

Ask @kinankawuryan

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sedih. padahal menurutku kata2 "cewek harus punya penghasilan karena cowok nggak ngerti bedanya lipstik 50rb sama yang 500rb" itu bukan cuma sekedar kata2 biasa, ada makna yg lebih dalam dari itu. It means kita harus bisa mandiri, jangan ketergantungan sama cowo dan ngangkat derajat kita sendiri

Bukan masalah harga lipstiknya, tapi kemampuan kita buat nggak tergantung sama laki-lakinya. Because shit happens and who knows one day your man can't even afford a meal to eat.

how's life?

Good. By the way, I found this picture from a friend's path update and I thought it is a response from a picture that says "cewek harus punya penghasilan karena cowok nggak ngerti bedanya lipstik 50rb sama yang 500rb" I don't remember the exact words but it was probably like that.
Sedih banget kalo emang sampe ada cewek yang berpikiran kayak gini. I totally lost my respect to whoever made this response picture. It's not even funny. It's degrading women and that person should be ashamed for having such as stupid mindset.

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Hi, there. When you're at a wedding party, what's the first food you eat/look for? :)

Yang paling mahal biaya produksinya.
Liked by: Leny Lisa

Whoa kak! Iseng baca answeran kakak, itu aku tau deh sama keluarga yg ngajak kakak bbq bareng, istrinya (mba Ike) itu anaknya tetangga aku, aku cuma pernah ketemu sama anaknya mereka yg cowok, kalo ga salah Salman namanya hehe. Td aku tunjukin fotonya ke mama dan mama masih inget mukanya

Wadu if only you came off anon.
Lucu banget kan si Salman itu!!
Tapi lebih lucu lagi kalo ngeliat ibunya suka manggil dia dengan sebutan Tole* :") and I was just like "Anjir ini anak bule tapi dipanggil Tole." :")
*) Panggilan buat anak laki-laki dalam bahasa jawa dan asalnya katanya dari kontol(e)

Amriki pa kbarnya ni mb Kinan

Baik-baik saja mz Jean, Barrack Obama tetap menjabat menjadi presiden meskipun saya hengkang dari sana sekitar tiga minggu lalu. Sedangkan w minggu pertama di Indonesia masih jetlag-jetlag tai, kerjaannya tidur melulu.
Saat ini juga gue masih post vacation blues mz, masih sedih-sedih gitu liat foto-foto selama disana. Rasanya pingin ngepost semua foto disana di instagram dan ask.fm. Tapi kan ndak mungkin yha masa nanti feed gue setahun penuh isinya amiriki mulu kan jadinya riya. Akhirnya gue memutuskan agar foto-fotonya di-post di blog sahaja biar sekalian cerita panjang-panjang.
Btw gue niat sekali lho mz sama blog ini sampe memutuskan membeli private domain serta meng-hire web designer, sehingga saat ini kondisinya masih under construction. Alasannya sih biar tidak terbengkalai seperti blog-blog jaman adolescence yang kulahirkan hampir setiap tahun.
Kira-kira ada yang mau baca tidak ya, hmmm.

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Pap koleksinyaaaaa

fachriialif’s Profile PhotoSnapchat: fachriialif
Gue koleksi foto dari photobox sejak masa kepopulerannya dari tahun 2005. Mulai dari yang background-nya rainbow bubble bubble sampe sekarang yang biru polos.
If I asked you to take a photo box with me that means you are special and I love you romantically or platonically. I would keep our pic forever even if we are torn apart.
And yeah, I keep photobox pictures of all of my exes no matter how much I hate them.

Kalau ada seseorang yang ingin membeli akun ask.fm-mu, berapa harga yang harus ia bayar sebelum kamu bersedia melepaskan akunmu?

kent sutjipto
I would give it up for free once I get really bored with this site.
Because ask.fm username lasts forever.
And whatever that one does with my account, it is my name that people would see and remember, which is good.

Menurut kakak "nginget ulang tahun sahabat/temen deket" itu penting gak kak? Aku inget semua ulang tahun sahabat/temen deketku kak cuman mereka enggak, miris banget yak :(

Menurut gue sih ngucapin selamat ulang tahun itu tujuannya memberi selamat, bukan biar dapet balasan ucapan pas lo ulang tahun. So try to be more ikhlas next time, okay?
But trust me when you get older it is getting boring to say happy birthday every year.

Kak kinan, I noticed while everyone here (selebask) has their own clique and they made their own group line and stuff, why aren't you in one?

Wow this is actually a sensitive question for me when it comes to social life.
For a cliché answer I would say because I'm not a selebask? I have not enough likes to join them. Huehehe.
I didn't know if everyone has their own group line clique, but yeah I noticed there are a few circles in here. And maybe you asked this because I don't seem to join any circle, which is true, I don't.
Maybe because I'm hard to approach and it is harder for me to approach other people. I'm just shy and awkward and sometimes it makes me look like I'm arrogant.
This has been an issue for me since forever and I'm trying so hard to fix this. Maybe you guys could help by simply saying hi and try to get along with me. I would appreciate it so much.

Good evening! What would you do if you are gay (for straight people), orrrrrr what would you do if you are straight (for gay people)

I would still crushing on attractive people based on my sexual orientation and get rejected.
Liked by: Alliya Chandra Au


Language: English