

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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and be happy always! x

also to answer your travel question earlier, a lot of times i travel alone and that was a HUGE reason why i stopped going out. i found out how happy and relaxed i was just being alone, spending hours by myself in a park somewhere or doing something i chose to do. i got comfortable doing things other people do in groups alone (eating in restaurants! going to concerts! going to couple-y tourist spots!) and realised i was very at peace with myself. maybe you can try that a smaller scale :)

to say, it also affect my r/s with my bf. it's okay, i'm on my way searching ans to be at ease with myself and also make an effort on myself to at least spend my Sat with them. i guess time is inevitably needed to spend to nuture r/s with human beings hahas. i hope you have a good work-life balance

i hope you find a way to be comfortable with yourself too and i hope your boyfriend understands that sometimes you just need to be alone! may you be happy ❤️❤️❤️ now take this time to burrow into bed and don't speak to anyone for the rest of the night!!!

thks for answering & i certainly feel better! i mean friends ard me always go out on wkend despite working too and i sometimes doubt myself of my lifestyle lol. ur suggestion of inviting friends over don't work for me cos i view that as tiring myself out as i needa entertain them lol. needless [1/2]

i used to make myself go out with people and then i realised i was happier and less stressed at home! i drifted apart from a lot of friends but i didn't really mind in the end because i appreciated the friends i kept more.

how was busan?

better than seoul haha honestly i wish i had more time to explore the city! everyone was so friendly and nice and the city wasn't overrun with tourists like seoul is.

for myself. some me-time to spend alone doing whateva i like. i can nvr be like going out everyday (that of cos inclusive of my FT job Mon to Fri & alternate Sat), or nearly everyday. certain days i've to cancel outing invites from my friends & bf & they view me as a boring person & that upset me.

and really, you have friends asking you out and even a boyfriend so i think you're doing fine :) it's okay to not want to go out ofc! we all slow down eventually; work saps a lot of energy out of us and it's understandable how you would want to just rest at home all weekend. maybe change your way of hanging out if you still feel tired? have your friends come to your house instead, just throw a pizza party at home and watch silly movies or something.
(sorry i'm not very helpful. that thing i said today about having a cooler life online than irl is true. i'm as far as cool irl as possible haha. i'm very very boring)

jq, i see that you work quite long hours, and also working on Sat too? but how come you seem to have energy to go out (like cafes, travel, blah blah etc) on weekend? cos for me, i'd usually spend my Sun staying home to rest, laze, catching up on shows etc. i'm a person who need at least A DAY [1/2]

hi! i d-don't... go out on weekends... ever since work got busier, i go out on friday if i can, then use saturday to be my me-time (gaming all day in bed usually), and sunday is when i don't go out at all and finish the work i couldn't do during the week. you probably have a better social life than i do!!! i really don't go out anymore and even if i do, it's only with the same few friends because i do so much socialising at work that i sort of never want to speak to people again 😂

how can you actually be everything goals??? your travel pics! your fandom luck!!

😱 don't do anything i do aim higher be productive instead 😱😱 (((thank you)))

do you have any tips for concert-going alone?

just make friends in the line :) i mean you already share the same interests and you'll be spending a loooong time waiting together anyway. (also bring candy. that always wins friends)

what happened to your sekai fic selective vip?

somehow that is my most popular fic ever u____u but i'm not comfortable with it anymore because of outdated headcanon (debut era omg 2012!!!) and my first (and only) attempt at porn. it's friend locked so you can add my journal to read it if you wish.

are you going korea with tlist?

no, i'm bringing my mom for her birthday 🎉🎉 hopefully in july i get to go with tlist for my birthday tho.

are you a demisexual then?

i'm a chanyeolsexual? lmao idk i don't think about labels. i have no interest in sex or relationships maybe i'm asexual maybe i'm a demi i've never had a proper emotionally invested relationship to test that out.

What made U love PR and marketing?

i'm only in PR, not marketing. it's never boring. i work with a range of clients across all fields and work can be as fun as tv makes it out to be sometimes. there are parties, launches, i get to watch some things, like walking dead episodes or certain movies, way before than the rest of the world. one day i could be working with lions and bears and another day i'm at a hospital speaking with sick kids. work is tiring, but it's never boring.

your fics are cute too! especially the one where jongin goes to the wrong wedding. i hope you write more soon!!

thank you ㅠㅠ

I know you don't read a lot of fanfics, but do you know any fics with super cute jongin? Preferably chankai *wink* thanks a lot

i'm kind of really terrible at keeping track of fics so i randomly went onto a fic rec and picked things out for you.
SHRIEKS chanyeol is not a puppy
chankai - of puppies and crushes
sekai - cock envy | not porn!! just rly cute jongin (maybe you've read this before. read this again)
chenkai - hybrid cafe | i think we have different ideas of what cute is but at least the fic is cute??

Are there more chanyeol fans than kai fans who ship chankai?

tbh i only know like 5 shippers but i don't see much of a divide? i think it's pretty equal. maybe slightly more chanyeol fans but i also see more chanyeol fans than jongin ones in general.

baeksoo ouo!!!!

i'm going to soulmate au this just because.
they meet in a bar brawl when baekhyun accidentally spills a shot all over kyungsoo while being too rowdy and kyungsoo is already in bad mood so he grabs baekhyun's collar but ofc the red thread chooses that moment to appear between their wrists, intwining their fates together.
baekhyun is still grinning stupidly at their wrists and kyungsoo wants to wipe that grin off except considering the current ... circumstances his mind helpfully supplies a few other ways he could shut baekhyun up.
then the next week baekhyun shows up at kyungsoo's house like oops got kicked out please take me in, soulmate! kyungsoo leaves him begging outside in the cold and only opens the door when baekhyun starts singing beyonce songs loudly and kyungsoo hears his neighbours starting to yell complaints
baekhyun worms his way into his life and under his skin until one day kyungsoo catches himself adding fruit loops to his basket instead of his usual bran because baekhyun made a comment about wanting to try it.
before this, they've just lived as normal roommates, though baekhyun keeps trying to bring up the soulmate thing and kyungsoo pretends he doesn't see the hurt in baekhyun's eyes every time he brushes baekhyun off.
so he goes home and throws the box of cereal in baekhyun's face. "here's your stupid diabetes recipe. and baekhyun, let's try."
baekhyun frowns. "diabetes?"
"no, being soulmates."
and baekhyun tackles kyungsoo so hard his head hits the wall and kyungsoo has a bruise that lasts a week.

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Liked by: beah oks chels

psst tangy is used for citrus-y flavours

deleted my answer because i looked it up and tangy is also pungent, strong? i've seen tangy used to describe fish oil a lot, that strong fishy smell. so idk?

JQ, i ve just arrived from Japan.. and it was an amazing trip.. Anyway I was alone for a couple of days before my friend joined me and tbh I enjoyed solo travelling!.. Kyoto was so lovely, I want to return there :(

oh my gosh where did you end up staying? isn't kyoto wonderful :') you went in good weather too i think. i would love to go back there this year sighs but i'm glad to know you enjoyed it!!!

thank you for your fancams! just wanted to ask how you manage to update while the con is going on? 😩

i have the setlist as my lockscreen so i know when the vcrs are up. and i only film the stages that i know will have close up interactions. then i can enjoy the rest of the concert properly and won't block anyone's view :) if i'm in the side pits i also tend to update during the ments because no point staring at butts. i'll just listen when tweeting lol. plus i position my phone in front of my face while filming so it doesn't block anyone and i can film without looking at my screen so it doesn't affect my experience as all


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