

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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Oh I agree. Especially after reading jongin latest interview. It is like he wants to try different thing (aka dancer) instead of tiring idol life. Now he tries to convince himself that he is happy doing this. Am i reaching? lol. But his singing has been improved lately :((

the way he wanted to bolt the minute 20 mins was up in the vlives says a lot lol. they KNEW he wouldn't go beyond the allocated time and it was safe for joonmyun to hide in the closet.
i think... he's like... luhan? where they realised this isn't what they thought it would be, but it's the only thing they know how to do so they have to keep this up. at least jongin enjoys the stage.

Jq, do you think Jongin now becomes more quiet ? He didnt talk to much before but after the dating new he is much quite and reserved :(.. He didt talk at all during showcase

i think he's trying to lay low and not draw attention to himself. he's never been much of a talker anyway!
(i feel like he's also tired of the idol life and sometimes wonder if he ever wishes he just became a dancer instead)

i'm surprised you ranked kyungsoo so high! i would think yixing is higher?

kyungsoo feels the groove very well. you can see how natural he is in lucky one and his expressions in love me right are stunning. that little teasing half smirk!!!!
yixing does not convey that emotion across. i think his vocal lines often fall flat... he is only that high up in my list because he dances with his soul + really strong gaze

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did you take all of the pics on babyninitravels by yourself?

no, i run it with a friend. atm all asian pics are mine but we both run around a fair bit

yeah i agree. specifically speaking i think members across subunits were friendly, but splitting into m and k groups and then initially promoting within those groups definitely set a tone in terms of relationship dynamics. i think taohun may have been the exception lol.

i'm a little impressed (?) that minseok and jongdae took being sent to china all in stride and got along well with both teams. shows how nice their personalities are.

diff anon here. i don't think exo is shady though? i think they're pretty honest lol. there's no way everyone is besties in a group as large as theirs and i quite prefer that reality.

true, i don't think anyone really believes that everyone is super besties but i never truly felt like they were a close group to begin with. the whole illusion of "we are one" fell apart pretty quickly. exo's entire concept was based on togetherness, even during exodus (pathcode 10!!! 10!!!!!!!!) so it's a little funny to me. but not funny. i don't know how to describe it but you sort of know what i mean.

your convo with the exo-is-so-not-one anon is so, so interesting. keep talking, anon, i need to watch more. (i hope my genuiness delivers???)

are you going to use it against us 👀

i don't think i've ever stanned a group as shady as exo. they're supposed to sell us this we r one camaraderie act but they get caught slipping so many times lol

i don't think i've ever stanned a group quite as distant either. the whole splitting into km thing must've caused rifts. and then so many weird concepts, scandals and a sudden rise to fame. think they became jaded too soon :/ we barely had the sweet honeymoon era before insaneness struck :c anyway i'm going to bed now good night ❤️

i won't pretend i know anything about which of exo are real friends but what we def know is they are are co-workers and beyond that /shrugs/.

remember that time a host asked if exo was close and everyone said yes but minseok ducked his head and laughed I LOVE SHADY EXO

yeah that's what i meant. even /if/ you start out a group stan you'll end up being focused only on one or two. when you lose interest in that one you're out of fandom. it's how most of my friends left exo anyway.

I HOPE I DONT LOSE INTEREST IN JONGIN (but i also kinda wish i did lmao i need to get out of this fandom life) but you please keep loving chanxing 💕

oh and don't you feel like after the nth years of any fandom, you'll be left with a fave you truly love and stay for. you can start out loving everyone but you'll end up staying for only one.

aside from tvxq 10 years ago i've never liked every member in a group before. i've always had one kid i lowkey disliked, even with groups i hardcore stanned. no reason to dislike them i just don't like them as much as the rest but yes i agree i don't think it's possible to love so many people equally for so long

hdu! you're a disgrace!!1 lbr tho most of us are deep down one member ride or die. in rarer cases 2 or 3 members. i don't think it's worse than preferring any one member out of the group bc that's just being an anti.

yeah well even among any friend group you'll have best friends, friends and acquaintances and it's like i enjoy hanging out with yall as a whole but when it boils down to it 5/9 of exo are acquaintances

aw it's fine. i'm the same we can be terrible together. i'm also ok as long as either chanyeol or yixing is there and i shade all 9 of them. i'm just currently oversensitive about ot8 fans and i didn't want to think you might be secretly one and i wanted to be sure. i'm nosy sorry u_u

👀 like if you want to be technical i'm a one-member-fan and isn't that worse

i see. so you never liked him anyway lmao. that's fine then. i didn't think you ever rly cared before but you seem a lot more dismissive of him lately (i caught a few shades here and there lol) so i thought it's actual dislike. indifference is fine to me. i'm indifferent to 6/9 exo members myself.

i don't particularly mind how many members are in exo as long as jongin is there and also i shade all of them sometimes even jongin because i'm a terrible person in general

anyway that''s disappointing but it's fine.

eh if it makes any difference (would probably make it worse oops) it's not because of china line leaving or anything he's just always been my #12 since debut. so like. indifference mostly

jq! will you be going for the epik high summer concert?

if exo's having their concert around the same dates and the time doesn't clash, i hope so! if not, i don't like seoul so i would rather go to their japan con...

you're an even pickier eater than i am! how do you survive?

shrugs i eat the same thing every day. there are 5 restaurants at work and i've ordered the same thing at each for one and a half years. i eat more during lunch because my mom always makes dishes for dinner that i generally don't eat, so i end up eating the same thing then. dinner has been bokchoy in plain anchovy stock for maybe 2 months now.

OMG ;~~~~~~: That was so great ;~~~~~~; Thank you ;~~~~~~; Sorry for my impatience ;~~~~~~~; Does HONY!chanyeol make it... honyeol....


If you bought a poodle, would you name it Monggu?

poodles are my least favourite breed... no wait maybe shih tzus


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