

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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what is the one food you cannot resist/your comfort food?

mash potatoes with gravy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. and gummy candy! i have a serious sweet tooth.

have you ever smoked weed? my friend told me about how easy it is to buy weed in australia!

i've done a lot of stupid things due to peer pressure but i've promised myself one thing- to never smoke or touch drugs. doesn't matter if it's cigs or weed or shisha i never ever will. this is the one promise i will keep.

how is it possible to have baby teeth being an adult.. you're weird jiaqian, I love you

none of my teeth fell out naturally. i had them pulled when the adult ones grew before the baby teeth got loose (=lots of dentist visits ㅠ) so i think my teeth are just really really stubborn. kind of like me. i'm just hoping my wisdom teeth never grow!

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hold on, you went to an sm audition??

i didn't. i was there for moral support. i was accompanying my other best friend (aka my first friend ever) and i recognised an auditionee (that's not a word) as the girl who i talk to on my blog so we started going to concerts together and then became actual best friends.

all this hyung chingu thing is complicated -____-

well it's a respect thing! i wish it was implemented in more cultures tbh. that defining moment when you cross from surnames to firstname-oppa status is mindblowing and to call someone unnie makes it easier to get closer to them!
and ig it's easy for me to accept this because respect is ingrained so deeply in my family. i will never ever dare to go against someone older and i STILL have trouble calling my lecturers by name. i like ranks and authority.

can you please tell me who calls who "hyung" in exo? because it is confusing when it comes to early january babies like nini or kyungsoo (to me lol). like does kyungsoo call baekhyun hyung? but he doesn't say it to chanyeol right? and is tao a hyung to jongin? haha sorry if this is confusing

whether you call someone hyung or treat him like a friend is decided by school years, which is why taemin and jongin = friends! however, it's a case-to-case basis because there are outliers.
traditionally the rank goes like:
- minseok, luhan (kris)
- joonmyun, yixing
- chanyeol, baekhyun, jongdae, kyungsoo
- tao, jongin
- sehun
so they'll have to call whoever is in the rank above them hyung. kyungsoo has said himself that he treats beagle line as friends.
HOWEVER, joonmyun is special because he entered school a year early so he treats all 90-liners as friends despite being born in march. he introduced himself as a chingu when he first met minseok so they went on as friends, even after minseok found out his real age.
sehun TECHNICALLY should be calling jongin hyung because he's a whole year younger but doesn't. he doesn't even call tao hyung, and the members teased him about this during tao's birthday part. i don't think jongin calls tao hyung either? because he shouldn't be but tao is chinese so idk, they likely talked it over and decided to be either friends or hyung-dongsaeng early on the relationship but from experience, the hyung-dongsaeng thing is loosened when it comes to foreigners so they're probably friends.

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omg showing your bare foot is disrespectful in your culture? thank god you told us because I would be considered the most disrespectful girl if I ever go to malaysia :P I loved your answer tho

only showing the soles of your feet is disrespectful. we don't wear shoes indoors so we see bare feet a lot haha. i googled and in a lot of middle east and asian cultures as well as some religions, pointing the soles of your feet to someone is rude.

Why is showing barefeet disrespectful in korea?

i meant my culture. idk i was brought up thinkinh that showing the bottom of your feet to someone, especially someone older, is disrespectful. is it just my family?

Do you think Jongin has a girlfriend right now? Everyone seems to think he does (no I am not delusional, asking curious?)

well i've heard enough about it and i for one believe that ALL idols are constantly dating.
it doesn't really matter to me whether he is or not though because my feels for him are purely maternal so if he IS dating someone, i'm happy to see him happy! just don't get found out because i don't want you to deal with the hassle and hurt :(

what is your least fav trait of jongin? (i know you love him to the ends of the world but if you had to choose)

i thought about this all day trying to think of what i disliked about it but i couldn't find something that i didn't try to justify.
i don't like how he's so open with his emotions because when he's annoyed with someone, even if it's a member, he shows it and brushes them off. but at the same time i love how we can tell when he's genuinely happy or when he likes someone by the way he wears his heart on his sleeve.
i don't like how he pushes himself to the extreme and it's honestly scary sometimes to see him hurting. i'm not too fond of his stage persona (is that a weird thing to say? i much prefer him offstage than on it) so it worries me much more when the pain cracks through "kai". but this dedication and hard work is what makes him beautiful to me and what pushes the boundaries between simple idolisation and respect.
the only one thing i truly did not like about jongin was an action of his and not a trait. the time he showed his bare foot to fans and laughed about it seemed extremely disrespectful to me. call it a culture thing, but i was a bit disappointed in him for that.

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the last time you were at level 168 where are you now with candy crush?


which celebrity would you like jongin to date?

the easiest person for everyone to ship him with is krystal but i don't really see how they can work unless it's one of those chic letsnottalk relationships.
i would love for him to date a noona, either a super cute shamelessly aegyotastic one like minah or a more confident lady like iu (sobs my queen) that will pet his hair and buy him toys.
Liked by: dante

5 tlist friends important to you and why?

i get asked this a lot and every time i try to answer with different people because there are too many people i appreciate so here goes:
1) pika - tbh i think i might have mentioned you last time but bby you are chic and amazing and i aspire to be like you?? your brand of humour is A+ and razor sharp.
2) maryam - i have no idea how someone so wonderfully adorable exists. you never fail to make me smile and i'm so truly blessed to know you! YOU ARE SO CUTE. i only wish that you were closer to me so i can pamper you and buy you things
3) rue - hey you <3 i love how you're the calm, rational rock in a sea of emotional fangirls and you speak so much TRUTH. i really like talking to you and value your opinions so much!
4) amara - i need to meet you in person so i can love you down properly. you're pm the only person that ever entertains my silly rants and we're rarely on the same page but i like how we can discuss more controversial issues with a cool head. but we do have the same taste in boys it seems hehehe
5) jess - COOLEST PERSON EVER? your tweets are literally the highlight of my timeline and i love seeing everything of you, from your awe inspiring travels (so brave ;~;) to your daily life. and your! cool! hair!

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Liked by: R A

do you think sulli and krystal do have attitude problems??

nah i absolutely adore them. krystal is my queen.

what has fx done to piss of netizens??

sulli and krystal are regularly reported as having bad attitudes and now everything sulli does something, someone will bring up choiza.
they seem to love songqian tho (who wouldn't)

If you can turn the person you dislike INTO anything in your house what would you turn them into and why?

a pair of dumbbells because i don't work out and then they can hide in my closet out of sight, collecting dust but if i ever decide to confront them at least i get a fit body out of it

why you don't like taeyeon?

i was a soshi fan for the first two years of debut but i guess she never really stood out to me. she also came off as a little backhanded to me from the way she sometimes snipes at her members. there was an incident where she called a performance at the gayo daejuns off because she went offtune but it was a performance with other idols and i found that unprofessional. and she didn't seem all that friendly the few times i saw her live either.
i have a habit of not liking one person from each group and i guess it's her

can i ask why you disliked baekhyun to the point of feeling nauseous? if not that's perfectly fine, i'm just curious

because half of the wank originates from him and he was the first idol that ever made me feel tired of fandom, and he was the reason behind all the times i felt like i needed a break from fandom. baekhyun tends to ignite the most passionate feelings and the strongest kneejerk reactions, which leads to arguments all over my timeline. kpop is my haven and he, directly or directly, popped my bubble.
also sort of answered here

i know you dislike baekhyun but what do you think about baeyeon?

i beg for exo fans to stand behind baekhyun. you don't have to excuse his behaviour, you don't have to defend him. you just need to be there and support him because if you turn against him, you're effectively turning against exo.
this is not like kris's case. you can't change a part of the choreo and give a few measly lines of rap to someone else. kris is important to exo but baekhyun is INDISPENSABLE to exo. he literally sings half their songs. he is on half of the schedules. he has (had?) the most fans. he was one of the main reasons why exo was so popular. (switched to past tense for obvious reasons OTL) whether you like him or not, unless someone in exo magically develops a nice singing voice, or you enjoy seeing sehun or jongin struggle with high notes, we need baekhyun.
i admit that i am not on baekhyun's side. i don't like baekhyun and i never liked taeyeon. for the longest time, he ignited such strong negative feelings in me i actually felt nauseous just looking at him. so i feel no disappointment or betrayal. i just desperately want exo to survive and for them to go on, we need baekhyun. if we stand behind him instead of turning our backs, can't we hope that this can blow over faster?
you don't like baekhyun? fine. hate him for the questionable behaviours, hare him for being human, but support him for the sake of the other 10. haven't they suffered enough?

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