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13 posts


How is your journey of self-development going so far?

it's going well الحمدلله
i think of it as a game , and it's taking alot of hardwork and prayers, hopfuly they're anwered , cause it turned up to be easier than it thougth.
recently i achieved on of 2022's major goals, and i'm planning for the next one just now,
but it's wierd though cause i don't feel the accomplishment , i actually feel more ignorant and emptier than before, i feel hungrier.
not because it's a simple goal , believe me it's a big achievement and i'm proud of myself managing to pullig it down dispite all difficulties.
althought it feels like it's nothing compared to what's yet to come , anyway challange accepted.
and i'm constantly reminding myself that it's an endless journey , so i don't get too consern about the arrival , and actually enjoy it till the end.

What kind of entertainment did you do with your family when you were young? Do you think it has contributed to who you are today?

akciMMicka’s Profile Photo⚜️ m o n i c a ⚜️
In my childhood days, I usually went to park with my family and on holidays, going to a mall which was popular at that time.
Mostly in vacations, visiting relatives house and staying there for some days.
The most catchy one was when my whole family finally planned a tour to a nearby hill station and it was my first realisation towards the beauty of nature. (: 😇
I always played with my brother's friends😂 so maybe it improved some skills. 🙂
Yes, I think it has contributed towards my self-development and building some sort of confidence into me.
What kind of entertainment did you do with your family when you were young Do

Hal kecil apa yang bisa bikin lo seneng banget dan mensyukuri nikmat tuhan ?

1. Kmrn malem langit Jakarta bersih bgt jd bs liat bintang2. Tadi pagi kebangun pagi utk jogging dan sunrisenya cantik bgtt!
2. Kmrn ngobrol sm stranger yg sefrekuensi bgt dan serasa kyk udh kenal lama.
3. Dipertemukan sm crush gue randomly.
4. Punya waktu luang untuk ketemu sm orang2 yg gue sayang.
5. Kmrn kontrak kerja gue batal (tbh ini kerjaan yg gue tunggu dan prepare bgt), tp gue bersyukur krn calon bos gue itu ga baik.
6. Punya waktu istirahat yg cukuuup!
7. Diberkati utk memberi dan malah diksh lebih lg dr Tuhan.
8. Didoain stranger randomly.
9. Keluarga gue, temen2 gue, sahabat2 gue ga ada yg sakit dan msh idup.
10. Gue ga pinter tp diberkati rasa penasaran utk mau trs belajar (menurut gue ini privilege).
11. Account2 bijak di Askfm hahaha.
12. Account2 affirmation, self-development, quotes, bijak, motivation, manifesting di Instagram yg aesthetic.
13. Video2 receh hahaha.
14. Nemu hidden gem playlist di Spotify.
15. Nemu lagu bagus dr autoplay.
Hahaha msh banyak tp gue udh mau lanjut kerja jd babai. Thanku utk asknya krn gue jawabnya jd happy dan penuh syukur lagii. Have a blessed life!

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Cât de tare te iubești?

Excuse me, but I do not know the Romanian language, I myself live in the Crimea and I am half Crimean Tatar, and my father has Jewish roots. Therefore, in Romanian, I will not answer you, but I will answer in English, since this is an international language and, as for me, all the countries of the European Union know it. And since you are a Romanian by nationality, and this is Europe, you must know English, because even people go to Romania who may not know Romanian, but know English just to stay with you. It can even be Danes or another nationality.
The second point, I think it will not be very nice if you answer to a person who does not know Romanian, but speaks English in Romanian. This is the same if I lived, for example, in the Crimea and addressed them in Hebrew.
The third point, I don’t know who you love there, and who you like in general, but if I were you, if you are under 25 years old, then think about yourself and your self-development, about how to learn some language, read book.
I think you know how cool it is to go to various sanatoriums, as I do in the Crimea, go to clubs, hang out, have fun and go to cafes and restaurants, eat delicious food, and just live for yourself, and not think that someone is you abandoned once or let's say he doesn't love you, but you love him.
For example, I love my father, he is my best - the kindest father, as naive as I am. Well, I love my mother because we also have many similarities with her.
And I recommend it to you too.
Get distracted by something, do something for yourself, and then everyone will love you.

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Do you have a hard time admitting when you're wrong?

Not really. I try not to get riled up about things unless I know I'm correct and have education and evidence to back me up. Or, you know, it's important to me. If I discover I am wrong, I'll remind myself to be grateful for the opportunity for learning / self-development.

What is the fastest way to end crime? The idea is stronger laws... Wiggling is what we are always told. But it is the solution or a challenge for them.

Well we must accept that crime is an essential part in society, an ideal society without crime is simply surreal, why? Because there is always the unbalance between people and it become more complicated every day, every step in humanity's development, why? Because our resources in the Earth are limited so then we must fight, work for it. The criminals are just doing what they suppose to do for surviving, it help maintaining the balance between the rich and the poor.
If you want to divide equally the resource for everyone, welcome, you've got the 1st step of communism and you realize how stagnant your progression is, because people then have no motivation for self-development. And if just only 1 people tries to get out that system and becomes different, envy, greed will appear and grind down what you are trying to build.

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What makes you strong?

🐝E S T E B A N WHAT MAKES YOU A STRONG HUMAN BEING "The trick is that as long as you know who you are and what makes you happy, it doesn't matter how others see you." Generally speaking, "When everything seems to be going wrong, take a minute to remind yourself that everything was going great. 🐣🙂
#selflove #selfdevelopment #strong #happy #beyourself
What makes you strong

What’s your philosophy in life?

I have a whole lot of philosophies that I follow. To enumerate a few:
1. No one is in charge of your happiness. Except you. Smile. You don't owe all the problems in the world.
2. Stop thinking too much. It's alright not to know the answers sometimes. They will come to you when you least expect it.
3. Make peace with your past so it won't disturb your present. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.
4. Behind every successful person are a lot of unsuccessful years. Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done.
5. Don't compare your life to others & don't judge them. You never know what their journey is all about.
6. Don't get sidetracked by people who are not on track. The hardest thing to open is a closed mind.
7. Work towards self-development daily. Progress is not achieved by luck or accident. Don't make excuses, make improvements.
8. Stay positive. Positive thoughts create positive change. Just because you're struggling, doesn't mean you're failing.
9. Don't give up. Most often, it's the last key of the ring which opens the door.
10. Follow your dreams. Sometimes when you follow your dream, it opens the door for others to be able to follow theirs.
11. Stay righteous. Do good. Live in a such a way that if someone spoke badly of you, no one would believe it.
12. Help people in need. If you help people get what they want, you can get what you want. Karma is a boomerang.
Latest addition (post COVID-19 outbreak):
13. Don't panic. Panic will certainly kill you if nothing else does. Burn some desires. Enjoy the smoke.

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Today’s note: 📝 Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake & help us see that we're worth so much more than we're settling for 🙄💔

Thoughts are no less important than self-development. From how a person thinks, his life depends directly. And if he asks himself how to live correctly and happily, then there is more negativity in his head, otherwise, if he is satisfied with everything, he will not think about this topic. First, you need to filter your thoughts. As soon as you think about something bad, immediately try to switch to something much more positive. Over time, you will learn to see the positive even in the negative. This will affect your life in a good way. Yes, you will not notice any changes at first, but one day you will realize that you are feeling better than before. Secondly, think less about how to live properly. You can fixate on this, become paranoid in the search for "the very" existence and in the end you will not notice how all these activities were missed by life.

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Language: English