

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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Any makeup tips for every day school wear?

i go bare faced for both work and school. too lazy tbh.

Do you prefer writing fluff/crack/angst?

fluff and crack for sure. i have a very short attention span and angst requires ~backstory~ ~character development~ and all that jazz. i just want to be able to plop out something in one sitting and go on my merry way.
(also i don't think i'm good enough to write angst. i struggle a lot with descriptions and characterisation and my characters tend to be very one dimensional. crack is like a safety net because it doesn't need beautiful flowery writing, it just needs humour)

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jq! i was looking at exo in their football uniforms and suddenly i was like, jongin wearing a jock strap. imagine jongin wearing a jock strap. would he like it, find it comfy? would he struggle with it ("but where do my legs go..." ㅂ.ㅂ)? how would each member react to jongin in a jock strap?

jongin would love a jockstrap because he wears briefs all the time compared to the other members' boxers and all that ~extra support~ plus butt breathing room.
sehun would look at that and buy his own pair
the rest honestly wouldn't care
and joonmyun just buries his face in his hands and wonders why jongin thinks it's okay to wander around the dorm in only a jockstrap

Serious question: what do you eat in daily basis? HOW COULD YOU WRITE SOMETHING AMAZING LIKE THESE????

i eat bread, cause, y'know, i'm on a roll.

Chankaisoo high school musical au, perhaps? 😏

anon i only found out that high school musical is basketball and not american football three days ago. but do imagine a locker room scene that starts with jongin sitting weepily after losing a game and chanyeol trying his bestest to cheer him up, all "DUDE, ONE GAME MEANS NOTHING."
and kyungsoo kinda walks in on chankai hugging it out, just bromance, and wants to walk back out but chanyeol starts, like, singing encouraging lyrics at jongin. "let's get down to business! to defeat west highhhh"
as president of the theatre club, kyungsoo realises that chanyeol's low baritone is exactly what their musical needs and from then on starts an all out campaign to recruit chanyeol, much to the confusion of jongin and the rest of the team.

You're invited to my funeral. Thanks.

should i bust out my haikus as a tribute?
anon will be missed
truly a great way to go
killed by gay kisses

Exo members teach jongin how to selfie properly

jongdae: listen, jongin. the best pose is the duck face, you see, so do it for every. single. photo.
baekhyun: i'll teach you!! /15 mins later/ "um, baekhyun hyung all you've been doing is ignoring me and taking pictures of yourself."
chanyeol: ya you just wink and do a quick v like that yeah? and you- jongin, are you... twitching? um... maybe no wink, just the V? JESUS FUCK YOU JUST POKED ME IN THE EYE
sehun: oh, easy. you just take the top half of your face. that settles your worries about what to do with your mouth.
joonmyun: why do you need to take selfies, jongin? you don't need reaffirmation from others to know that you're a confident, beautiful person, okay? it doesn't matter how you take the photo because you are wonderful throughout. don't care about how others view you!
minseok: dude you just point and shoot. see? .... oh shit wait maybe i shouldn't have uploaded the shirtless photo. do i need clearance for this? where is manager hyung?
kyungsoo: teach you? no, i have better things to do. .... ... okay, come here. first you hold the camera at an angle and-

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"Every person is connected with invisible red thread tied to their little finger.." Chankai. Because i'm such a trash when it comes to ur chankai tweetfic 😂😂😂

jongin forgets about its presence sometimes, the light pink band around his finger. it appeared earlier than most, when he was only five, and that meant when he was five, he was close enough to his soulmate that the thread had started to form. only no one noticed until days later when he had a paper cut, so his soulmate slipped away.
he's just walked down the stairs onto the subway platform when his finger burns and immediately his heart leaps to his throat, because he knows- his soulmate is HERE. frantically, he starts running around, following the invisible tug but no one around him looks right.
his finger is heating up and it hurts so bad, it's clouding his brain in so much panic he has to slump onto a bench, staring wide eyed at the passing train.
then as sudden as it came, the pain subsides, leaving behind a warmth curling across his chest.
because the train clears to show, on the opposite side of the platform, a man looking just as bewildered, and with a brilliantly glowing right hand.

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chansoo bij if u get mean i'll end u

i could write an essay about chansoo but okay, basics.
kyungsoo never liked chanyeol at first. as trainees, the best thing to do is to quietly, unassumingly, make it to debut but chanyeol's always so loud and THERE.
then they were assigned to be roommates post debut and kyungsoo discovers that maybe the loudness drowns out the quiet kyungsoo feels sometimes and rather than being suffocating, it's almost... comforting. chanyeol's loud laughs are like a blanket and his hugs are even more comforting, though kyungsoo would murder anyone would spilled the beans about them cuddling at night. kyungsoo just gets cold sometimes, okay, and chanyeol is like a gangly sack of heat.

if suho pairs were to have their first kiss how would it go? like how suho/kai first kiss would happen, suho/xiumin, suho/d.o etc etc

chanho - joonmyun's mad again, because chanyeol is always this flaky and getting himself into trouble, and it /worries/ him, okay. chanyeol grabs joonmyun mid-rant and closes the distance, whispering against his lips, "it's only because you're hot when you're mad."
suchen - joonmyun would be talking about something and jongdae just leans over to give him a quick peck on the lips, stunning joonmyun into silence. then jongdae will smile smugly and continue eating his icecream.
sukai - jongin spends the whole movie with his fingers twitching because he just wants to grab joonmyun's hand but he's nervous. joonmyun totally notices so when the screen explodes in a burst of fireworks, joonmyun gently links their hands together and brings jongin's hand up to his lips in a soft brush of reassurance.
sudi - it happens in one of the many hotel rooms they stay in, joonmyun snugly in bed after a tiring concert. kyungsoo crawls into the wrong bed out of exhaustion and joonmyun's too tired to kick him out so they just... lie in bed together, until joonmyun hesitantly links their fingers together and kyungsoo lets him. "you can kiss me, you know," kyungsoo says after more moments of silence, "i mean, if you want to." and joonmyun does.
sulay - their kiss is simple because they're going through the lyrics for the new song together, trying out harmonies, when yixing suddenly looks at joonmyun thoughtfully, and the next thing joonmyun knows, he feels a soft smooch on his cheek.
xiuho - they finally get to backpack together and it's exhilarating, roaming the streets of a foreign city at night. they spend new years eve in new york city, lost among millions, and when the ball drops, minseok turns around and gives joonmyun the kiss of his life. the smile on minseok, face after is reckless and carefree, "hey, new beginnings."
baekho - you know that thing about tongue battling for dominance? oh yea. it's in a club and baekhyun's makeup is absolutely sinful and by the end of the night, there's more makeup on joonmyun's face than baekhyun.
seho - seho's first kiss is soft and exploring because sehun's frustrated again after one too many mistakes in the practice room and he's pushing himself too hard, just one more routine, just one- and joonmyun guides him to sit down slowly, wiping the sweaty bangs away, and pressing one kiss on sehun's nose to let him know whatever he's doing, it's enough

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Liked by: dante

LET's play choosing games again! Now, pick any animal which suit each EXO members the most! (I'd love it if you wnna include krishan as well) c:

jongin - baby hedgehog because prickly but squishy center
chanyeol - A CORGI
jongdae - siamese cat
baekhyun - japanese long tailed tit
minseok - snow leopard
sehun - arctic fox
kyungsoo - is a pug haha no he's a slow loris
yixing - otter
joonmyun - chinchilla
luhan - a HONEY BADGER. really cute but also LETHAL.
yifan - stallion because ~majestic~

If EXO weren't idols, what do u think the right job for each of them?

jongin - supreme puppy protector (physical education teacher that all the girls have a crush on) or a zoologist (same thing). park ranger?
jongdae - insurance salesman or event planner or tour guide
baekhyun - if baekhyun doesn't go into marketing it'll be a loss to the business world. he would make a kickass pr person. or damn, baekhyun would make an AMAZING publicist.
chanyeol - trainer at a rock climbing/extreme sports theme park
minseok - film producer or advertising copywriter. i could see him as a programmer too.
yixing - make up artist! art gallery curator!
sehun - hairstylist or florist
joonmyun - takes over daddy's company, complete with chaebol angst (i want to be free, not tied down!!!). maybe becomes a paralegal at daddy's law firm.
kyungsoo - accountant. i think kyungsoo would make a really good auditor/account. or an urban landscaper! industrial designer!

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Hey!!! May i ask you? I wanna know who's the cutest 17 members according to you hehe thanks jq

i'm more familiar with the old members so MY FAV IS DEFINITELY CHANNIE. he's so tiny and talented and adorable when he's not wearing makeup??
tbh i liked mingming the most but he got kicked out so channie kinda looked like him? you know i'm a sucker for monolids (cough, jisung)
JISOO IS REALLY HANDSOME and he's very earnest, very sweet. he's going to grow up into such a heartbreaker.
seokmin has the most beautiful smile and he's a little happy pill.
i've a very soft spot for hansol because his dance skills just blow everyone else's out of the water and one time he did the cat daddy AND LOOKED GOOD DOING IT
wonwoo makes my heart flutter *^* the whole tsundere thing works for him too.
so yeah MY TOP 5.

The rumor said it's on jul/aug

oh, july is possible. i heard hongkong is august tho and i'm going to japan for bangtan/epikhigh in aug. i really hope they'll announce singapore soon!! that's definitely the easiest for me and i don't even need to take leave

The promotor hasn't stated the exact date but the probability of it is more than 70%

i'm also not sure if i can go to ina alone and if it's in oct/nov then i can't get leave from work. my next choice is singapore and if hongkong doesn't clash with my japan trip then hongkong!

Why don't u wait for smtown ina?

is there an exoluxion ina? i'm going to bangkok anyway in june but if i can get tickets then i'll change my dates to that weekend

why not buy smtown package?

lol it costs more than my salary. the travel package charges in USD and USD to RM is steep. the package without flight tickets also costs more than my entire trip to japan including tickets so ?? justifiable?? i think not.

have you ever done roleplaying? What do you think about it?

once? i roleplayed jinwoon from 2am and minhwan from ft island at a butler-student high school roleplay back in 2007 or 2008. i didn't really like it tho. i can't immerse myself in character enough to roleplay so i didn't last long.

what language are you best at then?

speaking-wise, mandarin chinese probably. writing, english. i think my english listening skills are terrible tho. still have trouble watching english movies without subs sometimes. probably have better luck with even canto, and i can't even speak it that well.


Language: English