
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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Did the Great Cakewitch teach any large musclehorns the basics of Cake Quality Control?

Musclehorns don't have to know about cake... they'd rather have fresh meat anyway!
Liked by: Mythrrinthael

>tall and flat sucks | You're just against cute girls who are taller than you, aren't you? Do you hate headpats or what?

No, I am okay with it... but too tall and flat looks weird to me.
Well, until it gets REALLY tall -- like Cibo. Then it's somehow cute again.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Tall and flat or short and stacked?

: T
Tall and flat sucks. The tall ruins it.
I guess I'll have to go with short and stacked, like a squishy haremhorn.
Liked by: Evil Steve

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When do the himehorns develop KALASHNIKOV technology and show the nohorn bullies the meaning of JUSTICE

Never. ;~;
The most they'll do is lift harder. It's always worked before!
Liked by: Mythrrinthael

What do you think moot is doing now? What do you think he's going to do?

Probably living the cozy life -- wrapped up in a blanket with a book and a bottle of wine on the side, watching the r9k drama from the outside.
Enjoy your freedom, mootykins. You earned it.

Sempai, I S-ranked a subsistence mission (C2W) in <2 minutes by using the chopper's minigun. Should I apologize to Kojima now? I feel like a slut

Regret your words and deeds, Espernyan!
Liked by: Evil Steve

Don't make me use my greatest cakewitch powers on you...|| But Dan, it's Cupcake who asked me to make her a haremhorn coat for Christmas.

Time to take my a cutest's phone and ground her again. >: [
Liked by: Nubum Evil Steve

My chinese cartoons./ I do know a guy whose parents saved up for 20 years then said they where going overseas for few decades and left. He also has something like three to four women crushing on him. How does it make you feel dan To know someone is living life like your Cantonese Cartoons somewhere?

Feels like I should pop in as a shitty filler arc side villain with forty seconds of screen time that lives on for the next 20 years as the bottom half of a crackpot fangirl yaoi pairing.

Why do suffering himehorns make my heart go doki doki

Because you're a nohorn bully, anon.
Nohorns like you are why the herd is willing to give up so much to maintain The Pact.
Liked by: Heather F. Crunch

If Sakura helped raise Cupcake how did she lose her good girl status did something happen or was she just a problem child? I always thought Sakura would make a good mother but apparently not?

She's just a child of the times, anon.
That's what I keep telling myself, anyway...
Liked by: Evil Steve

...did she forget your heart, too?|| It's no different than what we do to cows. Himehorns are just as dumb. They can barely read. Where are the himehorn civilizations? Cows have social orders and hold grudges and things too. All I want is a coat made of silken haremhorn skin. I'll kill them quick.

Don't make me use my greatest cakewitch powers on you, anon!!
Liked by: Evil Steve

About how much skin is on a himehorn? An average person has about 2 meters, so I figure a hime-horrn is about half that? I'm going to need about 7 meters for a coat. 7 of them? Does their hair retain heat well? Or should I buy some stuffing? Are their pubes soft and poofy enough to serve as trim?

Why are nohorns like this?
When the greathorn forgot your horns
did she forget your heart, too?

Not so easy to take off and chase a dream once you have kids, a mortgage// What if your parents ran off on vacation forever in random other countries and left a house for you and you don't have any kids or want for one dan?

This is exactly like my chinese cartoons.
I guess I'd wait around for a magical girl to fall from the sky and NTR my non-existent childhood friend.
Liked by: Evil Steve

>Yup, I know about it. I'm not that interested in it, though. | It's not like you have time to make games these days anyway, right? :p

That's my dayjob now ... ;w;

do you know rpg maker : D ? if yes you know that's a new rpg maker just come out and is ready for preorder :D ?

Nio Kasgami
Yup, I know about it. I'm not that interested in it, though.

Hey, Dan. We almost reached 20 pages of Raisin's Daily Life. (Saint Blossom Starry Leader had 7)

Holy crap.
Send me the record so I can update the site!
I'll draw some art for it, too. =w=
Liked by: Evil Steve


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