

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Lika liku interior design yang orang gatau apa aja? #interiordesignhour

You don't know the struggle of carrying big ass maquette from home to school.
You don't know the struggle of waiting rendering process.
You don't know the struggle of bugsplat.
You don't know the struggle of hatch bocor.
You don't know the struggle of printing 3 meters long drawing that you can use it as sajadah.

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Aku sempet searching, di interior design itu ada pelajaran sejarahnya juga. Emang bakal pelajarin sejarah apa/kayak gimana?

Everything has it's own history. Seharusnya sih setiap jurusan juga ada mata kuliah yang mengandung unsur sejarahnya.
Kalo di sini, kita belajar tentang sejarah perkembangan desain mulai dari jaman prasejarah sampai saat ini.

Kak kalo aku berantem sama pacar gara2 beda pendapat soal design rumah gimana? Masalahnya beda bgt dia pengen yg ala ala celeb mansion gitu aku pengennya yg kaya rumah nenek di desa yg penting adem #interiordesignhour

Get your own house where you can always hide from him when you're in fight.
Ngga deng, that's why you should hire interior designer. We know how to solve your problem(s).

I have some questions about health and sport for girls: How important is the physical fitness for you? Do you exercise regularly? What's the first thing come up in your mind when you hear "sport", "fitness", and "health"? Are you satisfied with your current physical condition?

Hai Alex,
Physical fitness had never been my priority before I came back from the US. I gained so much weight that it scares me. Fuck American food for being so tasty yet unhealthy.
I thought I'm that kind a girl who can eat a lot without worrying about weight. Well, I actually don't care that much about weight but when you realized your body changes as your weight increases, now that's the problem. I gained fat from my belly to toe while my upper body is still skinny as well.
And that's when I realized I need to do exercise since I've been a sloth. I've been taking zumba class every tuesday and wednesday regularly. It's really fun and I think I've found the kind of exercise I like. (Have tried running like other people but it's too tiring and not fun at all)
I think I'm quite satisfied with my own body since I'm still considered as skinny and all the girls have been looking at my body jealously. But yeah, humans are never fully satisfied, I still want that flat belly along with busty bewbs and nice ass.
And lastly, the only thing that came into my when I hear sport, fitness and health is mbak mbak gym with her neon sports bra and leggings.

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Jika disuruh memilih dari beberapa grup untuk bersama dlm beberapa waktu, grup mana yang akan kamu pilih: 1) grup yang se-agama sama dengamu, 2) grup dgn anggota satu ras denganmu, 3) grup dgn gender yg sama denganmu, 4) grup yang memiliki orientasi seksual sama denganmu

Grup dengan anggota satu ras denganku karena didalam sebuah ras terdapat agama yang beragam, gender yang beragam, dan orientasi seksual yang beragam.
Besides, I have very strong bond with Javanese people. If you're Javanese, I'll be nice to you.


Language: English