

Ask @kinankawuryan

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ada pengalaman romantic or sexual encounter sama sesama pengguna ask? can u tell us stories about it?

I've been out with some guys from here and all of them ended badly.
Don't trust guys from ask.fm ok?
Liked by: Dita cich WindaMS Beeba

Kak Kinan keren sekali deh bisa murtad kek gitu 😍 Btw, itu karena kemauan pribadi or peer pressure kak? Karena (katanya) kan di FSRD ITB banyak yang atheist dan agnostic? Sangat menginspirasi, sukses terus ya kak 😚

I find this very sarcastic.
There is nothing cool in practicing or not practicing religion, okay?

I thought you were excelled at biology and stuff?

Wtf this is the weirdest rumor I've heard about myself
Liked by: Dita

kenapa sih cowok badboys tuh selalu dapet cewek yang paling cakep, padahal brengsek tampangnya juga kadang2 kek tukang becak

Maybe he fulfills her needs.
Who needs a good boy when he doesn't even put his phone away when he's with you?
Who needs a good boy when he is not willing to strive his ass off to make you happy?
Who needs a good boy when he can't make you scream in bed?

Why are you getting political all of a sudden? Are you being sincere with your political view or just following trends?

It's okay if you're assuming that I'm following the trend just because I suddenly go political or something. But the truth is I've always been political. I read the news daily, I have opinion about it, I discuss it with my loved ones, I just rarely talk about it on social media.
However, I talked about the latest political issue on twitter lately because I feel like it's just not like any other issue. This is an issue I can relate the most, that I would be proud to take an action in a form of personal opinion. And I have right to do so, so why not?
I advice you to not assuming if someone's following the trends if they're suddenly talking about politic, because hey, everybody start somewhere and it's good that they finally care about politics. Just like Bertolt Brecht said:
"Buta terburuk adalah buta politik. Orang yang buta politik tak sadar bahwa biaya hidup, harga makanan, harga rumah, harga obat, semuanya bergantung keputusan politik.
Dia membanggakan sikap anti politiknya, membusungkan dada dan berkoar, 'Aku benci politik!' Sungguh bodoh dia, yang tak mengetahui bahwa karena dia tidak mau tau politik, akibatnya adalah pelacuran, anak terlantar, perampokan, dan yang terburuk, korupsi dan perusahaan multinasional yang menguras kekayaan anak negeri."

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mau ngga kalo ditawarin jadi peran utama di film action dan harus ngejalanin adegan berantem?

Gurl I would most likely involved in fighting scene even if I'm not starring in action movie.
Liked by: Dita


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