

Ask @ossamaaltaf007

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When you learn that a person has no irl friends, what assumptions do you make about them?

Sometimes when you're not very outgoing people mistake you for a creep and nothing could be further from the truth. Some of us are just selfless outcasts in a "you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours" world who don't need anybody but our families in our lives and that's that.

What kind of secret society would you like to start?

This woman is right. You wanna know why? Could a woman physically hurt me(a 5'9" 180 pound man)? No fuckin way. Men are physically stronger than women owing to which of course they're mentally stronger as well so even if a woman were to be manipulated the consequences couldn't not be as catastrophic as they would be in a man's case. Not every man is Johnny Depp my darlings. I wish y'all were as smart as me.
What kind of secret society would you like to start

Your six word story?

As a kid i never wished to have wealth or anything else of the sort.All i ever wanted was to be a good son to my father. I wanted to be my hero's hero for the longest time. I don't remember ever wanting anything else. For most people it's a steep road trying to acquire what your heart truly desires; for me it wasn't. His happiness has and had never been exorbitant.Besides,i had always been his favourite son so the dream was mine for the taking .Along the way, i was introduced to the perilous pleasures i had been oblivious to before and lost my way. A few years down the line nothing's the same anymore; when i look at him my heart wrenches. The dream is dead but i'm still chasing the past and no matter how fast i run i can't seem to catch up. This is my story; don't let it be yours.


Language: English