

Ask @kinankawuryan

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kak, itu orang yg minta pap lagi selonjoran kayanya lagi sange deh makannya nyari bahan, tiati kak haha

Well if you read carefully I DID MEAN to service them
Liked by: Dita

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Hai, aku cewe umur 21 th, aku kerja gak kuliah, temen2 aku rata2 udah punya pacar, bahkan suami. Nah aku blm punya pacar dan sama sekali belum mikir buat nikah dulu. Tapi mreka sering bgt bgt ngeremehin aku gitu gara2 gak pernah bwa cowo wktu keacara2 bareng gitu. Gimana cara ngehadapin mereka2 itu?

Cubit pentilnya and call them friend no more.

Kakak kakak sekalian bakal ngelakuin apa kalo misalnya, cowo yg notabennya lagi deket sama kakak dan lg kakak galauin abis2an, yg selalu kakak curhatin ke salah satu temen, tiba2 cowonya deket sama temen yg selalu kakak ajak curhat bareng itu????

My mature self would say I should go on and find another guy and goes yaudahlah bukan jodoh yet still befriend with both parties.
But my one true self would consider them dead as soon as they started dating bye bitch.

Gimana kalo kamu punya cowo trus ternyata dia fans berat nya awkarin??? Putusin fix

I just did background check on the girl he told me not to worry about and suddenly I liked her tweet from 2014, what do I do now???????????? 😭

which one do u think is the most important value in conducting business : adherence in fairness, dedication in excellence, believe in the value of the individuals or concern for social responbility ?

Kak kinan help! ketekku hitam, aku udh nyoba berbagai cara buat mutihin tp blm bisa. untuk ke ZAP, its too expensive for me. Untuk cara2 alami udh coba tp blm ada hasil. What should i do? :(

I'm not sure why are you asking this to me because mines are not that ~flawless~
But on the other hand, clean skin leads to clear skin, so it is important to clean your underarm before you sleep, scrub/peel it once in a while, and wear the right deodorant, because some deodorant makes your skin darker.
Of course you won't see the difference in a blink of an eye because it takes time and process. If you need faster result, prepare your money for more expensive treatment because that's how capitalism works.
Good luck! <3


Language: English