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What are you thinking rn ?

Affan_a7’s Profile PhotoSadidas.
to my dearest lady parrot
chanda i miss you
i miss your innocent face when you used to sit on the terrace to look at the rain
I'll miss you while having tea and peanut biscuit because who'll eat that biscuit tea w me
I'll miss looking at your face
i can't imagine coming home and there's no you
i will remember your last moments when you were trying hard to breathe but still looking at me w smile
I'll remember how you were unconscious but still looking at me
you were a really pure soul
i miss you
i am not ready coming home and going to my room without hearing your voice
life's gonna be different because the pet i loved more than the world has left the world
the trauma of seeing my lovely baby trying hard to breath will always haunt me

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Speak Your Heart Out.🌸

areej129’s Profile PhotoAREEJ.
Grant me the understanding of this material universe and its hidden secrets.
Give me a spaceship which I can use to spend my endless and infinite life exploring every galaxy, star, planet and moon of this universe
I wish I colud see
the birth and death of stars,
the inhabited life on other planets
I wish I could
contact intelligent beings
and observe the life and death of galaxies
Let me descend into the belly of the black hole
Let me be smaller than electrons and protons and observe their interactions
Let me explore and ponder the ultimate secrets of the universe
Let me know how the Big Bang happened,
How supernova stars explode,
how the Earth and its inhabitants meet and separate.
How the moon was formed,
how the sun will die.
What's the fun of standing on Martian soil
What is below the surface of Jupiter's moons,
How are the orbits of Mercury and Pluto
How will the light from Alpha Centauri heat my skin
How far away are the stars of Pegasus from us
How many advanced civilizations are there in Andromeda
What lies beyond the cosmic horizon
How the galaxies seen in the Hubble Deep Field look now.
How did life begin on earth
What language did the Neanderthals speak
How did life come from water to land

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