@M1ssSemy#2 🇱🇻

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Would you rather never be able to drink water again or only be able to drink water?

Only be able to drink water (sips water)
Liked by: Tobbe

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What superpower do you think would be the hardest to hide?

Hands that are on fire 😄 Everything will just be set on fire. Like pockets.

If you don't like a gift someone brought you for Christmas/Birthday, do you keep it, say thank you & hide it or give it away or tell them honestly you don't like it?

Well I have a very expressive face.
I probably will use the gift no matter what, they put the effort into getting it. I wouldn't say I don't like the gift, it's rude.. 🤔
Liked by: Curious Butterfly

Have you ever gotten lost while going somewhere?

Yes, omg. I once got lost and decided the forest is where I have to go. I had to find a lake that was surrounded by the forest but it was the wrong forest 😬 Oopsies.


Language: English