

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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thank you for budget estimation.This is me who ask about japan trip first.I never really like city scenery but I am curious with how shibuya or harajuku looks like. So I assume 1000e will be enough then.I am afraid I cant control my shopping desire since I will also look for Kai cover album there :)

shibuya is !! lights !! people !!
harajuku is pink pink pink tons of colours the same shops everywhere and lots of people buying bucket hats lol
don't bother going to shinjuku unless you want to go to the metropolitan tower which btw has a free viewing deck of the city

hi jq, i'll be going to tokyo this nov. mind giving me some pocket money? thanks xoxo

sure just give me the three digits on the back of your credit card and i'll bank it in ;)

how much was the husky cafe in bangkok?

it was 350baht, inclusive of a slice of cake, a drink and one hour playtime with the dogs.

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hi JQ...i'll be going to Tokyo this nov...mind to recommend the best place to buy Rilakkuma's stuff?...and cheap of course hihi...Thanks in advance dear

rilakkuma, like all official merch, have standardised prices :) it's not that expensive tbh. i think the one in the pic (next to 20cm ninibear for comparison) is 700yen.
the easiest place to find it is the rilakkuma/top floor of kiddyland toy store in harajuku. otherwise, tokyo station or tokyo skytree,

How much did you spend for korea trip (exc buying merchandise and concert)?

uh, my entire trip was basically concerts lol. i was there 6d5n and watched 2 concerts and 2 musicals ㅇㅅㅇ
but deducting the merchandise and concerts, i spent $300 without flight or $500 inclusive of flight. if you cut makeup and clothing buys out of that, it was like $200 on 5 days of food, drinks, transport and hostel? (my last day was my flight back at shit am in the morning. the only money i spent on that day was my airport transfer and breakfast)

I think I will be travelling in the middle of November, between 10 - 20 of November, I change my plan from 2 to 1 week due to tight budget huhu

that's just the right time to travel then! and 7 days is the usual amount of days people travel anyway. honestly, you could do tokyo in 2/3 days, no problem. 3 / 3 in tokyo and kyoto would be ideal, but of course, it depends whether you like the city life more or quiet shrine life? the two cities couldn't be more different. osaka can be skipped. it offers nothing extra, i think.

thank you Jq, you are so nice. I am actually a festival lover so I am not interested enough with museum. trip. I really hope my visa will be approved. Do you think 1000euro will be enough to travel for 1 week, I am on tight budget unfortunately

i drew up a budget for my 12 day trip last nov, and it only cost me USD 1,134 for everything- shopping, hostel, transport and food included (USD835 if you don't count the flight). i briefly listed down the prices for food, transport, entrance fees, internet and shopping too.
in comparison, i spent around USD460 for my 5 day tokyo trip in august, but only because i went to three concerts and hence went a bit crazy with merchandise. i mean... i spent $100 on merchandise and alcohol just at one day of summer sonic...

HI, JQ, I plan to travel to Japan next month by myself (still applying for visa). Do you have any suggestion where should I go in Tokyo? I plan to travel to tokyo&kyoto for 2 weeks. Is it safe travelling alone, I am afraid I will be lost since I cant speak japanese at all. Thank you :)

november is a lovely time to visit japan! are you going early nov or late nov because there's quite a difference.
early nov - not tourist season yet, prices are cheaper, less crowded, autumn leaves not yellow yet :(
mid-end nov - festivals galore! loooots of people, tourist season, fall foliage starting, winter illuminations!
japan is very very safe but you might want to remember a few phrases of japanese because do not underestimate their INABILITY to speak english. it is still very tourist friendly, so no worries :) i don't speak japanese either.
there's nothing special about tokyo lol. it's city. but keep checking out sites like gotokyo, tokyo cheapo, time out tokyo for the many, many events and festivals going on. they have amazing art exhibitions and cool museums, if you're into that? the parks are pretty too, especially shinjuku gyeon (!! i loved this !!)
don't plan your tokyo itinerary too tightly. there are little tourist spots, just plenty of shopping/city-like districts, so you can just wing it depending on what kind of traveler you are.
- the tori no ichi festival is happening on 5/17/29 nov in asakusa. i went last year and it was pretty interesting, with lots of yummy food stalls.
- nikko is 2 hours from tokyo i've never been but EVERYONE gushed about it. allow at least one full day, or stay overnight
- take an overnight bus from/to tokyo if you want to save on accommodation/transport
- the whole gion district can be walked. i walked from kiyomizu dera to nishiki market, visiting every. single. shrine. in the area. the weather was cool and the leaves a lovely shade, plus there were so many old buildings lining the street. i went for this walking tour too http://www.waraido.com/walking/gion.html if you're lucky you'll see geisha and maiko
- osaka is a 30 min ride away. if you wish to stay overnight, i highly recommend u-en guesthouse - http://u-en.hostelosaka.com/index_en.html
- nara is 45 mins away and has wild deer roaming the place but that's pm the only draw? there are temples but you pay extra
i’m writing this during work (oops) so lmk if you want more recs or info?

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i've always wanted to travel alone but i never dared to! but i think after seeing your pics, i might! :p

gosh!! *^* i'm glad i inspired (?) you? traveling solo is actually very calm and relaxing :) i much prefer it now i think. accommodating people can be very tiring if you don't match.

Thats like, really cheap for five trips TT you flew budget, im guessing? How much were your return trips on average

malaysia has airasia :) return flights for japan and korea were around $250, bangkok and singapore were $70 lol
bless tony fernandes :')

wow... how much have you spent on your trips this year?

eh, about 3,000USD? i guess it's not bad? that's for japan (twice, for a total of 3 weeks), bangkok, korea and singapore.
i counted the total expenditure excluding concert tickets but inclusive of return flights, hostels, food, all buys, even merchandise. without exo and btob merch i reckon it'll be like 2.5k lol

http://ask.fm/cocoonedsoul/answer/133990291085 ohhh was the price for the studio expensive? I cant find the prices online :(

it's super overpriced!!! dance training begins at $70/hour for group or $88/hour for 1:1, for example.
the poster below has the prices, in units of 10,000won. eg photoshooting (10 x A3 photos) = 300,000won ($265)
but you can experience it for free until november! you get an 1 hour dance lesson + photoshoot through the korean tourism board if you sign up 2 weeks in advance.

How do you know when there are events for your pokemon game?

i have a friend who lets me know :) i don't get a lot of local event pokemon (mine is PAL) so he always gets one extra for me. otherwise reddit? or pokemon forums

Hi! You went to COEX ARTIUM and experience the SM Studio right? What package did you avail?

i didn't go to the studio! the photos i took are found on the interactive hall on the 5th floor of coex. there are two booths, purikara style

Jq if you're like this for radio how will you react when you see jongin this week haha


what app do you use to edit your selfies?

i just use the preset "Thursday" filter on b612. no post editing needed. sometimes i might try candy cam but b612 packs on that filter

WIll you be seeing Seventeen in Korea? :D

i doubt so :c they haven't announced any schedules for the day i'm there yet

how did you buy concert tickets in japan?

i used fdjp.com for the btob concert. pretty fast service; i secured my ticket in a day. for summer sonic i bought it off rakuten.

Can I have the Seventeen album?

you're 5 mins late :( seventeen carat albums all given away!!! if i end up buying extra boys be albums i'll give those away too.

Wow you really travel a lot .. Where did you go?

hmm, i've had 8 holidays to 6 countries in the past year, if you count korea next week, so i guess i do travel a bit.
idk if you count melbourne as a holiday tho since i went back in december for my graduation and also a year ago today i still lived in melbourne

do you live in japan? and are coimng to korea? for how long? :DD

i don't live in japan! i'll be in korea next friday for 6 days :3

Hi Jq can you recommend a few fav taobao sellers of yours for taobao beginners? Many thanks

i don't have any particular favourite store as i've never bought from the same store twice. taobao is creepily great at finding things similar to my taste so after browsing a few shops i like, i usually just stick to the recommended section. search for keywords like 原创 to get original clothing.
miss monkey - pricey (for taobao standards; these are boutique prices), but so cute ;~;
for all your tumblr needs
the model is so cute i want to buy everything
really cute jewelry. the quality was great for me!
best fake tats i've seen so far
random cute things
remember to read comments!!! taobao sellers will usually pressure you into leaving good comments so read between the lines. and since this /is/ china, it's a hit and miss. i usually get one flop item (wrong size, bad quality, wrong colour etc. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR) among every batch i buy. happy shopping :3

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