
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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Why don't you make a wattpad account and post your ffs there? It'd be much more convenient than instagram/ask.fm. (This is a suggestion)

Semua social media gue udah jelas kok.
Ask.fm buat jawab-jawabin pertanyaan (soc-med paling aktif).
Instagram buat archive flash fiction and random snaps when I feel like it.
Twitter buat nyampah pas lagi galau.
Sekarang aja Twitter udah nggak terlalu ke-handle. Apa lagi kalo harus manage Wattpad...

kent ajarin aku biologi dong, soalnya kadar amygdalaku naik terus tiap ada kamu.

Amygdala kan bagian otak yang bikin baper...
Nggak bisa bilang "kadar amygdala naik", itu kayak ngomong " kadar otak naik"; yang bisa itu ngomong "kadar hormon di otak naik".

Yak inaccurate scientific flirting.
Tet tot.

Btw daripada ngajarin biologi sistem saraf mending gue ajarin sistem reproduksi.

Kent, since when you like English and how do you learn English everyday? can you give me advice so that adds to my spirits to learn. thank you and i'm sorry if my English is not that great.

Indah Listari Salsabila
I have been learning English since I was in preschool (like, since five years old?).
But I remember I started learning English more extensively when I was seven years old.
My brother, back then, was 18 years old. And like most 18-year-old guys, he played games.
He would play for hours and I would sit next to him (I vividly remember him playing Final Fantasy 7, a game that I ended up playing and replaying for more than 10 times), just watching him play games.
Staring at pixelated screen with foreign words that I had no knowledge about was somewhat peaceful.
Every time I came across a new word, my brother would tell me what it meant.

I grew up and became a gamer myself.
Then I discovered the joy of reading books. Starting by Harry Potter (only read up to the third book, though; the fourth book was too thick for my taste) and Da Vinci's Code, I started reading whatever books I stumbled upon. Even my encyclopedias were in English. I remember repeatedly thumbing through an encyclopedia about astronomy and planets and I was utterly fascinated by how vast our universe is.
I remember thinking to myself at one time, "Wow Saturn's ring is made of ice and Jupiter is mostly made of gas? That is crazy."

My advice about learning English? Integrate English into your life.
Our brain is like sponge.
Soak it in something and it will absorb most of that something.
For example, try reading English books, listening to English songs, watching movies with English subtitle (or, even better, with no subtitle at all), or even speaking English on a daily basis with your friends.

Afraid of being laughed at?
Laugh back at them when you can fluently speak English as they resort to body language while talking to foreigners.

Best of luck!

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Kent how do I break up with my hormonal girlfriend with minimum casualties?

Breaking up is a lot like pulling a band-aid off a scab:
no matter how you do it, it's gonna hurt.

First, kenapa mau putus?
Bicarain dulu baik-baik. Is your relationship really that un-save-able?
Dan kalo memang udah 100% mau putus,
you know her better than I do.
Does she like to pull her band-aid slowly or in one go?
How does she react to pain?
Will she go suicidal?
Tell her that sometimes things change and that it's impossible for you two to go to the same direction any more.
Prepare yourself: she might insist on holding onto the relationship.
Say no.
She will hate you, for sure.
But keep in mind that it's better for her to hate you than for her to hold on to someone who doesn't even want to be held on to.

Godspeed, you.

If I were to stay inside your head for a day, what would I hear? (Yes this is repackaged "Impersonate yourself".)

Steffi Teowira
"Wow I'm sleepy."
"What to write for this week's FFF ya..."
"I wonder what's for dinner."
"Can I sleep now."
"I wonder how to make a lot of money without being a gigolo."
"Why is the bed so fluffy damn it."
"Wow these people are so intellectually challenged."
"Is the water hot enough to make coffee?"
*touches water*
*immediately regrets decision*
"Wow I am intellectually challenged, too."

hallo ka kent haha aku ngakak liat pas foto kaka di ask.fm kak maldy 😂😂😂 emangnya kakak lebih demen pas foto ketimbang selfie?

queendessie’s Profile PhotoDessy Permata Sari
iya gue kalo lagi nganggur gitu langsung ke studio foto terdekat.

ya kali.
nggak lah.
itu satu-satunya pas foto yang gue punya.
palingan Maldi ngambil dari LinkedIn gue.

maaf yah kent... ISIS ITU BEDA DGN ISLAM,KARNA ISIS SENDIRI MEMERANGI ORG ISLAM. coba belajar lg kentnya biar pinter

Yaaaaa Amerika juga dulu memerangi Irak.
Jadi yang mana yang bukan manusia di antara dua negara itu?
Goblok jangan dipelihara lah.
Nih sekalian gue cantumin screenshot Wikipedia dan gue stabilo-in bahwa ISIS itu organisasi Islam.

Today I am reminded as to why I never wanted to discuss religion on ask.fm.
Too many stupid people.

di Aceh kan memang kultur islamnya sangat kuat. mungkin emg nggak biasa liatnya atau dengernya. sangat disayangkan kamu bilang people are stupid if it's simply because you're not used to how they live. if not, please explain what's so stupid about that?

ISIS juga kultur Islamnya kental.
By your logic, it is okay for them to be pouring gasoline over people's head and burn them?
It's an extreme example but you can see my point.

Gini lho.
Menganut agama itu nggak bego.
Yang bego itu adalah ketika ada yang memaksakan cara hidup agamanya ke orang-orang lain yang tidak memeluk agamanya.

Kent. Gimana cara nyari tau passion lo tuh dimana?

Great people do things before they're ready.
They do things before they know they can do it.
Doing what you're afraid of,
getting out of your comfort zone,
taking risks like that—that's what life is.

You might be really good.
You might find out something about yourself that's really special
and if you're not good, who cares?
You tried something.
Now you know something about yourself.
- Amy Poehler

Or you can read the comic version of it. Do give it a read; it's heartwarming.

What kind of thing(s) that you think every woman should know?

not limited to women
did you guys know

you read that correctly.


they bite off a fish's head and use the corpse to masturbate.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvLZxG6pB6Unyankent’s Video 129061651848 TvLZxG6pB6Unyankent’s Video 129061651848 TvLZxG6pB6U


Language: English