

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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if your wasn't famous but was just a normal boy, would you still like him? which member would you date if they weren't idols?

if my bias? i probably wouldn't like someone like jongin irl. artsy types scare me because i have this bad inferiority complex about not knowing art. his looks aren't my cup of tea, generally. i don't like confident performers either.... it's odd, because if i think about it, everything about jongin isn't what i usually like.
still, that's what makes love interesting. i like him a lot now, simply because he's jongin.
if i disregard looks and only focus on personality, i would probably get along well with luhan. i would probably dislike someone like chanyeol and avoid baekhyun and tao with a six foot pole. and um, i probably would never even notice yixing.
Liked by: 파팀

Please write a letter to your bias of any group

dear jongin,
puppy child, i want to fly you to the moon and pick you all the stars, but you would probably be alarmed because supernovas are like massive confetti explosions and you're easily startled with confetti.
i will settle for fervently wishing that you'd get laid instead. with luhan, with a fair, long haired girl of 46.85kg, with me, it doesn't matter. i hope you'll get some.
hearteu hearteu


IT'S FUNNY BUT I GET CONFUSED A LOT because not familiar with chinese demons

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describe the last fic you read!

twas' a crack chinese fic that i can't remember the name of. kris, luhan and lay are high level mythical creatures that run a centre that helps low level monsters/demons turn into higher level ones. kris is a dragon, lay a goat-like thingy and luhan a deer-like monster.
one day kris wakes up to find an egg and thinks it's his son. out hatches a duck named chanyeol (that later becomes a phoenix) and an anchovy (that grows up to become a water dragon) named sehun.
also featuring luhan's puppy demon/boyfriend/slave jongin, tao the confused exorcist, baekhyun the fox demon/money-hungry boyfriend of yixing and joonmyun, the demon that's literally king midas reincarnated.
stuff happens. it's a hoot.
Liked by: chiharu J

which anime character closely resembles you?

moe titan because i am kawaii
honey senpai
i am mugi from k-on except with a bit of ritsu /nods
because apparently i'm the stereotypical 엄친아

what is one thing that used to be important to you, but you no longer care about?

i used to love reading. i was that kid who read a book before the ordered food came at restaurants. books were my life. i read a book a day, or at least 5 per week. now i haven't read a book in a year...
and of course there are the other things. i used to think that having a love life is important, but now i'm happy just cruising solo.
good looking men? a nice bonus, but more often than not, STAY AWAY.
i used to love writing too. now that i'm making it my career, i'm not sure why i don't like it anymore.

What is your favorite Studio Ghibli film?

ponyo! because ADORABLE.
funny how my two favourite films ever (finding nemo and ponyo) are both about fish while i'm deathly terrified of fish irl.

who is your ultimate senpai?

ultimate senpai is chiha jiejie because i've been reading her fics since YEARS AGO (i had a fic from 2009 saved in my memories) and then she followed me on twitter and i was like *^* SENPAI NOTICED ME
jiejie i still remember the kriskai promise
Liked by: chiharu

sometimes your genitals just need to be massaged by someone's mouth you know

i wholeheartedly agree. come, jongin, let me test this theory.



why dont you stan luhan anymore? ;-;

because kim jongin took up so much of my heart and whatever left was sucked up by jongdae and minseok so there is no more space for the boy who got me into exo. sorry, lulubelle.

Describe each EXO member's personality with 3 keywords, and if you'd like, take a wild guess and pinpoint their MBTI types as well!

disclaimer: this is my headcanon, and i don't have nice headcanons for some members. /all opinions my own/ feel free to argue with me about them, but please do not bash me personally T____T (why do i even need a disclaimer like this sigh)
jongin - passionate, shy, wary
jongdae - playful, excitable, frank
luhan - guarded, sweet, cheeky
baekhyun - outspoken, fiery, proud
kris - responsible, gentle, sweet
minseok - dependable, considerate, modest
kyungsoo - independent, headstrong, fussy
chanyeol - crafty, impulsive, enthusiastic
sehun - impressionable, clingy, trusting
joonmyun - insecure, genuine, diligent
zitao - naive, impatient, sensitive
yixing - trusting, determined, demure
idk what a mbti is and i'm too lazy to google ;A;

What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

my sis told me that if i held my head upside down, i would catch mosquitoes easier, so i spent my days with my head hanging down, slapping at the air u\\\\u
Liked by: chiharu

You know I have the means to attend their concert but there are some things that needed to be done first before them... But sometimes, I feel so jealous of the people who are able to see them up close and who will be able to see them soon... I'm so powerless... I wanted to see them so much. :((

life comes first!
i spent pretty much half my life going to concerts and fangirling, but now i look back and find it a waste of money and time. it's fun the first few times but it gets old fast.
and concerts aren't always great! there'll always be disappointments when your idol doesn't live up to your expectations or was really cold, or your view wasn't good. i know a lot of people who changed perceptions about an idol after seeing them live.
it's so tiring too u____u

Does it make me a bad fan if I can't attend EXO concerts? :((

of course not! there's no such thing as a good fan or a bad fan!
(unless you want to hurt your idol. then yeah you're not just a bad fan; you're a bad person)
(also when fans stop working and short circuit the whole house, that's a bad fan. check the warranty.)
someone isn't a "better" fan just because they've seen an idol more times than average. they're just more privileged, whether financially or geographically.

Why don't you reply mentions -___- just because I don't follow you doesn't mean you can ignore me

i reply all mentions ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ when i go crazy with the tweetfics or translations, my mentions explode. if people manual RT too much, twitter doesn't show all the mentions. or i might miss them. i'm sorry i didn't mean to ignore you ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
(also, to the other people who complained about not following back, i tend to follow back if you talk to me, regardless of whether you're "fandom famous". who cares if you're famous or not ;;; it's not like it'll make a difference in whether you're a good person. also, i'm in no position to judge whether someone is famous or not)

if you were an exo member, who would you be and why?

i want to be oh sehun because it must be great to have all the hyungs dote on you. and he does all this bratty shit and gets away with it! it's okay to sniff your hyung's jacket too...
also i want to know how it feels to live with a big dick
Liked by: Cindy hyewon KC


Language: English