

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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do you like baekhyun?

you're not going to like this answer but when i see him, my heart feels heavy and tired. it's not him, it's the wank surrounding him.

hahahaha so you think heechul is a cold ass bitch? I like him tbh but I've never met him or anything. I think he is just tired of fans and have lost some respect (btw i didn't mean to sound angry or anything lol)

no man, i love him lol. he was really nice to me the other times i saw them. he's never been fake with his emotions and hey, he can side eye me all he wants if it meant that donghae was going to come be my knight in shining armor.

oh and can you tell us the story about jaehyo complimenting your skin?

that was during a fansigning when i was 18. we prepared post its for each member and because i was asking them for a lot of things (answer my questions, draw hearts by the signatures) and we got to high five each member, i was standing in front of each member for some time. my favourite is jihoon so when i got to jaehyo i kinda just brushed past him to get to jihoon but he just said, "your skin is good. i'm jealous." and gave me the stupidest little smile as he high fived me and ??? human god??? jaehyo??? just????
but the funniest thing was, minhyuk ignored my request for a heart so i turned towards kyung without high fiving him and i guess he thought he had to do it anyway. he reached out and bumped my elbow with a fist and then we stared at each other awkwardly until i held my palm out and he sheepishly high fived me. meanwhile kyung was like LOLOLOLOLOLOL

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Liked by: Cindy

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wait when and why did donghae hold your hand? wow you're so luckyyy

omg till today it's possibly the best moment of my life lol. it was when i was 15, my first time seeing superjunior. i was at an award show red carpet ceremony and suju were lined up in front of me. heechul was the closest so naturally i was yelling his name but he smirked and kinda rolled his eyes at me. hdonghae stood at the other side of the line but he saw that and came over. he smiled his perfect smile at me and took my hand, squeezing it and swinging it around. heechul was in hysterics by now because i was stunned into silence, just staring at my bias holding my hand. cries ;~;
Liked by: Cindy

why did you move form melbourne?

i didn't move from melbourne, i study there, so i come back to malaysia during breaks. i'll go back to melbourne in a month.

what do you work as? i've seen you talk about your job and it seems interesting!

i'm interning at a public relations agency! used to be doing community management but now i'm in campaigns.

best fandom experience? :D

when human doll jaehyo complimented my skin??? or when donghae held my hand *^* i swear i've answered this question before but whatever

What was your favourite fandom? ^^

2pm (pre-scandal) was pretty laidback and cool. i grew up under the wing of my epikhigh buddies. suju is my longest fandom and holds the most memories. but hands down, exo has given and taken the most out of me. i met such wonderful people through exo :)

What do you miss the most right now?

i miss my harem of boys back in melbourne and they're going on a surfing trip without me :( :(

you're in hong kong? what are you doing there? further your studies?

i was in hongkong just for a week long holiday n____n

why do people call jongin nini? ;;

because jonginnie jonginnie jonginnie jongnini, which is then shortened into nini. it's just a cute way of calling the most precious puppy child in the universe.

Pick 5 people from tlist and write down your headcanons about them being future parents and spouses.

@breath - pokemom would be the kind of really loving mom that packs her kids' lunch and takes care of them really well, but her job would keep her out late so sometimes the kids eat a week's worth of pizza and instant noodles. but it's all good, because they get plenty of fruit and that's... balanced... somewhat, right?
@systemise - miia would never have kids and if she had any it would be step children. she might maybe accidentally drown one but overall it's a very mature relationship. super chic! she'll make deals with the kids, like "if i give you 5 bucks will you fetch my champagne and polish my shoes".
@almightykey - my twin will dress her kids up in the nicest little dresses and tuxedos and squeal over them but forget them in the mall because she's distracted by a nice pair of shoes. (her children will sniff the display shoes like she does)
@kaihanbitches - tracy will be the Coolest Mom Ever. she'll be the kind of mom that goes to elaborate lengths to make awesome halloween costumes for her kids and be there at every bake sale with something sweet. her christmas parties are always the greatest because the house is decorated with a million lights and there are cool handmade pinatas with candy for all!
@lababoreine - um. for the last time, reine, you can't feed your kids alcohol. not even infused in chocolate.

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Liked by: miia.

what do you think the individual exo members smell like?

jongin - cinammon, boy sweat and dark chocolate
luhan - aftershave and strawberries and mints
minseok - coffee and fresh linen
tao - chanel no 5
kris - secondhand embarrassment
joonmyun - aqua shampoo and old spice and money
sehun - baby powder and candy
kyungsoo - fabric softener
jongdae - cookies and cake and tea
baekhyun - idk man
chanyeol - sweat, cigarette smoke and something musky
yixing - cotton and rose
Liked by: Khal Drogo tie jiaqi

what is your Miracle in December?

for real tho unless i get some this month has been miracle free

Which concert did you enjoy the most?

i enjoyed ss3 the most, i think!
i usually have lots of fun at superjunior and beast concerts. superjunior concerts are amazing because they really try to interact with fans and everything's so high energy and fun. beast concerts are great because the fanbase is amazing, and it's always incredible to hear fanchants that strong and loud.

what makes you really happy at this moment?

jongin wearing a cute sweater jongin craddling a puppy jongin lying down jongin smiling jongin crinkling his eyes jongin is jongin

How are your fic exchanges going? :)

i thought my nuguseyo fic would suck but reading through it, it's actually semi-decent!
we shall not speak about the other fic exchange. just looking at it makes me feel severely sorry for my recipient because it's a mess.

If you could change/improve one thing about your favourite EXO member(s), aka give them a software upgrade, what would it be?

i would change nothing because nini isn't nini if he's not nini.
but yeah that was the jongin goggles talking. if we are to believe all the rumours floating around, jongin has a pretty bad temper and tends to be hostile. we saw glimpses of that when they first debuted. maybe if he's really hot tempered, he could mellow out a bit, but who am i to say that about him when i'm a little fiery bitch myself?

list 3 awesome things happening in your life right now!

1. nini has black hair
2. i'm going to hongkong!
3. there is literally nothing good left to talk about


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