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Ne diyon la alt tarafı naber dedik jshdhd

Still can't figure out this anagram after a week.
I surrender. Please just tell me. You're wearing anonymous mask anyways.
Liked by: ariez sagara

"your favorite X factor" what is it?

"She's been using the idiom 'X factor' on her social media bio since 2014. René Descartes introduced X to represents independent variable or unknown value in La Géométrie (1637). Meanwhile, X factor itself means a noteworthy special talent or quality.
To her, X factor is an unknown and unpredictable variable that could have the most significant impact on the result. She is embracing the philosophy of the X factor as her goal—to always be the most unpredictable variable that gives the element of surprise. She also added the adjective 'your favorite' as her hope to be everyone's—at least, her favorite ones—favorite surprise."
Kawuryan, Kinan: Citing Sources: [http://www.kinankawuryan.com/p/about-blog.html] para. 2-3 [March 23, 2016]

Hi Kinan, a friend of mine becoming RSJ patient and diagnosed he catch over depression while battling for his TA. He studied as same as ur campus but diff faculty, and theres people who got same prob were "healing" at mesjid S. Is that pressure even real? hopefully u aint one of those & stay strong!

Woah really? Hope (s)he feels better soon!
I can't really say much about final year lyf in my school because every faculty has different regulation about tugas akhir/skripsi. Basically tugas akhir/skripsi is full of pressure, yet everyone's mental strength level are different. So, it is always good to give those tugas akhir/skripsi warriors moral support and attention.
For me, I'm now under pressure yet I still can manage my mental health and emotion. So I think I'm good (but pls I still need moral support and attention ok). Thank you for your concern!

nan, my youngest sister got some plan to take scholars in uk, but still, i cant convince her kalo having boyfie disana its way more different than here, i still can accept kiss or hug to her, but disana kan sex itu like primary thing, how to tell her kalo cowo yang no sex itu sulit dicari disana?

I'm going to give you harsh truth: no matter how you love your sister and no matter who you are for her, you have no right to tell her what to do or not to do with her body.
So the only thing you can do is teach her how to be responsible with every action she made.

Padahal aku udah block kakak tapi kakak malah hempas datang lagi di timeline:( eeeh sekarang malahan gue follow.

Ya itulah namanya benci jadi cinta
Liked by: Nadya F I A

Hahaha im dying of laughing cuz bro coli and seblak booty thing lmao btw where did u found that seblak booty to be exact???? Reminding of seblak syantiek (them using photoshopped syahrini eating seblak wore winter coat) in front of my kostan :"))

It's everywhere around Gegerkalong-Cimahi actually and I managed to get the pic


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