

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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hi! sorry if this is a dumb question, but is the concert experience between indoor and outdoor (arena/stadium) vastly different?

yes because
- indoor venues allow more elaborate stage set ups. for example, TEL and exordium had them flying across the stadium/being hoisted up in air on wires. this wouldn't be possible for outdoor venues because. well, no roof to hook them up.
- indoor stadiums are smaller. the stage will be more intimate and safety concerns mean less people in one area. you can compare the seat plan for bangkok vs malaysia. there's no way the seats in malaysia can interact with them.
- temperatures in indoor venues are constantly cool whereas outdoor is either hot af or cold af
- weather conditions. rain :(
- distractions. indoor venues are confined and closed while outdoor venues have the city lights in the background, the sound from outside traffic, a plane flying past... this is both good and bad because we can have fireworks! but mostly bad.

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688 is still so much to pay :( most fans are students

so buy a cheaper ticket??? there's a rm228 option which is already ridiculously cheap. it's priced higher precisely because it's more exclusive. wouldn't be vip if it was accessible to all?
i'm sorry if i'm not sympathetic but this concert is already lower than most kpop cons and it's been this price for years now so if kids wanted to save, they can. without your own disposable income, you should just spend according to what you can afford. otherwise, please rethink your financial decisions.

that sehun's pics!!! wow what ticket did you bought to have such clear pics 👀📝

it's the back pit for exoluxion bkk!

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so based on the stage layout....which one do you think is generally the best seat to fully enjoy the concert??? (i'm a pcy-biased but doesn't necessarily need to buy the seat based on where i can see him the most)

i would buy rock L

omggg i can just imagine i mean it looks like your colleagues and your bosses really like you!!!! of course they don't want to let you go....does you decision to quit shocked them?

huhu i caught them all by surprise i guess. they gave me a raise but i didn't even wait until i saw how much it was and just resigned

omg!!!! you quit your job :O wow finally you're so brave but also that was really unexpected. was it a hard decision for you to make???

yesss i freaked out for so long and finally just bit the bullet. that wasn't the hard part ;;; the harder part was maintaining my decision when the bosses tried to talk me out of it for two hours omg > < i felt like i was making the mistake of my life.

thank youuu for helping and answering all my inquiries!!! i really appreciate it. i wish i can attach a *cute_jongin_heart.gif* but here have SPARKLEZZZ instead : (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

♡ ♡

weird...why did my mind provide me with that kind of information 😥 ahhh btw thank you so much!! you've been really helpful. one last question; so if i buy the ticket online it will be via ticketcharge is it?

starplanet ticket sales are usually through ticketcharge :)

is it really? because now that you've mentioned it i remember wanting to buy TELMY via online (which i end up not going bcs reasons) and i think they're charging about rm60(?) for the mailing which i find ridiculous. do you think that's possible or my mind just messing with me?

rm60 is impossible unless you're overseas :0 but if you're worried just choose onsite pick up?
anyway the site says:
Delivery within Malaysia is free. Additional delivery charges will be incurred for delivery outside of Malaysia as follows:
Australia, New Zealand - RM 150
Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand - RM 140
Singapore - RM 45
USA, Canada, Japan, Korea - RM 130
Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippine, Vietnam - RM 110

i see....do you think the extra cost for mailing expensive?

ah wait i just checked and for ticketcharge, local delivery is free

hi! i need an advice. if i buy TEDMY ticket via online do i need to pick up the ticket at a designated place?

you can choose between mailing it to yourself at an extra cost or picking it up at the venue with a printed copy of the confirmation letter. i think. i haven't bought tickets online for years...

hi, i was wondering if there is a difference in buying concert ticket (e.g TEDMY) online or queuing up? thank you for your help :)

you're likely to get better seats if you queue up but you have to prepare to queue for days in advance. HOWEVER there is no system for queueing early and organisers actively discourage people from doing so. fans have to organise themselves.
also, you are pretty much guaranteed a ticket if you queue early enough, whereas your server might crash online. due to sales being simultaneous though, if you queue up late, someone buying online will likely have a better ticket than you.

That's sounds so cool! What do you work as now? I've been thinking of transferring or going on exchange but i'm ~scared~ ahaha

i'm still in PR :) if you can afford it, GO!! once you graduate, even if you want to go on exchange (or live/travel abroad for a few months) you can't. on student exchanges, everything is pretty much laid out for you and the best part is you're going/meeting people around your age, so why not!

Hello!! Do you mind me asking what you studied in uni? How was it like to study overseas? :)

hello i studied public relations! it was the best years of my life so far ;~; i miss it deeply ;~;
studying abroad requires a lot of independence and it was a great learning experience having to do everything by myself. plus i loved my university, my courses and my lecturers. there were so many opportunities given to me that i wouldn't have had if i studied locally and for that i am forever thankful! i think it really shaped me and helped me to be comfortable with myself. all in all, definitely recommend it if anyone has the chance, as long as it's within their means. (it is really no fun living paycheck to paycheck)

haha nope! just a follower who is too shy to quote-tweet you ☺️

huhu okay you are always welcome here on in my dms

whispers baeksoo

so they stay up all night huddled in their respective beds whispering to each other (every time kyungsoo almost falls asleep, baekhyun starts a new topic and next thing they know it's dawn, chanyeol is singing too loudly and jongin dropped another plate).
and sometimes when baekhyun complains enough about being cold, kyungsoo grudgingly allows baekhyun to climb in next to him and sometimes they sleep so close, their noses brush. and sometimes kyungsoo wakes up to the feeling of a baekhyun's lips stretching into a smile against his own, and it's always to send warmth straight down into his toes.
but they say they're not dating so i believe them


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