

Ask @kinankawuryan

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sudah jam setengah 10 mba

Yha sudah jam 11 malahan hahahaha.
Terima kasih antusiasmenya dalam ikutan! Beragam sekali jawabannya mulai dari umur 11 sampai 27 :') dan rata-rata pada ngejawab umur 23 (which is wrong, aing ga setua itu)
Pemenang dipilih berdasarkan yang paling benar dan cepat menjawab serta tidak anon dan akan diumumkan setelah answer ini.
Jangan sedih untuk yang tidak menang dan jangan menyesal buat yang belum ikutan, sebenernya gue berencana bikin giveaway lain di bulan agustus and this is all is just an impulsive thing I did today. So you might want to keep up with me for a while since I will do another giveaway though ;)

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Kak Kinan, need advice dr seseorg yg open minded kyk kakak. Jadi long story short, menurut kakak, kalo pacar kakak masturbasi mikirin cewe selain kakak gimana?? :(

Kalo aku pribadi sih aku marah, apalagi kalo cewenya spesifik kayak temen sekelas, temen main, dll dan bukan sekedar porn star.
Because for me, when you're in a relationship (and you both aren't asexual) you're not only romantically attracted to your partner, you are supposed to sexually attracted too since you both are gonna have sexual thing eventually. Makanya gue bete banget kalo ada orang yang bilang "kalo cowok beneran sayang sama ceweknya mah nggak bakal tega jadiin cewenya jadi bahan colian" ya terus gimana dong entar pas mau ewa ewi masa cowoknya ngomong "maaf aku nggak bisa ngewe kamu, aku nggak tega soalnya aku sayang sama kamu." terus bubar nggak jadi ewa ewi.
So basically the function of having significant other is to satisfy you romantically and sexually. And what if he's being satisfied by someone else beside you? I would consider that as cheating unless you both have made some kind of agreement due of sexual preferences.

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what naughty [wink wink] thing would you do with a minion if you had one to yourself for the night? ;-) (-;

Are you trying to create a new fetish or do you need materials for your sex story blog?
Liked by: Hanna Vanesha laras

Drinking Game Idea: Open @bortalizer's account; take a shot everytime he uses big words to overcompensate his shortcomings, two shots everytime he namedrops people as if he's the first to know them, and three everytime he references something (he thinks) is obscure.

I came all the way from my brief hiatus only to say that this is totally genius 10/10 would play to get wasted.

story today

Jadi minggu lalu Victoria's Secret kan lagi annual sale, terus gue sama temen-temen gue jadi impulsif pingin beli beha kolor yang cantik cantik kyutipai itu.
Karena gue nggak terlalu yakin sama ukuran bra gue, gue minta tolong sama mbak-mbaknya buat ngukurin.
Kinan: hi can you please measure my size?
Mbak: I'd love to, dear! *sebelum ngukur udah ngeliatin dada gue duluan*
Mbak: oh, I'm sorry for you size *pasang muka iba*

#StopYulin 2015!!! answer me, or you are just one more bitch who eat dog and cat -.-

You know what, I don't actually mind about people eating dogs or cats as long as they don't put them in a long agony when they slaughter them.
Some people who eats dogs and cats kill them by hitting by stick or even kicking them until they die. That's the point where people should stop doing. If you want to eat them, treat them right, feed them right, and make them die in a quick and less-agony way such as a deep quick cut in a throat, just like people usually do to chicken and cow.
And the way you promoting #StopYulin2015 is not really nice. How dare you call people bitch and spamming their page when you need their support. Please, get the fuck out my page.

kak kinan warna rambutnya warna apa ya? maksudnya kalau di salon ngomongnya warna hijau apa gitu kak? soalnya pengen ngewarnain kayak gitu juga, makasih kak kinan..

Gue nggak ngewarnain di salon sih, gue beli cat rambut sendiri terus minta tolong catin ke temen.
The color supposed to be blue though, tapi karena bleaching-nya nggak sempurna jadinya agak menuju hijau zamrud.
(Idk if this answer is really helping but you can show this picture to mbak-mbak salonnya)


Language: English