

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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okay okay okay!!! how about hoshi?

first of all, lobsta?? https://instagram.com/p/4pI8cUh1nw/
soonyoung is arguably the most underrated member in all of seventeen which is tricky to say because he IS the performance team leader after all, and front and centre most of the time. still, because we are extremely weak to Bad Boys and soonyoung is the human equivalent of a squish, hiphop line gets most of the attention instead.
i find that he's the most eloquent of them all, often speaking up instead of seungcheol (sorry scoops my bub maybe next time) my eyes are always drawn to him because he has so much stage presence, the whole hoshi/soonyoung persona if you know what i mean? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8hr8lCe44Icocoonedsoul’s Video 134696156557 -8hr8lCe44Icocoonedsoul’s Video 134696156557 -8hr8lCe44I
can we say he owned it? HE OWNED IT.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3vWaQB7g4Mcocoonedsoul’s Video 134696156557 C3vWaQB7g4Mcocoonedsoul’s Video 134696156557 C3vWaQB7g4M
i like his vocal colour and i think if they trained him more he could be AMAZING he has so much brimming talent i just. won't the skies weep because we've stolen an angel from heaven?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A8vAs011X0cocoonedsoul’s Video 134696156557 4A8vAs011X0cocoonedsoul’s Video 134696156557 4A8vAs011X0
also i feel like he's a mini minseok so he has the potential to become a super strong stan attractor. i really really reaaaaaally impressed by him so soonyoung gets a whole essay instead of a pic spam. DEF THE ONE TO LOOK OUT FOR. LOBSTA?

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cocoonedsoul’s Video 134696156557 -8hr8lCe44Icocoonedsoul’s Video 134696156557 -8hr8lCe44I

Is there any tlist you finally able to meet up with?

i think i've met up with over 30 people from tlist over the years? pm meet someone every time i fly somewhere and a lot of them have become really close rl friends

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wonwoo doesn't work i'm more attracted to dk

because seokmin is an actual sunflower and discovered to be the single greatest source to the world's happiness
but he also fucking glo'ed up like one day you go to work and bam he's there as your new boss https://41.media.tumblr.com/5238b06a34042a32c9fe789b8df9030c/tumblr_nxvtcj36Sx1tyn75uo1_540.jpg
and you can't take him seriously because look at this fluff ball. he looks like the kind that would trip over his feet while trying to help you carry all your things and accidentally bop his nose on tables and still laugh it off because he doesn't want you to worry
and at first you dismiss as the always laughing really cool nice guy but you fall into his charms eventually because who wouldn't
shh just embrace him as your life and saviour shhhh

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So, if you can only adopt one puppy, which one will you choose? Puppy nini, puppy scoups, puppy wonwoo?

if you add jongin into the equation, he will win. there is no argument. but why is there a rule limiting puppies?? i have four already what is three more

I really want to see u irl and bw friends but i'm too shy amd awkward :| i don't wanna make you uncomfortable, senpai jiaqan😭😭😭

nooooo i talk a mile a minute we can be friends!!! i don't bite!! maybe only occasionally but i usually ask them first

What's your dream job?

i want to open a small sundry store in the countryside! just huge sprawling green land and growing my own vegetables and 60 puppies. i dream about this a lot.

convince me to stan 17

i almost gave you a wonwoo spam before i remember that i am Absolutely Not biased i Love Them All also i am a channie stan
but it's like seventeen writes their own songs composes and choreographs them even, my little self sufficient children. look at them come up with a jingle on the spot http://t.co/VZDsxVFsbQ
also they've plenty of stage experience and are really natural in front of the camera and look they mc their own fanmeets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPo5xsjRLLAcocoonedsoul’s Video 134694882701 lPo5xsjRLLAcocoonedsoul’s Video 134694882701 lPo5xsjRLLA (i just want you to watch wonwoo being cute as fuck tbh PLEASE WATCH IT LOOK AT THE PUP)
they have so much! passion! for the stage it's heartwarming and they bring out the strongest maternal feels in me but also anyone handsome is an oppa ya know? so like, hi, oppa http://40.media.tumblr.com/8b7d1b821276fe12df54ff3b513c9a83/tumblr_nxv0ls7ml51t9n75fo1_500.jpg
they also genuinely look like friends unlike some groups that are Co-workers Only. look http://kpopnopsd.tumblr.com/post/133305824775
lastly they ship themselves. that is all https://38.media.tumblr.com/07942e3a2b24ddc0fc173e085f39efd3/tumblr_nxw04fYcx61rnzd35o3_r1_250.gif
**this was not a wonwoo spam because here is a mingyu gif http://static.tumblr.com/1d8f8843cf988e16114fd5764408cfb0/zwrlxwv/tXQnsoo25/tumblr_static_635ihu529f0ow48so84g0c8ok.gif

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cocoonedsoul’s Video 134694882701 lPo5xsjRLLAcocoonedsoul’s Video 134694882701 lPo5xsjRLLA

I wonder how hard it is to work in your country :|

easier than other asian countries that's for sure. but depends on the industry? i have peak times and free times. sometimes i put in 60 hours a week, sometimes i leave on the dot at 6pm sharp.

should i get a large coke from mcd for $3.10 or get the meal for $5+ and get a burger, fries and regular coke

fam i would pay $5 just for fries never say no to mcdonalds fries

nuuu i hope you find work someplace else :( sounds terrible where you are now *sends whiskey*

rolls around i'll only drink it if you do a love shot with me /winks
but yea i'm thinking about what to do now u___u

What disbanded/long hiatus kpop group do you think was such a pity?

AST'1 IS SUCH A SHAME. their songs are such jams but DSP PLS. then inkyu passed away from cancer :c hanbyul joined monday kiz and left last year to pursue a solo carrier.

What can you say about Se7en?

eh, he broke military protocol, which considering how much flack rain was receiving at that time should've been a wake up call. his early songs were great but his career was possibly halted by an advancement into that states. it was like se7en was a litmus test for all the new markets yg wanted to test out (i own his chinese album. it was ... interesting)

can u rec me some of your fave chankai fics?

my neighbour monggu
the fic that made me notice chankai ㅠ puppies
grind down my corners
jongin is a cloud harvester. soft, fluffy, quiet fic
touch me like you do
i'm sorry this is actually porn but YEAH
time for something real
lbr if the a/n says something along the lines of "this is ang's fault" i'm probably going to like it
these are just off the top of my head, so the more popular fics? i haven't properly read fic for months now.

i tried to read it but i dont like it even tho everybody says that they like it. idk if there's sth wrong with me Y_Y it's just so jarring with too many dialogues

you just have to get used to the writing style? the author's stories always flow in a similar way and have the same emotion baiting bits and once you know what to expect, it's just riding along with the wave. chankai ficdom is pretty dead :( i welcome all fic

have u read the heart where i have roots? all chankai shippers have read that fic right? what are your opinions on it?

ㅠㅠㅠ ofc i've read that fic ㅠ when i feel like hurting myself i reread it. or when i want to get into a writing mood i reread it??? but realtalk it could've benefited from some editing because really unnecessarily long but I AM NOT GOING TO PROTEST MORE CHANKAI OK?? just... dumb jongin why

Hahaha jq! Were you ever like this when Exo debuted!

yeah but seventeen makes me feel like jongin makes me feel but x 13

which is more expensive, japan or korea?

seoul is more expensive than tokyo for me, because yen is depreciating and won is rising. living expenses-wise, they are similar, but i still find tokyo somewhat cheaper.
(and cleaner, and more interesting, and with more character and- oops)

http://ask.fm/cocoonedsoul/answer/134091993741 are there a lot of cheap places to stay at hapjeong?

guesthouses are all around the same price. there are waaaay more guesthouses in hongdae, but you'll end up transferring at hapjeong a lot because it's one of the main stations. i don't really mind because it's just one stop away/15mins walk away and hongdae is much more interesting to wander around in, but hapjeong is very quaint with a lot of cute cafes!

How did you find out about the events going on in Japan? All the pages I go to are in Japanese!

google translate is your friend!!! guestimation. and bugging my sister to translate key details for me. also most major events have english descriptions.

can you share to us your usual itinerary when you go to korea?

i've only been thrice, once with family, once with friends and once solo, so all three trips were very different. i did the whole jeju, nami, skiing shebang the first time i went. the latter two times i stayed at hongdae for the nightlife, but for convenience sake maybe stay near hapjeong. anyway i just spend a lot of time people watching in parks and cafes u__u lots and lots of coffee. lots? and lots? of alcohol?
the places that i wouldn't mind revisiting are namsan tower, ihwa mural village and dongdaemun design plaza. + necessary stops are
gangnam area - sm stores
ehwa - cosmetics and clothes
myeongdong - cheaper albums and to window browse lotte young plaza (there is no other reason i want to visit myeongdong. i hate that place. overcrowded tourist trap.)


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