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What makes you want and choose to take breaks from social media?

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Well, like right now, again tonight, I realized that have no privacy, there's people invading my space & privacy online.
So, instead of dealing with them pathetically spying on me, I'm just going to quit & go off social media again for a LONG time.
It's really pathetic & annoying that these people have such shit lives that they stick their nosey asses into mine. However, Ill just disappear & try again in a few years I guess. 🙄
When it begins to take a toll on my mental health is when I take a step back. I can easily get to the point of doom-scrolling on social media and it makes me anxious/start self deprecating… 🥴
So, as my own rule, I set time limits for all of my social media to regulate how much I use it. It’s honestly worked like a charm, and I feel I have a much more healthy relationship to social media than I used to, and doom-scrolling doesn’t happen nearly as much. ☺️
What makes you want and choose to take breaks from social media
I took a months breaks just there in February.😂 There are many factors and reasons why I take breaks from social media main one being if I’m busy with exams or college work, but also it can be very negative, so that can just turn me off and I take a break away. And sometimes I just get fed up with it 😂😂 I’m thinking it may be time for another one 😂

Language: English