?

First of all, we can stop pretending that people who commit such horrible acts aren't deeply disturbed. A sane / rational person would never do something so heinous. Secondly, we need to implement stronger security measures. If we can take such steps to protect banks, courthouses, government buildings, museums, etc., we can certainly do as much *and more* to protect children. Thirdly, we need to stop vilifying and blaming firearms. They can be used to protect lives too and in the recent incident, it was an armed law enforcement officer who was able to neutralize the perpetrator, probably saving the lives of others who might have been shot. As previously mentioned, my city has Safety Agents in every school and we do not have such incidents. Lastly, we must encourage responsible citizens to protect themselves and their communities. This can be done with periodic training, certification and other proven methods. The problem isn't difficult to solve but unfortunately, there is no willingness to take corrective steps because the primary objective has always been to disarm the population and leave us weak and vulnerable. Anyone who does not recognize such a blatantly obvious agenda is incomprehensibly ignorant.

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