

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Kak kinan, sewaktu jadi mahasiswi Interior pernah gerah gak si kalo dibilang "oh anak desain interior itu yang cuma gambar gambar aja ya?" karna aku sering banget dibilang gitu tapi gatau harus responnya kaya apa:(

Nope because apparently I already cut off all relationship with people like that. Trust me, you don't need those people in your life.
Surround yourself with people who help you grow ok?

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yaaa maaf kak kinann aku ulangin yaa kak kinan kalo pake baju mencocokan baju dengan cuaca gak? misal kalo panas pake hotpants dan kaos gombrong or etc gitu?

Not in Indonesia esp in Bandung because we have summer at day and autumn by night. That why I usually laugh when I local brand is using fall/winter or spring/summer on their collection bcs gurl we have pancaroba all year long.
I always bring warm outer no matter how hot it is outside or what I'm wearing at the moment because I know it'll get cold at some point of the day. Well, at least you can feel warm when using gojek right?

Korean style bgt kak suka bgt sm turtle necknya dan itu luarannya tank top bukan si ka? Cewek2 korea di drama lg pd pake baju kyk kaka juga soalnya hihi

I should stop wearing sleeping dress over tops

kak kikan mau tanya, apa kak kikan kalo berpakaian mencocokan dengan cuaca?

Spell my name right or else u ded.

paling suka baju yang kaya gimana?

I like my clothes careless and provocative. Tank tops, oversized t-shirt, edgy cut clothes, etc.
This is not a good example on how my clothes should be because I look like those basic bitch who don't want to show some skins bcs aurot yet still want to cope up with trends.
But I like my face on this pic, posting this pic on instagram is very dilemmatic.

Tpb fsrd 2016 memangnya sekarang kuliah di jatinangor ya kak kinan?

Nggak kok. Setau aku cuma pindah gedung aja, nggak sampe pindah kampus.

Got this interesting question from @id41734549, What was your first mobile phone? and how did it help your daily activities back then?

gentamaulanaman’s Profile PhotoSour Mimosa
This girl survived a lot of my emotional breakdowns after being thrown repeatedly and still managed to work until today!!
I used it mostly to ★socialize★ with friends and strangers (there are times where I actually replied to "leh nal g?" kind of text) and spreading send-all texts to get attention from my crush(es).
And that's totally normal for 13 years old girls back then.


Language: English