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What opinion on asda by summer 2024 they going to be a fully cashless do you agree or disagree on cashless society ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
I think it’s an awful idea as it discriminates against older & poorer people and the ‘ringfenced cash’ leads to money being taken from accounts and often not returned for days, which should not be allowed.
I think this only applies to petrol stations though, not to the whole supermarket?

What opinion on asda by summer 2024 they going to be a fully cashless do you agree or disagree on cashless society ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
Cash comes in handy for some things and it’s useful to have but I primarily do pay by card. I think they should keep the option to pay by cash available, cause if the tech goes down and card is unable to go through, cash is a back up option. I don’t see there being a problem with saying card preferred though. 🤷🏻‍♀️

mandi malem bahaya ga sih?

desipm31’s Profile Photohallo
Mandi malam, mandi subuh, mandi aer hujan itu harmless yah guys aman ✨ org-org di kemiliteran tau hal yg kek gini, karna kamu nge-mention kata BAHAYA nih ane kasi tau 3 BAHAYA laten yg mengancam keberlangsungan keamanan hidup ummat manusia kedepan pasca diberhentikannya fake pandemi, pandemi kartun Wuhan CGI-19, pandemi alat test yg merebak thn 2020 lalu dgn nomer kode Patent test kit US20200279585A1 alat konyol non saintifik ternyata sdh dipersiapkan jauh hari 3 tahun yakni thn 2017 sebelum para krisis aktor berakting di depan kamera menggelepar gelepar di jalanan Wuhan, China dan Alhamdulillah sdh berakhir masa kegilaan itu. Adapun 3 bahaya laten yg mengancam selanjutnya adalah:
1.) TOTAL Digital Currency ☠️
Peniadaan uang kartal (kertas dan koin) diganti dgn total mata uang non fisik (CASHLESS), mata uang elektronik/digital dimana mereka leluasa mengeliminasi masyarakt dgn cara elegan, menindas dgn cara santun, menyiksa dgn cara sopan, merampas hak dgn dalih demi kemudahan menjalani hidup,pengkondisian pembatasan transaksi hanya digital, kejahatan terselubung atas nama modernisasi kemajuan teknologi era revolusi 4.0.
2.) SCS (Social Credit System) ☠️
Skor kredit mu dibawah angka sekian dan sekian.. maaf bund kamu tidak bisa membeli kebutuhan makanan minuman ☠️☠️☠️ skor mu minus paman duuh kasian, bisa dinaikkan lg kok silahkan konsumsi insects, meat synthetic lab grown, ambil foto selfie brsama hidangamu trus upload n scan QR Code nya.. ☠️☠️☠️ Status kependudukan mu dilayar berwarna merah.. kamu tidak diperbolehkan untuk bekerja, bersekolah, bepergian, memasuki ruang komunal, menggunakan transportasi atau mengurus ini dan itu ☠️☠️☠️ semua wajib mengikuti standard penjara matriks! rantai belenggu digital enslavement yg ditetapkan sang penjajah melalui corong corrupt! authority.
3.) TOTAL electric car, electric motorbike and electric stove ☠️
Tak perlu dijelaskan betapa ngerinya blackout berjam-jam/berhari-hari dgn penerapan ini, bgitupun meledaknya baterai, korsleting listrik tatkala banjir, lowbatt saat sdg melalui tanjakan, lowbatt di tengah jalan tol ☠️ atau electric maal function sebab dua poin sebelumnya mewakili agenda silent depopulasi yg dlm waktu dekat akan segera mereka terapkan, rencana jahat ini InsyaAllah bisa dibatalkan sprti yg sdh sdh asal ada keinginan kuat, tekad yg bulat, tawakkal resist menolak keras dgn tidak berpartisipasi ta'awun men-support pada segala bentuk produk dan tahapan-tahapan menuju kesana. ✊

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Kak tips nabung dan atur keuangan ala kakak dong

Aku dulu sempet share sih mungkin ada yang inget?
Tapi poin intinya setiap habis dapet fee, aku harus nabung nabung nabung. Aku anaknya suka menabung dari kecil hehehe.
Pisahin rekening yang buat keluar masuk sehari-hari sama rekening tabungan. Jadi minimal banget 30-50% dari pendapatan harus masuk ke rek tabungan, kalau lebih dari 50% ya makin bagus. Itu sih, sisanya kalo ada rezeki lebih gitu terus repeat.
Dulu kalau dari jaman sekolah, aku anaknya sengaja cashless banget biar kalo mau jajan gak jadi, soalnya ribet. Gak ada duit cash, harus ambil duit dulu dll. Tapi problem nowadays kan bisa ovo, gpay, spay gitu gitu hahaha beda jaman.

Would you go to a cashless grocery store? there’s an aldi opened up in greenwich. i’d try it. would you?

b4p7kzvgkt’s Profile PhotoLoose_change
I / We haven't touch cash for fully 2 years ; not a single note or coin .
There's an out of town chippy / Chinese takeaway , we visit every 10-14 days or so , for a 'haddock-supper' each & a 'mealy-pudd' to share & ice-cold zero vimto ~ we munch on a moorland hillside . . .
Last time, his contactless machine wouldn't work , so he just says: "A'll get it next time" ! - So we owe him 17 quid ~ be £34 next time . . .
We have a few things in common, not least we both had kidney-transplants & are V-immuno-suppressed . . .
No way I'm touching shitty-smeared money !
After-supper entertainment was further up the valley below , totally deserted , there was a cop-ambush . Just 2 smiley-friendly , masked cops (no contact!) ~ they had an alert for people-traffickers . . . . basically coming over the border

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Would you go to a cashless grocery store theres an aldi opened up in greenwich

Would you go to a cashless grocery store? there’s an aldi opened up in greenwich. i’d try it. would you?

b4p7kzvgkt’s Profile PhotoLoose_change
💳 Maybe if there were no other option. But I’m not really supportive of a cashless society at this point in time where not everyone can get bank cards, and banks are starting to tell people even with money that they can only withdraw their own funds on the bank’s terms.
💳 My dad got a letter from his bank a couple of months ago saying they were stopping the ATM facility on accounts like his, so he’s had to switch banks otherwise he just can’t access his money.

Would you go to a cashless grocery store? there’s an aldi opened up in greenwich. i’d try it. would you?

b4p7kzvgkt’s Profile PhotoLoose_change
1,000,000% a big fat YES !
(Almost) everything is cashless nowadays.
Much more convenient, easier, faster and less dirty!!
Who knows who touched paper money before you?
I wouldn't go to shops / chippies / restaurants, ect that only accept cash.

Language: English