

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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hi hello, i just saw your tweet and no i didn't ask you 10 questions lmao probably 5 at max like your fav country and your favorite book ç

oh cause they all came in at the same time. I ENJOY YOUR QUESTIONS A-CHAN

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what do you think of kaisoo?

i see the draw in them! of all the ships, they have arguably the most interaction, even if it's sometimes a little one sided. the fact that jongin talks to kyungsoo in banmal is a cause to celebrate keke. but tbh i only ship 5 pairings so while they're qt, i'm just okay.

to me somehow you do look like @0420_lh idk why ;;

oh, i don't know her but i guess it's just the eyeliner or something. she looks really sweet and cute!

it's annoying when chanyeol makes fun of kai's skin color but I think he does like jongin and he tries to make the camera notice kai a lot during exo showtime, for example. and I think jongin likes his hyung a lot as well. do you agree?

i think jongin doesn't warm up easily to some people but chanyeol was one of the first trainees so they were bound to have been friends before debut.
but honestly i suspect that chanyeol's whole kai fan thing is a bet or an inside joke and chanyeol enjoyed jongin's indulgent "oh hyung" reactions (and the subsequent fan flip out) so he stuck to it.

Which countries have you visited?

not a lot. just those around asia, but i've visited each country at least two times. china, taiwan, hk, korea, japan, thailand, cambodia, laos, singapore, indonesia, australia. that's it i think?

do you like melbourne? are they nice to you? is the city pretty with lots of stuff to do? I have thought of studying one year in australia but idk

i love melbourne! but it's who you meet and how you use your time that makes or breaks the experience. the city is small but really safe and full with fun things to explore.
expensive tho. everything fun is expensive in melbourne. also, melbourne city is a mini asia.

how did you manage to go to melbourne to study?? did you know english before that?

ofc i did! i studied english all my life but until i entered college at 18, all i spoke was mandarin because that's what my friends and family spoke. i didn't start actively speaking it full time until this year. it's only my first year in melbourne btw! i did my first year of uni in malaysia.

well, I had my first kiss when I was 16 and the guy had a lot of experience but tbh I think he didn't even know it was my first kiss. I think everyone feels awkward and not very experienced during most of first kisses lmao + you don't have to french kiss him at once, go slow and gain confidence ;) ç

just thinking about kissing makes me feel gross haha. every time i almost get into a relationship he tries to kiss me and i'm grossed out. i can imagine doing more intimate things but just... ick. cries im a very weird person i feel sorry to anyone who has ever had the misfortune of going out with me

who do you think has the best style in exo? ç

i absolutely love chanyeol's sense of fashion. it's that scruffy i-looked-this-good-when-i-rolled-out-of-bed look. otherwise, i think luhan does a pretty good job dressing up and doesn't go overboard like some people (((kris)))

are you the type to hang out with mostly asian people in melbourne?

i'm usually one of the only asians in class and i started up a club with some other PR kids so you can't exactly say i don't hang out with non-asians, but the people i'm closer to are asians. it's more due to the fact that international students live in the city and are easier to find than the locals who live an hour away.
my housemates are italian and french tho and we're real chummy.

what kind of love do you feel towards jongin?

a pure motherly love. i don't see him in a sexual way at all. i just want to brush his hair out of his eyes, bake him nice cookies and set him up with a girl that will make him feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
Liked by: Cindy

it doesn't matter if your haven't been kissed before (except for that one time) because it is not like guys don't WANT to kiss you

but- but- ((anon i get lonely and kinda afraid like what would boys think of someone so inexperienced))

would you date a non asian?

if i'm attracted to them yeah of course but so far in my short life i haven't been. then again, it's not like i've been exposed to many non-asians u____u i think the question here is "would you date" because lol it's not like i'm having much luck dating asians anyway

haha nahh I'm too awkward to talk to you off anon. But I rt your stuff often so huhuhu maybe one day you'll know! I won't mark every question I ask you because it is fun to be incognito (more incognito than anon-chan lol) ily <33

rt... AM I FOLLOWING YOU ALREADY THEN? sometimes when people retweet my things often and reply to me i grow fond of them and follow back kekeke COME ON ANON-CHANANA

are you implying you've been unproperly kissed jiaqian?? ;;;;)

it means that my first kiss has not happened because That One Time doesn't count lol

have you ever wanted to be hypnotized and, if so, what would you like to experience while under hypnosis?

Johnny Parker
would it matter what you make me when i'm hypnotised because i wouldn't remember?? oo make me dance because there's no way i'm letting loose unless drunk
Liked by: Johnny Parker

you are so nice to me ;A; I will often talk to you here, I promise! ç

why not talk to me off anon so i can love you properly and send you nice Thing ;A;

I am anon-chan defending my anon-chan identity and I will send a ç from time to time at the end of my questions to let you know it's me ;;)


stop being so hard on yourself :( boring... not talented... you are AMAZING! you know how to speak 24548753 languages and you have travelled the world and you still have time to write and be nice and wear pretty clothes

anon-chan? this time it's you right? cries YOU are the nice one. why are you being so nice to me anon-chan don't make me cry. i'm already emotionally unstable lately ;~; i bet you're a wonderful friend. anyone would be lucky to know you

can you tell us (answer when you have time lol) what do you thought of exo when you saw them? or link me the post if you wrote one or just say some words about each one hihi

the first time i saw them i kinda rolled myself into a ball and cried and a bunch of soshi fanboys crowded around me asking if i was okay lol. but idk man on the scale of wowtastic celebs, exo aren't really that great irl. i mean, they're almost exactly like how i expected them to be. not like changmin or zhoumi who blew me away because LEGS.
kyungsoo is tinier than i thought though.
joonmyun too. tiny tiny.
kris looks like he stepped out of some shounen manga. i swear he shines.
sehun is skinny as fuck but i expected that.
everyone else pm didn't stand out to me because similar to expectations.
Liked by: Cindy


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