
kimkeyy (heidi)

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hello! I heard the myeongdong everysing store closed down right? do you know where the apgujeong one is located at?

ahhh I haven't been in Korea and I'm on hiatus so I didn't hear that! But yes I know where the Apgujeong Everysing is located.
You just take the subway to Apgujeong Rodeo station on the Bundang line. Get off at exit 6 and go straight past 7/11, H&M, and Uniqlo. Turn left after the Innisfree and Everysing will be right there on the right above a GS25 convenience store.

Oh yeah heidi! Where do you normally buy SHINee albums for their fansigns??

Oh that's different for each fansign! When the fansign is announced, they will tell you what store location to buy the albums at (and the dates and other important info) in the notice posted on the official site notice board.
Liked by: -'MALIKZADA'-

Hehe thank you heidi for your super long answer on where to go during the eight day trip in korea!!! ^^ i was planning to do more shopping than hiking since the country i live in does have really big and nice shopping malls, so which city (gangnam/myeongdong etc) do you think is the best to stay in?

Hmmm, I don't think I would want to stay in Myeongdong. It's far too crowded. And Hongdae too, there's too much drinking and partying every night. If it were me, I would want to stay in a nice area like Gangnam (some neighborhoods inside the Gangnam district include Apgujeong, Samseong, and Sinsa). Any place inside Gangnam is bound to be very nice, not crowded on the street, and safe, as long as you can find somewhere priced reasonably. I've stayed in many places in Gangnam and I always enjoy the area. Gangnam is far south though and it isn't right next to most tourist areas, which are up north. So my recommendation for a nice place in the north would be Jongno district, which is in the heart of Insadong and some pretty nice shopping streets and tourist attractions and even Gyeongbok Palace.

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I haven't talked to you in few weeks i feel rly bad about it but i hope you've been well ;____;<3 gotta go to bed soon but i hope we can talk soon

yeah i was thinking about it lately like why did we stop talking idk i've been so busy and overwhelmed but i hope we can talk soon too T_T message me tomorrow or sth!

when do you think you'll be back in Korea? o: and how has life in America been?

My original plan was to go back to Korea in spring or probably summer, but I'm not sure now. Working really hard to research universities in Korea and figure out my options!! I'll definitely go back as soon as I can. I miss Korea a lot, I've been very homesick for Korea lately :(
Other than missing Korea, I've been having fun here. I am so glad I can spend time with my 18 month old niece! And I like my job here a lot, and I made some good friends there. So I'm (obviously) on hiatus from twitter at the moment, cuz I have a lot to deal with right now haha. I'm working hard to get my butt back to Korea and I'll be back on twitter and etc soon!! Don't forget me D: lol
Liked by: Roo's Nanny

Wheres the best place to go shopping/relax in korea for an eight-day trip there?

Ooooo are you taking a trip!? Enjoy!! I recommend Myeongdong for shopping, even though it's VERY crowded because it's a high-traffic tourist area, but it's a great place to see and eat and shop a lot. There's also the Namdaemun market which is fun to see, or the weekend flea market in Hongdae park where art students sell their work and trinkets (there are also some shops and lots of cafes and food in Hongdae. I spent most of my time in Seoul there). And Yongsan is a great place to shop, especially for electronics. They sell new and used stuff and you can usually barter with them ;) And don't forget to go see Gangnam!! Even if you can't afford to shop there, it's SO fun to look at the fancy stores/cars and rich people, hehe. I like to eat at restaurants or cafes in Gangnam/Apgujeong. And if you're interested, you could visit Itaewon which is the "foreigner district". There are restaurants offering food from around the world and import shops so you can find stuff that you normally can't find in Korea ^^ (though of course, that's usually for people who live there for long periods of time! I don't think you'll need any of that for an 8 day trip!) My favorite restaurant is Coreanos, there's one in Apgujeong and one in Itaewon. It's Korean-Mexican fusion. it's soooo delicious and Amber, Henry, and many other English speaking idols go there very often ;D
For relaxation, I think it would be a good idea to hike up to Namsan Tower and view the sunset view of Seoul, so you can see some nature and then great views of the city. I also recommend the area around Ewha University. There are some nice shops and cafes, and the University itself is renowned for its archetecture and beautiful design and landscaping. It's quite breathtaking! You could also visit a park and/or walk or bike ride along the Han River, or take a real hike on a mountain or through a forest trail! Or research some temples in the area, I always loved visiting the temples. Very peaceful and traditional, it's a great experience. You could even take a tour of the DMZ and see North Korea. And go to a jjimjilbang/sauna if you're feeling extra adventurous!! XD Aaaand if you have the time/money, you could go to Everland or Lotte World. I had so much fun on my trip to Everland ^^
I just realized a lot of my recommendations were for nature and hiking, but in Korea I lived in a rural town so mountains and hikes are close to my heart keke ^^ If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask!

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Hey Heidi I'm starting to lose interest in kpop? Why?

It happens :( It happens to me sometimes too! Right now I'm on hiatus. Because I'm too busy with my job and life in America. I'm working very hard to go back to Korea next year. But I also took a hiatus before, in 2010, because I lost interest for a while. No reason really. But it came back naturally. I think it will come back for you too. Don't try to force it, it doesn't feel good if you force it.
Liked by: Julia Ruiz

I'm just curious haha, this sounds creepy. But i'm wondering, what does SHINee members smell like? Ohmy, told you i'm a creep :) You've met them at fansigns right? I'm so curious yeah~

Haha surprisingly, I get this question QUITE a lot!! But I'm sorry to say I don't know how they smell XD because I only shook their hands or something, I didn't hug them...I couldn't ever smell anything >.<
Liked by: Julia Ruiz

Hi Heidi! Please tell me how to write my name "Julia" in hangeul. Thanks :)

So sorry for the late reply!! Julia in hangul is written 줄리아/Jullia. It's pronounced just the same as it is in English ^^

How to greet a stranger in korean? is it okay to call '아가씨' for woman? how about the man?

Yeah you can say 아가씨 for a young woman, it is similar to saying "miss", but it is usually only used by older people to younger women. You could also say 아줌마 for an older woman or 할머니 for a grandmother-aged woman.
For guys, there is a word called 총각 which means something like "bachelor", but to be honest I don't hear it often, I think usually older people use that word. There is also a word for older men (아저씨) or grandfather-aged men (할아버지). But for younger men I might stick with just saying "excuse me" (저기요!) or maybe if you see them often you can say 삼촌 ("uncle"). For older women you see often you could also call them "aunt" (이모).
But for a kid you could say 꼬마 or for a group of kids you can say 애들아 :)
For people your own age I would probably only say 저기요/"excuse me" to get their attention ^^; this is the safest option, if you're not sure you should always get someone's attention with 저기요 and don't use any pronoun at all.

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heidi! hope you're fine :D i need some help T_T can u explain me the difference of pronunciation in eg 의 from 쥐 (plus another consontants with 'ㅟ' idk if there are more) but please i need help, thank you in advance ^^

This is probably one of the most difficult sounds in Korean for foreigners to learn >< It's gonna be hard for me to explain through text but I can try ^^;
의 and 위 are different only because of the 으 and 우 sound. Do you know how those sound different? 우 is plain "ooooooo" with your lips rounded. And 으 is the same as saying "ooo" but instead, with your lips pulled back, not rounded. It kind of feels like you're saying "eww". And then 의 and 위 are made by taking those first sounds and adding an ㅣ ("ee") sound to them. You have to try to combine the first sound and the ㅣ into one syllable, and say them at the same time. It's pretty difficult but you'll understand it in time. 위 sounds like "we" in English, but 의 is probably the farthest sound that Korean has from English, so it's usually the hardest for English speakers to learn.
And as for 워, it's the same idea where you start with the 우 "ooo" sound and add 어, which sounds kind of close to an "uh" sound (like the u in "fun" in English ^^). So if you combine those two sounds together and try to say them at the same time, it should sound like a short "wo" or "wuh" sound.
Sorry it's hard to talk about pronunciation in text, but I hope that helps at least a little! If you need me to clarify anything just ask ^^

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hi :) long time ago you posted learnkoreanlanguage/com as a website to learn korean, i'm actually saving in my phone the lessons but as i can see they seem to be really helpful, right??? i'm having some problems with pronunciation, tho i think it's totally normal while learning a new language ^^ you

Yeah I think that site is really helpful!! Many sites and resources are helpful, but I like to find free ones. I learned Korean only through books and internet, so I understand how it's important to have good resources available for beginners ^^
Yes omg pronunciation is hard of course for anyone learning a second language! When I first started learning Korean my pronunciation was SOOO off LOL. Because I didn't know any better. I even pronounced SHINee's names and other kpop names wrong hehe...but hang in there! Ask me if you have any questions :) I think some of your last sentence got cut off D:

Hello, i am a shawol and there are a lot things that i want to ask you.. If it is okay can we add each other from kakaotalk? ^^

Sure you can add me ^^ my kakao ID is tsheidi

What is your favorite restaurant in the world?

might be Coreanos in Itaewon/Apgujeong, Seoul, but that's a really tough question to answer D:

heidi I'm confused with jjong's blue night. I thought his special event with taemin was aired already?? it's replaying tonight? ugh I'm so confused :'(

i don't know anything about blue night because i've been on hiatus recently, sorry i can't help :(

heidi !! i didn't receive my stuffs too and its been a long time ;; just remembered them after i saw the other anon question .

omg really??? i can't believe it i'm so sorry seriously :( i'm awful omg please contact me on kakao and i'll make it right

I ordered an album from you over a year ago (paid through paypal) and never received it. You said you might have lost it in the mail but then i never heard anything from you ever again. I also sent you several messages through DM (when we followed each other) and nothing :( did I get scammed?

oh my god.....no!! i never got any DMs about that...i swear i didn't know anything D: when min and i were selling albums, she handled all of the money and shipping and emails. so i didn't really know about this. i know this reply is super late and i feel awful. we can talk privately, my kakao id is tsheidi. i promise you will be paid back or provided extra goods for compensation :( just message me on kakao sometime and we can talk. i'm so sorry that this happened! :(

heidi, what are your tips about being friends with koreans? like the do's and don'ts? thanks in advance!!

i don't really know how i should answer this. it's not like they're a different species or something XD just be friendly! they're really nice ^^
if i was gonna say one thing, i guess it would be that if you want to talk to koreans that live in korea, like k-shawols, some like speaking english but a lot are uncomfortable with english so just be nice but don't overwhelm them...in my experience many people are just shy about talking to a foreigner. so start slow, i guess? XD
Liked by: 라우라

whats the last movie you saw?

i just saw gone girl with my sister last night and it was crazy and ridiculous .__. but it was good...just crazy. and btw i work at a movie theatre now XD /o/

hi! is there a must-visit/must-see place in korea for shawols and first-time visitors to korea? thank you :)

hmmmm. for shawols, you should visit shinee's forest and everysing and the popup store. you can even visit the sm building ^^ and you can attend a shinee event if there are any when you go.
for general tourist places, i like myeongdong even though it's usually too crowded. i also like to visit hongdae during the daytime or nighttime, it's different at both times of the day XD and yongsan!! because shopping there is crazy! i think you can buy anything like clothes and bags but it's mostly for electronics. you can get lots of stuff for cheap and you can usually even haggle :D they sell nice cameras including dslr cameras, and battery packs that charge any device, and games and game systems. i bought a used nintendo ds there for like 50 bucks XD even if you don't wanna buy anything it's fun to look around. but i always get lost at yongsan station.....;_;
oh and you should go to the namsan tower and place some locks there, and visit some trick eye museums which are really popular now! and if you have the time don't forget to visit everland or lotteworld!! but everland has barely any rollercoasters, just one good one: T-Express. best rollercoaster i've ever been on O.O

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How often do you work out?

in korea when i had access to a free gym within walking distance from my apartment, i worked out up to 5 or 6 days per week (at my peak, when i was really trying to lose weight). but now that i'm in america and i can't afford gym memberships and they're all so far away it's much harder to go. i'm going to try to start going this week.

Hello, can i ask where to check for got7 fan sign event and where can i buy the albums? Cosni cant understand the their fancafe as its all in korean hahaha hope you can help me with it (:

well anywhere that will post that info, will probably be in korean. you could try intl fanbases but they usually wouldn't post all the info for a fansign (where to buy the albums, etc) because their readers are usually not in korea. so your best option is to ask someone who knows korean what the fancafe says or get really good at google translate XD. another place you could get fansign info is twitter @fandata_b , they post fansign info for any artist. but that's all in korean too XD

Hey heidi, if im going to korea during march/april, where is the best and cheapest place to go? I was actually hoping to maybe meet you but i realised youre not in korea anymore ):

sorry for the late reply, and i dunno about cheapest really...i would say stay above the river (don't go near gangnam) and maybe also avoid super touristy areas like itaewon. it's so easy to travel around the city so if you want cheap don't be afraid to stay somewhere less touristy or farther to the edge of the city. it's still easy to travel anywhere you want to visit by using the subway. and yeah, i'm in usa now but i'll go back to korea soon, but i don't know when.


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