

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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do you ship sekai more or kaiyeol more?


Tell me something abt the ditto pokemon au

this started when team cry (aka olymfics 2012 team canon) joked about how it was a shame that we weren't team au, because if we were, we would end up with 26 pokemon aus. this fic also sparked the theme of pokemon among our fics, where almost every fic mentioned pokemon in some way or another.
after the falling apart of h.o.t and the lawsuit regarding shinhwa, sm was starting to rethink the idea of a fully ditto team. tvxq debuted as the first human-pokemon hybrid team, with three humans and two dittos, to see if sm could phase out the pokemons, or at least control them better with three masters and two pokemon.
it didn't work. humans and pokemon were essentially different, and while they got along in the beginning, cracks started to show. little things like how homin were always so much more energetic and ready to perform, and how they didn't have vices like smoking or drinking. the fallout was spectacular.
with the next group, sm reverted back to pokemon.

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what's ur favorite thing u've written

'if you were any hotter, you'll make us all go extinct' because i must've been high or something. dinosaur au. ... what.
also maybe pipe dreams because i know i can never write anything like that again.

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of pipe dreams and reclamation :)

i wrote it as i traveled between four countries, mainly on flights hundreds of feet in the air. i started out the fic in bangkok and ended it in melbourne.
also, starfish literally tastes like rock.

What does headcanon mean

headcanon was originally used in literature or movies to refer to what you think is true about a character's personality, characteristic or background, but hasn't been confirmed by the author/shown in the movie. (say, my harry potter headcanon for the earlier books was snape being in love with lily. by the time the end rolled around, it actually turned out to be true, and that fact became canon)
when it comes to fic or just idol stanning in general, headcanon is how you personally think someone is like or how that person interacts with someone else. since we cannot possibly know an idol inside out because what we see is only what they show, we fill in the gaps in our head until everyone has their own perception of how someone is. (eg. i know a lot of people who think jongin is cold and hot tempered, but my headcanon of him is of a clingy friend)
it's mainly projecting lol. i WANT jongin to be clingy. idk if he is, but imagine him to be, so that's my head canon.

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Hi could you link us to the proposal fics you mentioned before? :)

hi! unfortunately, none of the proposal fics have been written yet. we were just throwing around ideas for our proposal challenge http://onyu.livejournal.com/7879.html
entries, when finished, will be linked there, and there are a few prewritten ones that onyu wrote on her twitlongers too!

Have you ever seen exo irl? If you have, how was it!

i've seen exo as a whole once and exo m another time.
saw exo at smtown sg, front row and center *^* ot12 performances were at main stage so they were further away but special stages were all at the center stage, and i watched open arms + maximum + dj got us falling in love at arm's length! kyungsoo literally was just dancing and hipthrusting in front of me. tiny little child. kris, tao, jongdae and joonmyun were at my side a lot too, especially during the closing, which i filmed with my iphone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRPjz00gRdccocoonedsoul’s Video 103278421133 IRPjz00gRdccocoonedsoul’s Video 103278421133 IRPjz00gRdc.
the closest i got to jongin, unfortunately, was during maximum, and he was at the other side of the stage. still, by "far" i mean... three feet? lol
seeing exo m kinda sucked. i was third row from the front, second from the side so i was still at arm's length but it was CRAZY. so much pushing. and due to some problems (fuck u organizer) my day was ruined. still, got pretty close to jongdae. (also high fived minhyuk of btob?)

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cocoonedsoul’s Video 103278421133 IRPjz00gRdccocoonedsoul’s Video 103278421133 IRPjz00gRdc

what is your headcanon for exo? pt 2

yixing: yixing spent his childhood forcing himself into a character that he wasn't, until he lost pieces of himself. he doesn't really know himself but is perfectly happy to drift along until he finds it. all he knows is that he loves to dance, and for now, that's enough.
kyungsoo: don't let the size fool you. kyungsoo is a true man. people underestimate him because of his face, but one glare is enough to make the members submit. he's strong willed and won't hesitate to cut anyone down if they annoy him. idol life isn't a game; it's a competition. sometimes it frustrates him how easily the others take life and he /tries/ to let loose, but he's spent his life tightly wound up, it's hard to change.
tao: tao is a naive boy who signed up to be an idol because it seemed fun but was cut down by the harsh reality. he is sensitive, outspoken and perhaps too innocent but still clings to brotherhood and blind hope.
sehun: sehun is one of those people who just BECAME an idol. he was scouted and that was cool, so why not? ever since he was born, sehun is given everything he wants, so he's used to half assing his way through everything. being an idol forces him to grow up too quickly and leaves him confused and with a sexual identity crisis. he gets over this by clinging to his friendships and to the members, because even if he can't understand himself, at least they can.
jongdae: when he imagined fame, he would've pictured a three-man vocal group or a solo debut, but that's okay, exo works as well. china isn't the ideal but jongdae believes that one day he'll end up back in korea. optimism is the only way he can survive, and he tries to keep a happy front with everything. everyone in the industry is so /uptight/; someone needs to stir shit up.

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what is your headcanon for exo?

remember that headcanon is basically fanfiction, so please don't take offense u____u
jongin: jongin hates being in the spotlight. he loves performing, has a different light in his eyes when the music starts, but he hates being pushed to the center and asked to "perform". he auditioned to dance, not to learn how to smile and pose and make funny pr-friendly reactions. but he's learning to adapt and adjust to his skin. still, silvers of annoyance show through the cracks.
luhan: "the idol life is harder than i thought." simple idolization brought him to korea despite his parents objecting but drowning himself in the endless schedules helps him to forget about his shaky familial relationships. he's eternally frustrated with his appearance and it becomes his biggest complex because no one looks past the pretty. sometimes he just wishes he was born normal.
kris: he auditioned out of desperation. it seemed like a way out, it seemed /easy/ at first, but it soon became apparent that trainee life wasn't as easy as he thought. he may not be the most talented member, but he got to this spot today with sheer determination. when he remembers how hard it was, it makes him want to protect his members more.
minseok: minseok may seem like the most nonchalant member, but it's only because he's too humble. he's willing to step back and let someone else shine. it speaks volumes about his self esteem. he's so used to being shafted, second best that it becomes second nature to hide.
baekhyun: baekhyun planned it from the start. he was always a character born to attract attention. class clown, the funny one in the group, popular among ladies, baekhyun basks in attention. it's easy to forget that baekhyun worked his ass off to /be/ popular. vocal lessons, extra dance practice, countless hours in front of the mirror. his life is a carefully choreographed show.
joonmyun: joonmyun has tried so long at building up a nice image that it is now who he is. 7 years of trainee life has chipped away at his confidence but he hides it with a smile that everyone can see through. everything he says and does goes through a mental filter: would sm approve?
chanyeol: he's a crafty one but mainly he's just a big doofus. he speaks and acts without thinking and gains a few enemies along the way but that's alright because life's a game! you win some lose some. it's too quiet in here, let's shake it up! so what if he's annoying; at least he's /fun/

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what is your headcanon like for bts?

i don't usually form a headcanon until at least a year of stanning but i'll try!
jimin - jimin is a very wary boy. i know the word for this in korean but i don't know it in english? 눈치? before he says or does anything, he checks everyone else for their reaction and watches the situation. he's cautious and a little insecure, but to make up for it, he pushes himself hard because he thinks he's not good enough, always.
rapmon- a boyband isn't what he imagined his grand debut to be. all you have to do is rap, they said. okay, he agreed, but he never thought that he would have to dance, to do fansigns, to smile when they asked him to smile. it's a prize to pay for getting his voice across, but at least now his mom doesn't sign when she looks at him. at least now he has something to show for all the hardship. it's okay if his music is so manufactured now. one day, they'll let him rap what he wants to rap.
yoongi- of all the members, yoongi is by far the most calculative. he's studied this idol business and he knows exactly what fans want, and he'll be darned if he doesn't milk it for all it's worth. fans like it when he makes silly faces in front of the camera and pinches jimin's cheek on stage, fans like it when he swings an arm over jungkook's shoulder or winks right into the fancam. suga wants all of that too, but sometimes he wonders... what does yoongi want?
taehyung- taehyung never wanted to be a star. it just... happened. (i don't know how he got into bts so i'm just making this up) he was scouted, breezed through auditions pretty easily, and while he worked hard at dance and vocal practice, the company hid him. "you're the face," they said, and he accepted that, because the face has it the easiest. but it's so hard to be the face when all you want to do is curl in bed and play games all night.
jin- if jin wasn't an idol, he would be the pretty sunbae in the international business department. weird adorable hyung, they call him affectionately, laughing at his over-the-top aegyo and attention grabbing gimmicks. they see him as this cool ditsy hyung, but do they see the insecure seokjin who has failed countless auditions, the shadow of despair that clings to him after another year that passes without debut, the desperation that stems from given a chance to breath just when he almost gave up? do they look past the cracks of his facade?
jungkook- jungkook breathes music. he's the rare kind of talent that lives breathes was born to be an idol. it's worth it, trading a childhood and his education for a chance to stand on stage and show everyone what he has. the fans are a bonus, but all he wants to do is close his eyes and perform. you're too young, the critics say, but he'll show them. he's golden maknae jeongguk after all.

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jesus christ it's "the weeknd", not "the weekend". dont even bother if you cant even get that right dumbfuck


so i was cleaning my desktop and i came across a file named jongqian...i can't rmb if i already shared it with you so i'm asking did you ever receive a jongqian fic that involves a couch and striptease?

did it later escalate into jungkook because i'm pretty sure you've posted it as asks before!

What is your problem with religion? I'm not trying to start a fight. Just genuinely curious, as a religious person.

there are many things i have to say about this but i'm afraid to, because freedom of speech is not applicable in too many countries. who knows whether what i say will be held against me? i don't want to risk my job over this.
and this, precisely, is why i don't like religion.
if you get off anon, i will be more than happy to tell you why.

What kind of bad luck?

nothing goes well when i try to see exo live u___u
smtown sg was great (BEST SEATS IN THE HOUSE I SWEAR, front row and center) but the only exo members who came to my side were the ones i didn't really like.
for super showcase, i was chosen to play stage games with sjm, so i couldn't pay attention to exo m but they cancelled the games.
(but i high fived btob's minhyuk!)
when mama was in malaysia, i was in korea. kaisoo appeared at sm 30 mins after i left. my flight leaving korea was supposed to be after exo arrived but they switched airlines last minute.
(s'all good tho, cause i saw epik high, bap, infinite, ailee, 4minute and secret)
mtv world stage was held a few weeks after i came back to australia.
so yeah i've always been insanely lucky with OTHER celebrities but not exo.

Will you be going to MAMA this year? ^^ Since your friend is going! EXO'll be there.

no i've always really shitty luck with exo, so my trip is for christmas instead. for real tho exo is like my bad luck charm lol

Which fic of yours took the longest to complete?

the longest wip i have is 7 years and counting, and i'm still adding to it, even writing an exo spin off to it, which i'd most likely complete before my original suju one is done.
of my finished works, i started writing illuminated hearts (http://paper-scribbles.livejournal.com/39873.html) during teaser era, inspired by the feel of the teasers, but just bits and pieces without jongin's partner in mind. as i planned out the story, we learned baekhyun was light and it all fell into place. i finally pushed myself to finish it in time for joyce's birthday so the ending is rushed but that fic was over a year in the making.

if you could lose your virginity to exo who would it be

shy puppy child kim jongin because he'll probably be like shit fuck did i just poke you? am i doing this right? oh god your boobs are right. in. my FACE. omg noona no??? /buries face in his hands
or minseok because wow.... minseok..... mmmmm..... minseok
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are you afraid of getting hate mail?

anon, my display picture on ask.fm literally says don't hate me.
(which is actually this super cool official epik high merch, but YEAH)


Language: English