

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Haloo adakah hal yang menjadi favoritmu saat ini? Mind to tell us? 😊

The smell of his cigarette that lingers on me every time we see each other.
It's funny because I usually hate guys who smoke. I guess he's an exception.

How good are you on taking constructive criticism? Do you directly accept critic, take offense before processing the critic, or taking offense and not mind the critism?

I cry inside first because I'm so soft pls do not criticize me hard and accept it later.
Liked by: Au Yoo Ji Hyuk giò

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halo Kak, i really need your advice. pacar ku selingkuh setahun yang lalu dan baru ketahuan skrg. bukan sekedar selingkuh tp dia juga jatuh cinta sama wanita itu, walaupun akhirnya dia tetap milih sama aku karna ga tega nyakitin aku. aku harus gimana menyikapinya kak? thank you, kak

I'm sorry I can't give any neutral objective answer because I have personal issue with cheaters.
My answer would be let him go and torture the shit out of him.

…you're in on the minority regarding the mansur gavriel bucket bag. Minimalism still have much momentum dengan penganut alirannya masih memegang kendali di nama2 besar dalam industri (rick, raf, yohji, assche) dan berbagai brand minimalis (eg: public school) grabbing awards like there's no tomorrow

bortalizer’s Profile Photo@issen.tial | @wear.sateer
Thank u now I wanna die

kak udah baca line today? gmana menurut kaka soal topik 'kontroversi editor mode sebut Fashion blogger tak tahu malu' ?

Hmm menarik sih ini, I have to search for the real article before commenting on it because translated articles are often misleading. Here you go check > http://www.vogue.com/13483417/milan-fashion-week-spring-2017-vogue-editors-chat/
I believe bloggers role in fashion industry is still needed, because who else brings fashion down to the earth when magazines often made fashion looks exclusive, untouchable, and cannot be worn daily. But with the easy internet access nowadays, the number of fashion bloggers are increasing, sometimes they came with the wrong hope to be famous, exposed, or to have the same status as celebrity.
Here's the thing about blogging, the more content you post, the more you gain readers or followers or fans. Some bloggers want to be famous so quickly that sometimes they make quick and shallow content to make as much content as they can. Like the editors said, they change clothes every hour! They're the representation of how fashion would go in the street, not in catwalk. And you won't change your clothes every hour in real life right?
Not only that, the editors also highlighted their attention seeking behavior like begging at paparazzi to take pictures of them, just for the sake of exposure. And it's not secret that the clothes they wear sometimes don't belong to them. Sometimes they borrow it, sometimes they're getting paid to wear it. It's business. And I admit it is actually pathetic to see them shoving the clothes they don't own to the papz.
I think those people are only commenting about certain fashion bloggers and their behavior. And I believe not all fashion bloggers act like that. It's just some people who want to be famous and wear pretty clothes all day, (heck I heard some 'bloggers' who came to fashion week are no longer blogging and posted on social media instead).
And oh, by the way, if you don't understand what I said, you can just change the term fashion bloggers to selebgram. They're pretty much the same and I believe it'll be more relateable in Indonesia. Some selebgrams are disgusting prick who post endorsement all day.

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What is the good kind of awkward?

I was finally able to take pictures of myself in this hyped stairs but suddenly there were a girl at the left tunnel opening and photobombed my pic. I eventually photoshopped the shit out of her existence though.
Finally a sequel of my Yogyakarta trip!

pacarku sepertinya bosan sama aku kak. gimana caranya biar nggak bosan lagi ya? apa aku anaknya emg bosenin ya?

There's nothing much you can do if your partner is bored because being bored is a personal problem they have to solve themselves, not you.
But you have to remember that it's not your fault if they're bored. You're just being you and that's okay.

Hi, I'm 20 yo female and I've never been with anyone other than my bf. I went to this party where they had a go-go boy and his 'thing' is way bigger than my bf's. Perhaps size doesn't matter but it got me thinking, "Does it feel better?" 7 inches looks yummy! To you, what's the ideal size of 'it'?

As long as it's long enough to reach the g-spot, it's perfect.
Liked by: Cristofora


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