
Asher Ren

Ask @ashhink95

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Have you ever recorded a song ? Are you a vocalist ?

An actual full recorded song, with instruments and vocals? No. Do I sing? Yes.

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How often do you write poetry? Or write .

I write a lot. I rarely write poetry, I don't feel I have the knack for it.

If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

rachelmyriehopp’s Profile Photomyrierahel
As a 26 year old, I choose the body. Retaining ones 30 year old mind forever is pointless. Our minds, our brains are constantly changing, growing. We are constantly learning new things, every day even if we may not realize it. If I could retain 90 years worth of knowledge and retain my youth, the possibilities could be endless. However, because we can't be young forever, it's just more so the reason to go out and do the things we enjoy and never have done before and experience life.

If u could have a super power what would it be

To see the future. Know whether to invest time in a person or if I'm going to be hurt or disappointed before it happens. Some people are fake and will play pretend for so long until they no longer need you. I don't want my time wasted, nor my heart or head messed with. A person isn't a toy.

tell me something I don’t know

Did you know the first ever recorded war in history was in 2, 700 B.C? It took place in Mesopotamia and it was between the forces of Elam and Sumer. The King of Kish, Enembaragesi, led the Sumerians to victory over the Elamites.

Your mother called me because she is worry about you.

Wait. She called you from the afterlife?
Could you teach me how to do that? 🤔

My teenage daughter has been bugging me about getting a therapist for 3 years, how do I get her to stop asking? Should I take her phone away?

Um... Regardless whether it's for her or you, you owe it to her as her parent to hear her out and understand that she's either going through something and wants to talk to a professional or she loves and is worried about you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeing or having a therapist.

If you got caught playing games/emotions, would you come fourth and be honest about everything? WWYD?!?

First of all, I would never because that's so incredibly disrespectful and damaging to a person.
Second, anyone who is needs to fricking stop.

Last night, I dreamt of you

Alright. Little weird, not gonna lie... Thanks?
I don't know if I should be flattered or terrified. 😅

What's your biggest fear?

Fear itself. Fear is sometimes brought up by lack of knowledge and that lack makes us ignorant and act out, because something scares us or simply don't understand and not knowing is a fear in itself.
Fear makes people do things, sometimes terrible things.

Physical beauty or intelligence? Which one do you choose?

Beauty fades over time as we get older, our bodies break down and lose their fit shape. Health issues develop. Intelligence will always be there, as will their heart and soul.


Language: English