

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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Who in EXO do you want to be drinking buddies with?

minseok - chanyeol - jongdae - kris - luhan
why? i just listed the strongest drinkers in exo, in that order. they'll have to hold their liquor if they want to compete with me kekeke
also if i get drunk faster than minseok, i'll be all over him in a heartbeat. (ok fine i'll be all over him even not drunk)
Liked by: chiharu

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if u were a guy will u let jongin fuck u or u will fuck him?

i wouldn't let him fuck me. have you seen how he thrusts. he will destroy me. da butt does not self lubricate.

isn't your bias minseok?

his butt is my bias. i would erect a shrine in honour of that ass. my pledge of duty of the king of the booty.

''your exo bias? i have no bias. i love all 12 equally.'' YOU ARE CRAVING FOR JONGIN'S DICK.


Your bias has suddenly switched souls with someone within the group. Who is it?

i want jongin to switch with kris. he's always had a bit of hero worship with kris, thinking that he's this cool, nice hyung and suddenly he's IN kris's body.
he would be a bit starstruck and i can imagine many cute moments where he just stares at himself in the mirror, absolutely awed. he'll inch the waistline of his pants down bit by bit, and then get shy and flustered and yank it back up. what would you do when you're trapped in the body of the man you pine for?
Liked by: Cindy

Who will you stan if your bias isn't part of the k-pop group you're obsessing right now?

luhan caught my eye first so it'll probably be him. i am nothing but superficial, after all /snorts
otherwise, it'll be minseok because he's a bit /perfect/
Liked by: Cindy

yeah, lol, profile was really bad and i still don't get why he joined illionaire (seriously thought he was going to amoeba). i still like him as a person tho. 99 was terrible, but i did like the gaeko track (which surprise surprise was the only one tukutz produced). thanks for answering!

yeah that's my favourite track too! lbr that song would've been impossible to fuck up, with gaeko and tukutz having a hand in it.
thank you for asking! i kinda miss hip hop a little since exo has taken over my timeline and soul, so this brought me back :D

kind of random in between your exo asks, but i was wondering if there is a particular reason why you don't like beenzino anymore? and what did you think of epik high's 99?

1, when i first liked him in 2010, he was incredibly down to earth and quirky. we talked a lot and he was always nice to my friends and i. i LOVED hot clip and jazzyfact. i loved his scruffy hongdae performances. his sweet little cyworld updates with his girlfriend. ... then, he made it big.
when you like an artist, you either like them because of their image, or their work.
i didn't like his new image but i didn't like his music either. 24:26 was a bit of a disappointment. if i die tomorrow was a strong song, but the rest of the album seemed to be fillers. it didn't deliver for what we've been waiting for so long. i still bought the album tho, and still listen to it often, because while it didn't live up to my (admittedly high) expectations, it's still better than some of the music out there.
so while i'm not into him as a person now, if he releases good music, i will still buy it. i think i would've still liked him if he didn't join illionaire, because i already thought illionaire (dok2) was distasteful with all the bling-bling-bitches. his song Pprofile' (ft. surprise, surprise, illionaire) just made me downright disgusted.
2. i admit it: i liked zino only because epik high was away on hiatus.
i always joke, we do not speak of 99. 99 could've been okay if they featured vocalists that suited the songs so much, but ah, we get stuck with YG babies. Hayi sounded fine on record but god, those emotionless performances. i downright hate Up. i can't listen to those screechy vocals.
it'll always be a bit hard for me to accept it when a favourite artist changes their sound, but i was okay with epik high going pop. Don't Hate Me made me frown in confusion, but i get it. after so long in hiding, and the incredibly raw solo album, they needed happy. that's not the problem, tho.
the album is weird. unlike their other albums which had clear direction, this album was just ... it gave me the feel of YG rubbing his chin, going, "well, we'll sign ya, but you have 3 months to come up with an album. hit while the iron is hot."
they will never achieve the musical success that was Remapping the Soul, but i liked all their other albums, even if quality was on a steady decline. at least there were gems. in 99 though, i liked none of the songs.

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Liked by: kajulime

How do you go about before starting to write your fics? Do you plan or do you just write as it comes?

when inspiration strikes, i usually write down ideas or vague snippets in my phone. then it sits around and festers for a few months before i start expanding it bit by bit. i write a sentence a day, and only when i'm inspired by something. most of the more serious fics that i have are written literally over the span of a year. this is why i have more crack fics than serious ones. crack fics are always written in one sitting.

i usually have an opening and an ending, but i write the middle in chunks. i never have a clear idea of what i want. then i rearrange it, link it all up, delete some scenes, and polish.
(the longest wip i have is 7 years in the running. i will never finish it because the starting was written by a 13 year old with a limited grasp of english. the inconsistencies in tone is startling.)

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Do you believe in soul mates? Have you met yours?

nope. being shackled to one person /shudder
or maybe it's because i haven't met my soulmate yet

omg you're really pretty and funny. Glad i follow you

omg thank you? i hope i'm following you too but if i'm not JUST TELL ME AND I WILL FOLLOW YOU BACK

Dedicate a song to each EXO member. (Aka share with us some music recs!)

most dedications based on lyrics. links provided are english subbed.
joonmyun - epik high's over http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwKiGy2A_nUcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 vwKiGy2A_nUcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 vwKiGy2A_nU
for the seven year trainee
tao - 2wins's star http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_A5tZz9pTUcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 v_A5tZz9pTUcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 v_A5tZz9pTU
jongin - lee seokhun's 10 reasons to love you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQCRVRkeWWQcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 OQCRVRkeWWQcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 OQCRVRkeWWQ
i love him so much
kris - e.via's oppa can i do it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE20W1V3uSEcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 zE20W1V3uSEcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 zE20W1V3uSE
self-explanatory. let me climb you like a tree.
luhan - tasha's memories http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8o66nl-C2wcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 g8o66nl-C2wcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 g8o66nl-C2w
jongdae - tacopy's you're cute but i want to hit you http://whisperedsymphony.tumblr.com/post/8688885015/ta-copy-youre-cute-but-i
click the link to read the lyrics to jongdae's life anthem!!
kyungsoo - younha's people http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtfZrGSXyjococoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 EtfZrGSXyjococoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 EtfZrGSXyjo
he seems a little tired of life but tomorrow's always a better day
chanyeol - supreme team's supa lady http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czMAwrf7XVYcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 czMAwrf7XVYcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 czMAwrf7XVY
my favourite supreme team song EVER.
baekhyun - one more chance's thinking of you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVduMA5IQIkcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 TVduMA5IQIkcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 TVduMA5IQIk
this song will fit his timbre so well.
yixing - kim jongkook's lovable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21QyZyoflsYcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 21QyZyoflsYcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 21QyZyoflsY
because it's true
minseok - clazziquai's tell yourself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SZ72hbaVr8cocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 -SZ72hbaVr8cocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 -SZ72hbaVr8
baby, feel right in your own skin
sehun - glam's party xoxo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qrtt-7sXX8cocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 6Qrtt-7sXX8cocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 6Qrtt-7sXX8
"are you a guy or a girl? i don't care!"

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cocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 vwKiGy2A_nUcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 vwKiGy2A_nU
Liked by: emmi

How do you usually spend weekends?

saturday nights are spent at the jazz club or a bar but lbr as a public relations major, we have no weekends. i usually have enough events jampacked throughout the week that any day i get off, i spend in bed with a bag of doritos and a trashy drama.
(although saturday nights will always be alcohol night even if it means drinking wine out of the bottle while snorting at Heirs)
(classy adulthood i am doing it right)

What will you never do?

/wraps myself into a blanket burrito and crawls into kim jongin's hotel room
Liked by: emmi dante

who is your most favorite Chinese boy in the world?

is this a trick question? there are only four chinese boys that i like and one of them belongs to my ultimate ship.
Liked by: chiharu

EXO members as fathers

chanyeol - sits on his child accidentally, apologizes, tosses kid in air, drops kid, hides bruise with wool hat
joonmyun - soft father who overcompensates. "i love all you snuggle pumpkins so much" "dad stop embarrassing us" "will u love me more if i gave u 30 dollars for pizza"
jongin - he would love the IDEA of kids. would stare at little baby dollies and toys, but when he gets a kid, he doesn't know how to handle them
kyungsoo - overbearing, no nonsense. "i said bed. NOW."
baekhyun - i feel like he wouldn't like kids that much. they're okay... but i'll love from a distance.
tao - tao would remember everything that he regretted about his own life and try to fix it for his children.
sehun - sehun would be super awkward around his daughter and kind of smother her but wouldn't care that much about his son. "boys will be boys, run free but IS THAT SKIRT TOO SHORT"
luhan - no kids please
jongdae - that cool but useless dad. mom is bad cop, dad is good cop.
kris - firm and strict, but understanding
yixing - yixing would respect his kids and speak to them like adults, not children. he would reason with them and explain everything instead of those bullshit "kids come from storks" stories

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Liked by: hyun J Cindy shall we

why do you like lukai?

behold tinhatting.
i like their quiet rapport, how they aren't overly clingy and obvious like some ships are. they have a muted friendship, shown not through loud expressions of love (*cough*sukai*cough) but little gestures when they think no one is watching. they have a secret handshake (http://24.media.tumblr.com/f93e3c1628ade338bea3f0f3d7a6f095/tumblr_mh2hmvOsSG1rp1i2ro1_250.gif) how adorable is that! most lukai moments are captured during the moments when they are unguarded- a quick slap behind the scenes, a playful punch during a breather, hidden touches and exchanged grins. that makes it all more real to me; they're not doing it for the camera.
i like the tension that exists between them, how jongin sometimes seems annoyed at luhan when luhan gets playful. how can the word UST go unnoticed in a description of kailu? in the many moments when they stand together, sometimes a gaze sizzles.
i like the contrast between them, the more feminine features that luhan tries to hide and the sharp ruggedness of jongin. i like it how luhan has to crane his head slightly when he looks at jongin, and revel in the fact that jongin once was shorter than luhan.
my headcanon of the both of them is that they're uncomfortable with being the "face" and being pushed into the light. attention is crushing when it turns into pressure. other members might take issue if they ever complained about it though, and no one knows the predicament better than each other. it's nice to have someone ground you when the whole world worships you.

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Liked by: tie Khal Drogo J emmi

what do you think is the best fic you've written?

i think of pipe dreams and reclamation is the most planned out thing i've ever written, and i think that it'll be probably the best thing that'll ever come out of my fingertips. it was written during one of the most confusing times of my life so i threw myself into it as a distraction. i wrote it fairly quickly too, because i combined my love of china, my love for lukai and bits of myself, and words just flowed.
the worst part is, i know it's not even good. the best i'll ever achieve is mediocrity, sadly.

list 3 things you love and 3 things you don't love about where you're from!

i like
1. the food. try as you might, but nothing beats true malaysian food.
2. the culture. aiya, so stress for what? slow down la! no hurry no rush! we're pretty laidback.
3. the variety in entertainment! half the world's biggest malls reside in malaysia, and everything closes so late! the drinking culture is relatively small but we have other better, more delicious options. if you close your shop before 10, you're running a bad business model.
i don't like
1. ignorance. the education system needs to buck up because it's not teaching us what we need to know. at least brush up on language skills if you're not going to teach them what the rest of the world is learning. these are the kids who will run your country. how scary is that thought?
2. i would like to take a walk without worrying about being stabbed, thanks.
3. i'll cut my leg off before i take a public bus. and hahahahahah the train is on time? is this the twilight zone?

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