

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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Where did you buy the shirt in that picture in the rice field?

the shirt was from a flea market in bangkok! everything i was wearing in that pic was from a market in a different country lol

Do you have a Tumblr?

onixplainable for travel/food/personal photoblogs or whisperedsymphony (semi-abandoned fandom acc)

may i listen to ur wolf cover please uwu

i was drunk.... my soundcloud is grainsofsand if you're bothered enough to dig it out, go wild

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If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

how about the guy who went on law on the jungle twice? surely he picked up some survival skills. if he didn't, then hey, we're dying anyway want to make out

I read your High4 fanacc and you're so lucky! I would never have dared to do what you did. Have you met other idols before?

i've pm seen all 2nd and 3rd gen idols live? a lot of fansigns and interaction stories for 3rd gen idols

I honestly think Jongin is smart; smart in covering his true personality and make us think specific way of him. Anyway it is just my head canon because he seems different every time I observed him,

yes i think he keeps a distinction between his onstage persona and rl. stage names seem to help this? but he's been loosening up a lot lately and actually showing/telling us things pre-wolf jongin probably wouldn't. his answers seem genuine to me idk. maybe i'm just supremely jongin biased.

i see so that's your headcanon of jongin. interesting. the thing with jongin is people tend to go to the extreme when describing him. there's no in between.

same with baekhyun? he's either an angel or a nuisance. the only truly transparent member i would say is jongdae probably. opinions are pretty split with everyone else.

jongin can stand up for himself and is wise beyond his years. practical and an unparalleled bullshit detector. He has no problem to tell people to f*** off. You said you hated how jongin was often seen as domineering but i dont think you get jongin right either.

how does one see jongin right? i know i infantalise him but i don't honestly think he's like that in person. no one could possibly be like that but that's the fun in headcanons, it's all in your head.

Jq, you are babying Jongin too much! He is not an innocent angel, he deceives us with his dumb innocent look (insert jongin hip thrust gif and his moody face).

maybe someone stole his lollipop?

why is Jongin in hufflepuff? Is there any reason aside because he is Jongin? hehehe

jongin is a baby pup?? i think he's too naive to be a gryffindor, probably not brave enough either? he'll stand up to the things important to him but otherwise he's a baby cookie monster. MY CHILD MY ANGEL I WILL PROTecT U FOREVER. (mama era jongin would be a gryffindor. jongin got a personality patch and installed adorable.exe)
Liked by: cassie

you think jongin is hufflepuff? i would've put him in gryffy! how about the rest?

gryffindor - joonmyun, chanyeol, minseok, baekhyun
ravenclaw - jongdae, kyungsoo
hufflepuff - jongin
slytherin - yixing, sehun
i couldn't decide what baekhyun was and tlist kept telling me slytherin but it's the last house i would put him in. chanyeol tho he could be a slytherin but i like the idea of him as a gryffindor. jongin is a hufflepuff because JONGIN.
Liked by: cassie

can I request for some fluffy kaiyeol?

jongin wakes up when he feels gentle hands supporting his neck, lifting him up slightly.
"hey," he says groggily, a smile slipping out naturally. he feels languid, arms falling by his side like liquid.
"you fell asleep on the floor again," chanyeol says accusingly.
"it's so hot," jongin murmurs and loops his arms around chanyeol's neck to make it easier to be carried. he buries his face in the crook of chanyeol's collarbone, breathing in.
chanyeol smells like /office/, the stale scent of air conditioning and too many hours cooped inside a room without natural lighting.
"bed?" chanyeol asks, lifting jongin up bridal style and heading towards the bedroom.
jongin shakes his head and grips tighter. "no, you."
"i'm here," chanyeol says fondly and carries him to the couch instead,shifting jongin until jongin's thighs are straddling his, seated comfortably on his lap.
"tell me about your day," jongin says sleepily. he rests his cheek against chanyeol's shoulder, having perfected the art of snuggling with chanyeol from years of practice.
jongin's only half listening to chanyeol's stories because his mind isn't completely free from the grasps of sleep yet but chanyeol doesn't need his attention, just wants an audience to listen to his tales about office mishaps and urgent deadlines.
and jongin just likes listening to chanyeol's deep voice and feeling the rumble of chanyeol's chest against his cheek as he speaks.
it works, somehow. they work.

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Liked by: cassie

Hello! If you could date your crush for 24 hours only, what would you do?

AQUARIUM DATE wear silly animal hats together, take stupid pictures, especially one of a silhouette kiss against the blue water?? and then i want to go to the park on a picnic and lie under trees talking and cuddling and star gazing. also if he's so inclined, sleep with him haha no jk (haha yes will i ever get this chance again) (is this appropriate first date material) (am i doing this wrong)

Are you going to Tokyo Dome?

no i just came back from tokyo last week! and i went to exoluxion bkk in june. not the same but ... :c

are you translating chanyeol's chatting event? :)

oop just saw this but nope i hope you enjoy my entirely inappropriate and unwanted commentary if you're following me anyway

Will you be going to BTS's japan fanmeetings?

nope i'm not in the japan fanclub. but i'll be checking bangtan out during tokyo's summersonic if epik high's stage ends on time.

What's the difference between u before and after livin abroad?

i think i completely changed! i'm a lot more jaded lol. and i embraced the joys of being alone. i had many firsts in melbourne and i discovered i actually loved learning! i'm a lot more confident and independent. my english greatly improved since i barely had the chance to speak english back home! i used to be very uptight and afraid of bending the rules, but i learned to be more comfortable in my shoes and enjoy my youth.
oddly, being abroad for 2 years made me love my country more. i gained a new appreciation of my home country and a sense of patriotism that i've never felt before. if you ever have the chance to study abroad, do it. no regrets.

when did you start liking seventeen?

2013? i followed seventeen casually since they announced the group in 2012 but only started officially watching their broadcasts early 2013. i stanned mingming tho :( and when he was dropped, my interest waned too and i got caught up in exo too since seventeen was announced the same month exo officially debuted. then late 2014 i started getting back into them again thanks to someone from tlist and adopted channie.


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