

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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Yes, I am aware with his injuries holding him back. Although I hope it is not as severe as some fans thought. I do wish he doesn't push himself too hard but then I kind of understand why he does. Anyway do you still adore him like before? After watching him at Bangkok? I am curious

ofc i love him. i love him with the kind of crushing burning adoration i save for my pups. i want the world for him, for him to be safe and happy. just thinking of him makes me smile and that's a power no one else holds over me, i think.
if anything, seeing him live made me love him more because he pushes himself to the brink of falling apart just to perform for us. and he was so adorable T___T kept throwing hearts at us, waving, smiling, reassuring us when he coughed and we whined. i don't think anyone will accuse jongin of taking fans for granted. I LOVE HIM

He used to perform with glint in his eyes but recently, his eyes looks sad. He is still amazing though,, I still can see his passion in stage.. I want to ask your opinion since you have been his fans since loong time ago hehe. thank you

if you don't mind my personal observation, it's not that jongin doesn't want to give his all, but he's too... hurt to do it. there are many times when he winces and tries to hide it so obviously his injuries are holding him recently he's been very exhausted and sick :c jongin during exoluxion bangkok was a coughing mess and he cut back on so many moves. he's probably also burned out from the exodus of members (snorts) and the back to back schedules.
and i think it depends on the song. he didn't really like call me baby but really enjoyed love me right and it shows in the way he performs.

I ve been kai fans only for 1 years and I feel like Kai's personality is quite confusing. He can look so sincere and caring, but then become so indifferent and aloof? He is a loner I guess, or maybe he is just moody person. I also want to ask your opinion about kai's performance. -cont-

:o :o anon you made me think!
i just realised that jongin isn't just distant from chanyeol, but everyone in exo, really. and it makes sense because they always say jongin doesn't go out and doesn't reply messages. he just likes to sleep. he's someone who likes his alone time and finds social interaction tiring. i understand that.
i have the opposite view on his personality change tho! in the beginning jongin was very prickly and grumpy and i think sometime past wolf, he started opening up, smiling more and being more comfortable on broadcast. he's definitely moody when he's tired tho, and that's probably why he's been faltering.

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Wow, your interpretation of them is so accurate and I feel like they fit your descriptions perfectly. Do you mind doing one for every member?

(this ask was re: the china line headcanons. i just answered it late)
joonmyun - joonmyun is the type to hold grudges. he quietly seethes when he thinks he's wronged and the anger bubbles just under the surface, almost visible, but stamped down with a smile because he has to be happy. he has to, as leader. he's very firm and takes responsibility very seriously because his road to debut isn't easy and he NEEDS to prove that they made a right decision.
sehun - i think sehun's secretly frustrated about being overlooked. everyone doesn't expect sehun to try, because look at jongin and his passion, look at yixing and his slick moves, sehun, if you just tried harder... so he ended up giving up. he does try hard, in his own way, unseen and unheard, and there are improvements but he's always overshadowed in every aspect. so he throws himself into things he loves instead- friends, family, material things, fashion.
kyungsoo - kyungsoo doesn't see what the big deal is. he's just doing his best at his job and gets surprised sometimes at the reaction he ignites. exo is loud. fans are loud. he didn't expect everything to be so loud. he just needs some quiet space but it's impossible to get me time in the cramped dorms with so many other people. still, he does really enjoy performing and takes every single activity seriously, even the silly cfs. he's ambitious, i think, already planning his post-exo career.
baekhyun - baekhyun has always been a natural performer. during the trainee times, he joined late so he needed to win over everyone and the best way to get approval is by being funny and charming. it's become a defense mechanism, almost, but the loudest people are also the most thoughtful. he's very observant of the surroundings and is the mood maker, quick to change any situation that could turn dark. but people tend to forget the hard work behind his smiles so that frustrates him sometimes.
jongdae - jongdae is nice. he's so nice that no one even dares to push him over because he's not naive, knows his way around society, but just approachable and considerate. jongdae is grateful for the opportunities he was given and is determined to make the most of it. he treats it all as a fun game to tackle because someone needs to keep smiling even when emotions run high. he's the balance, the one that smoothes out the tension and holds the team together. he's mayonnaise.
minseok - minseok still can't believe it. he can't believe he made it, that exo made it, that he's /popular/. he treads carefully each day and tries not to let it go to his head but he's obviously more comfortable and confident lately with himself, his dance, his body. everyone else in exo respects him deeply because they've picked up on the dark flashes hidden behind the constant smile and know minseok is the one they shouldn't piss off.
i think i've talked about my chanyeol and jongin headcanon enough. also i wrote an ot12 headcanon ago if you'd like to see what changed.

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Liked by: SayAyo1

I guess becuz u ship chankai you see them under that light? I saw multiple occasions where jongin expressed his annoyance towards chanyeol and jongin laughs at baekhyun's jokes, laughs with sehun, suho, kyungsoo and chen more than he does with chanyeol.

aw anon i just like them there's no real reason :c i like jongin and i like chanyeol and i like seeing them together. my previous ship was kailu so obviously i don't ship things based on how practical it is? otherwise i would ship chansoo

Idk if it's just me but I feel like jongin barely tolerates chanyeol. How do you ship them knowing jongin never sees chanyeol as anything else than a co-worker? Under different circumstances, they might never talk to each other. Chanyeol isn't the type Jongin is fond of.

how do we know who jongin likes? for all that i tinhat, i'm fully aware it's just a ship and simply build their relationship into my headcanon as i please. i still think they're friends, have been throughout the trainee years, although not super close friends. more friends of convenience? the kind you wouldn't be friends with otherwise, but simply because they're THERE.
and i know they're not as close as they were lately, which i keep talking about. but i also treasure the little moments where chanyeol makes jongin laugh all happily like we rarely see him do with anyone else. jongin doesn't seem to be the type to be super affectionate with friends to me and chanyeol's attention span is a bit too short for any real interaction.

just wondering if you received my message? cheer up :c - k

i did, thank you! i keep all the nicest messages to myself because it's too nice to share with anyone else but really, thank you, thank you. you made me feel a lot better. thank you.

any plans for your birthday? ^^

no plans yet but it'll be significantly brightened if you, y'know, wrote chankai ;)

Write an ode to yourself!

a retrospect.
i am still happy.
at a week to 22.
at 21, i got my first job.
at 20, i kissed him under the stars.
at 19, i packed my bags and started anew.
at 18, i started to learn how to shine.
at 17, i discovered where my interests lie.
at 16, my social circles shifted.
at 15, i found the silver lining.
at 14, i met my soulmate.
at 13, music changed my life.
at 12, i made my first adult decision.
and at 11, 10, 9,
at 8, 7, 6,
in my teeny tot years,
i was carefree and happy.
no matter which way i read it, the message is the same. i-
remember that as i walked
down the streets of melbourne
among flowers and horses and people in black
i was happy
remember that even though i cried
too many tears figuring out my way
even though he broke my heart
when the angriness faded away i realised
i was happy
remember that in this moment,
with the people i love,
doing the things i do,
i am blessed.
i am happy.
not an ode? still a celebration.

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what's ur opinion on kris, luhan, tao, yixing personality?

yifan - i think he's a very mature and capable man that has carefully laid out plans for everythinh. all well meaning, but it doesn't always go his way. yifan is an opportunist and a naturally born socializer. he knows how to build the right connections and wins hearts all by being genuine and nice and maybe with a little flattery. and i think... that sometimes when he's alone, he wonders if this flashy wu yifan is truly him or someone he constructed and molded into the perfect being?
lu han - lu han's just a bit lost. my headcanon is that he really has no foresight and took a misstep into the ent industry because it seemed like a good idea then but fuck, he's stuck. and he's not too keen on being a star but it's all he knows so he's content being packaged, instructed, shuttled from place to place, movie to endorsement, as long as he gets a little quiet space. he's probably someone who opens up to only a select few people and in his free time just lies around dozing off.
yixing - yixing's a smart one. i think he's almost like chanyeol, cunning in the sense that he knows how to play the crowd, knows exactly what image to best portray to come across as likable. but he also sticks to his principles and stands up for what he thinks is right, so he's still so humble and a sweetheart. but sometimes those principles get in the way of the right thing to do.
tao: child. tao is easily swayed by other people's words and he's emotionally vunerable. heart on his sleeve, reacts before he thinks, emotions over logic etc. but he reflects on things a lot and overthinks everything. once again, he's emotionally charged so he can be persuaded into a lot of things- flashy cars, temptations, freedom...

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why not support tao when he did the same thing as krishan? a bit hypocritical?

it's 2015 and we still get these questions?
ever been in a relationship that didn't end well? that someone you've stripped off all physical and emotional layers in front of, do you still feel the same way?
tbh at this point i'm just humoring you by choosing questions i can answer pretentiously. stop demanding answers on why people's feelings change. or in my case, didn't change. if tao didn't grow on me in the 3 years he was in exo, he's not going to magically become endearing by leaving and disappearing. spam someone else who can give you the answers you want.

you still suport the krishantao?

i support wyhan a lot more than i let on on twitter because tlist isn't fond of them. and tao... i'll get back to you on tao when there is SOMETHING to support. not a secret that i was never inclined towards him anyway.

what would you do if you could hang out with your seventeen bias?

i'm awfully fond of maknae line, channie and hansol so i want to bring them to an old school arcade and we can play pinball and basketball. then we'll have pizza later?? i think i would be happy just watching them eat. i just want the world for my little pups.

If seventeen joined wgm.....

BUT THE OLDEST KID IS A BABY??? are there rumours omg. i would love for them to join a dating show maybe i want to see them be shy around potential partners.

You should watermark your videos because all the "famous" twitters are stealing them

thank you for telling me! but i guess i don't really mind. it would be nice to be credited but this is the internet. i just want to share things with my tlist.

EXO as PR?

joonmyun massages his forehead as he looks at the claim forms chanyeol submitted. "chanyeol, for the last time, please follow the templates. why did you use comic sans?"
"who cares, FRONT PAGE COVERAGE, BITCHES." chanyeol sticks the paper proudly into joonmyun's face. so maybe he tends to lose receipts here and there, and forgets to label the project code correctly, but hey, when you have three meetings in a day, who can keep track?
jongin shuffles into the room, bleary eyed and with a post it stuck to his cheek.
"bad day?" joonmyun asks sympathetically.
"pitch week," jongin yawns. "the client wanted a redo of the campaign plan. preferably plans that require no budget."
"you'll survive better if you worshiped the coffee gods like the rest of us," minseok pipes in, holding up his coffee mug. he's sitting on the floor with paper bags scattered all around him, trying to pack gifts bags for his next event. so far progress has been slow because his phone keeps pinging due to the group chat with That One Client.
jongin stops in his tracks and shudders at the thought. "no, i had a cafe chain as a client once. i'm never touching coffee again."
on the other side of the room, baekhyun shrieks loudly into his phone, "HEY, HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? your baby's doing well? great! now about that magazine shoot-"
"where's jongdae by the way?" minseok asks. he squints at the gourmet chocolate bars he's packing for the gift bags and casually slips one into his own pocket.
"uh guys," yixing asks, sticking his head past the door, "why is jongdae sleeping in the pantry?"
this was too real. i can't even try to be funny. also i need to get back to MY pitch. weeps.

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Ah..i was about to ask for chankai tweetfic again hahaha

lol go ahead i still have a few prompts sitting around but when i'm bored i fill em

Uhm..what are you doing now?

w-working. or i should be finishing up my work but it's also 10pm so ask.fm it is.

Do you only write Chankai?

no, i only write jongin. but i have written a few other non-jongin pairings too for crack fics. (rn i'm 700% more fond of chankai tho, so.)

Hello, JQ! Just wanna ask you, where can we buy kpop album in Malaysia?

i either buy them online or ask a friend visiting korea to buy em :c the ones sold instore here are pretty expensive and may sometimes be the malaysian version released by universal music malaysia. lately i join group orders but before that when i mass bought albums i used yesasia. wouldn't particularly recommend yesasia tho.

"We were always on the verge of almost." i challenge u to turn this into crack/fluff drabble even though it's (almost) angsty

the mood is a bit terse. jongin is upset and chanyeol doesn't know what to do.
"i swear, chanyeol. this has happened every single time," jongin says quietly. chanyeol would much rather jongin be loud and raging because he knows how to deal with a temper, he's had practice with kyungsoo. but quiet is new territory, unexplored grounds.
"i'm really, really sorry," chanyeol says, curling in on himself in an attempt to seem more pitiful. jongin can never stay mad at monggu when the poodle pretends to be sad, so maybe it'll work the same for chanyeol.
jongin ignores him and crosses his arms, refusing to look at chanyeol. "i got to SEVENTY SIX, chanyeol."
"i know," chanyeol says soothingly. he drops his head in apology and nudges jongin's arm with the crown of his head. "i'm sorry i scared you when i ran into the room suddenly."
"i guess if it's you," jongin sighs, reaching out to wrap his arms around chanyeol's shoulders and pulling him in against his chest. "breaking my fishing chain is worth it."
"yeah?" chanyeol allows himself a small smile, blinking hopefully at jongin. from the way his head is awkwardly cradled against jongin, it's an uncomfortable position and he can see straight up jongin's nostrils but jongin is actively touching him, so chanyeol's not about test dangerous waters.
jongin gently taps chanyeol on his nose and murmurs, "you're better than a shiny dragalge."
then he flings chanyeol away out of embarrassment and muffles his face with a pillow.
but hey, they're good again, and that's what matters.
glossary for non-pokemon players:
chain fishing is a method of catching rare "shiny" pokemon by continuously fishing at the same spot. the higher the continuous chain of successful reels, the higher your chance of catching a shiny. once you break the chain, your chances reset and you have to start over.
this is a dragalge: http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/691.shtml

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Language: English