

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Self-centered and insecure, poor thing :(

The fact that you sent me the same questions 4 times makes me feel better than you are cos gurl u need a decent internet connection.

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Terapi hormon aja kk, ganti kelamin trus implantasi penis buat gantiin vaginanya. klaaar :)

Dude, my eyes are up here not down there. Therefore I don't have to see my vagina on daily basis which why I don't think my phobia is a serious problem since it doesn't affect my daily activity.
My phobia doesn't even disturb you. Why are you guys so noisy?

Tau gak perusahaan bernama PT POS INDONESIA? Apa yang kamu tahu tentang perusahaan ini?

Ada senior gue anak DKV tugas akhirnya mendesain ulang logo Pos Indonesia. Pas ditanya dosen penguji kenapa dia milih mendesain ulang logo Pos Indonesia, beliau jawab karena logonya udah ketinggalan jaman, kaku, kuno, dsb. Turns out dosen pengujinya adalah desainer logo original Pos Indonesia. #plottwist

Kinan target lulus kapan? Trus mantan yang se-almamater dah lulus belum?

Mantan yang mana dulu nich, dikira mantanku yang se-almamater cuma satu ya??
Liked by: Kholisa Dwi

What's with all the hate towards vagina? Disana tempat lahir beta, duh!

Are we still going to argue about how I don't feel comfortable in seeing vagina and you guys think it's wrong and expecting me to love it? You want me to fuck your vajayjay or what?!

Ka kinan, btw absen juga berpengaruh ya di perkuliahan. Kalo di itb kehadirannya 80% or 90%? Cuz my campus rules by 90% of attending class so if i was took two absent it changes score from A to B or B to C real quick. If my absences more than three it automatically E or even H. So sad but true :'

Tergantung mata kuliahnya sih, ada juga mata kuliah yang nggak mentingin absen sama sekali.
Tapi ya namanya juga kuliah, kan udah bayar mahal sebisa mungkin jangan absen la, rugi.

2.37? Mine even worst hahaha :)) just make it as a motivation, plant a positive mind, that you can do better! It did really help me through the new semester. You know what with those positive mindsss I could boost my GPA till 3.73 in the following semester! Work hard and pray hard!

Thanks for the motivation words darling but you're like 6 semesters late because I already did better and reached 3.81.

Ka Kinan, aku mahasiswi teknik juga nih. Gpa perdana aku hampir sama kayak gpa terendah kakak. Padahal effort aku juga ga sedikit. Cara bangkit lagi gimana ya Kak?

Do you mean bangkit as in get your spirit back or bangkit as in get your gpa high?
Either way, no matter how you big you think you put your effort is, if you didn't reach your goal, then it's not big enough.
Don't limit yourself, if you gotta bleed in order to reach your goals, then let it rain blood.

Ka kinan, selama kuliah pernah dapet nilai c? Ip terendahnya berapa? Just had read ur answer for a long time ago that you received good, very good gpa. Hopefully it becoming better and better in the next cuz ure motivating me kak kinan

Jangankan C, nilai D pun pernah muehauheuahue.
My very first gpa is the lowest. It was 2.73. It wasn't that bad for some people, but when you're surrounded by people with >3.5 gpa, mine was nothing but trash.

Ka sorry to bother you, aku cuma mau nanya pendapat yg aku tau mestinya ga ditanyain ke stranger, gmn ya cara meredam rasa ga suka ketika pasangan mau traveling (i.e hiking,climbing-kita ga diajak) aku tau itu hobi dia tp susah utk sekedar blg hati2 dan berkabar. Makasih banyak atas jawabannya :)

Lol I thought I'm the only one with this kind of problem: letting your significant other to go and play on their own. I believe the reason why is it so hard to let him go is you're afraid being left alone.
And what I usually do to cope up with that is I go and play on my own too. It sucks at first, I know. But wouldn't it fair if he had fun and so did you?


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