
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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Kak kent yg super duper imut lucu emesh + ganteng, u're a writer, and because of that i think that you can write a really-good-and-sharp essay. Would u mind to tell me the secret how to write a really-good-and-sharp essay? I've written so many of it,but i think my essay aint good-and-sharp enough

(abis dipuji)
(langsung mau jawab)
(anaknya murah)

Essay apa dulu nih?
I would assume essays untuk apply sekolahan/kerja?
Pada umumnya, pembuat esai tuh lupa kalo yang bacain esai mereka itu juga manusia.
Terlebih lagi, yang bacain esai mereka tuh manusia yang menghabiskan hari-harinya buat bacain esai mereka. Bisa aja dalam sehari mereka dapet ratusan esai yang harus dibaca dan dicek satu per satu. Biasanya mereka bahkan cuma baca satu-dua kalimat pertama sebelum memutuskan untuk membaca semuanya.

Jadi gimana bikin esai yang bagus?
Jangan menjiplak template dari Internet.
Make your essay read like a story. Apa lagi kalo kamu cari kerja atau daftar untuk master's degree. Jangan menulis tentang yang ada di CV-mu, tapi menulislah tentang hal-hal yang bikin kamu terlihat lebih menarik di mata pembaca.
Hobimu apa? Kenapa kamu tertarik kerja/melanjutkan studimu di sana? (Jangan jawab pake jawaban klise).

Dan senjata rahasianya adalah: buka dengan kalimat yang bener-bener menggebrak. Bikin pembacanya kepo dengan kelanjutan esaimu. Waktu dulu gue cari kerja, gue ngabisin waktu satu jam buat come up with the appropriate opening sentence untuk cover letter gue.
Ini kalimat pembuka di cover letter ketika gue daftar di perusahaan branding:
"You're probably reviewing this job application and wondering why a Math major is applying to a branding consultant firm. Let me talk a bit about myself." Yang akhirnya gue lanjutkan dengan berbicara mengenai hobi gue dan berbagai kegiatan gue.

I established a voice from the get-go and captured the reader's kepo-ness.
Basically, an essay should read like a story instead of like a list of what you've accomplished (that's CV's job, by the way).

Good luck!

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kakak2 do you mind to share about your earlier days on ask.fm before you became famous? like what's your first answer that got so many likes or why did you create an ask.fm account in the first place?

I wouldn't exactly refer to myself as famous, but okay here goes.

Gue inget dulu install ask.fm karena dirusuh sama temen-temen, like, "Ayo Kent bikin. Seru kok bisa tanya-tanya gitu."
Jadi ya udah dong, gue install ask.fm. Gue dari dulu punya blog, tapi itu udah nggak terurus karena nulis blog makan waktu terlalu banyak, akhirnya pindah haluan numpahin uneg-uneg di ask.fm, karena nulis jawaban di ask.fm nggak makan waktu sebanyak nulis blog. Awalnya ya cuma jawabin question of the day-nya ask.fm atau jawabin pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari temen-temen.

Kayaknya gue mulai dinotice orang-orang ketika gue nemuin account @wawawizal (now deactivated). Gue baca puisi yang Rara tulis and I was immediately smitten by it. I sent her a question telling her that her poem was just extraordinary. Terus Rara nge-like beberapa jawaban gue dan, sejak saat itu, gue mulai di-notice oleh senpai-senpai di ask.fm ini.

Pas jaman itu, pertanyaan yang gue dapet itu nggak jauh-jauh dari science. Contoh: @steffiteo pernah tanya ke gue tentang paradox (http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/119658911624 ), dan bahkan ada yang tanya tentang kenapa angka sembilan itu spesial (http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/117505582728 ).

Then karena @einedame juga suka hal-hal yang berbau science, she started noticing me. Because Maldi is Maldi, she spammed likes on my ask.fm dan--gue inget banget ini--my followers went from 130 to 250 overnight, just because of Maldi.

Sejak gue follow Maldi, makin banyak jawaban orang-orang kece yang seliweran di TL. Sejak saat itu, main ask.fm nggak lagi cuma menjawab, tapi juga membaca pikiran orang-orang lain.
Terus dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan science, gue mulai dapet pertanyaan tentang bahasa Inggris (yang membuat gue buka #EnglishHour). Terus ada yang sadar kalo gue novelis yang nulis meter/second dan mulai dapet pertanyaan tentang menulis (yang membuat gue mulai nulis flash fiction).

I remember I used to spend like 15-30 minutes typing answers. Nowadays I rarely spend more than one minute to conjure an answer. I kinda miss the old days.

And there you have it. The history of @nyankent's ask.fm in three minutes.

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Kent let me have your opinion, i have this crazy friend, he said that he don't believe in god, he said that 'You guys are fool, there's no such thing as god, this universe were made from supernova, and yes I believe that human once were monkey, and yet i don't believe what i don't see' wdyt?

why are you guys so fixated with others' belief sih?
bingung lho.
lah kalo dia nggak percaya tuhan yaudahhhhhhh.
kalo percaya tuhan yaudahhhhhhhh.
emang dengan dia percaya/nggak percaya itu dia mengganggu hidupmu?
kan enggak toh.
ngapain diurusin.
i think the world will be a much better place if we stopped putting our nose where it doesn't belong.

she's like only 12 but "soqap lw." was kind of rude.... well it's your right tho. I used to like your answers before you are involved into this celebask thing...

I have ALWAYS been rude; I just don't get to vent it often.
Every now and then people come and ask stupid questions and then I get to vent my rudeness.

P.S. Asking people to do their work so they can win a competition is highly impolite.
P.P.S. She didn't even say "please" or "thank you." When I was 12, I knew how to say those two words before anything else.

Also, here, have it from Maldi:

http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/127309055624 - Kent, I wonder. I explained it completely different ( http://ask.fm/PalakieNevermore/answer/125865592187 ), and now that you answered it with the formal definition (and I answered that without looking into anything--purely memory-guessing), was I wrong?

Mario, you weren't wrong.
You just rephrased the formal definition and made it simpler.
"For every even number x, there exists an integer n such that x = 2n," is just a fancy way to say that x has to be divisible by two in order for x to be classified as even.

The only inaccurate thing from your answer is your remark: "An odd or even number needs to be a /whole/ number to be identified as an odd/even number."
In mathematics, "whole number" is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,... Technically, negative whole numbers can also be odd and even (-1 is odd and -10 is even).
The term you're searching for is "integer" because integer is comprised of "whole number" {0, 1, 2, 3,...} and its negative counterpart {-1, -2, -3, -4,...}.


farhanmuarief’s Profile Photonobody
Sekali-sekali bantu temen ngiklan.

It's two days left before Pop Up Market 2015 "Champs Élysées"

Don't forget to come and shop at Pop Up Market 2015 "Champs Élysées" at Lotte Shopping Avenue, Kuningan (@lotte_avenue)

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om minta bantuannya dong,aku mau ada lomba puisi b.inggris nih...tema puisinya The Power of Love,buatin kata-kata yang ngena dong om ^^

Hi, Inneke!
Below you will find my rebuttal as to why I think you should do it yourself:
1. you called me "om,"
2. i don't believe in love,
3. ini lomba. kalo gue bantuin buat kata-kata yang ngena, hadiahnya juga gue dong yang bantuin ambil?
4. soqap lw.

Hi! I have a totally random question here (originally asked by my schoolmate); "Is ½ an odd number or an even number?" Thank you and have a nice day! :)

For every even number x, there exists an integer n such that x = 2n.
And for every odd number x, there exists an integer n such that x = 2n + 1.

We can see that for x = 1/2, we don't have any integer n which satisfies the definition above.

Moreover, the classification of odd and even numbers only applies to integers. Since 1/2 is a rational number, it is neither even nor odd.

just wondering about such an unimportant question, why do people see boobs as different or even special, unlike the other parts of our body? #whatmakesboobsspecial

karena sejak kecil kita sudah mengasosiasikan payudara dengan susu ibu.
ibu kita kan nggak mungkin menyusui ketika bahaya, jadinya in turn, kita akhirnya mengasosiasikan payudara dengan keamanan.

that, and they're just plenty of fun to play with.

Hi Kent! I think i adore you. No, not you definetly. but, you.. Your way of thinking. Ada banyak tulisanmu yang mampu merubah pola pikirku. Mulai menyukai membaca, hingga belajar menuliskan apa yang telah aku baca. Bukan ingin memujimu. Namun, Aku mencoba cara lain untuk berterimakasih :)

Tri Oktariani Putri
Thank you.

That's it. No punchline or whatever. Because your "question" is too sincere for jokes.


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