
kimkeyy (heidi)

Ask @tsheidi

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hi heidi! i missed you being online >_<

thank you...omg ;___; it's nice to hear that someone thought of me ;~; i missed being online too...i missed u guys T~T i'm back back back back!

aside from being able to see shinee/anything kpop related, what's one thing you're going to miss about korea the most?

i'm going to miss a lot of stuff...i can't pick just one thing. i'm going to miss korean food (especially CHEAP korean food...) and i'm going to miss public transportatoin. we don't have any of that where i'm from, and it's so hard to get around and so expensive to do anything or go anywhere. i'm going to miss being surrounded by other cultures. not just korean culture, but meeting people who come from all over the world. i have friends from different parts of the usa, canada, south africa, australia, new zealand, europe, etc. the other day i went to a game night with a bunch of foreigners and we played a south african game that was like taboo but it was really hard because of all the african terms it used LOL so the south africans had to teach the rest of us everything. and i'll miss the fact that in korea just being foreign is an excuse to meet someone. if you bump into a foreigner in some random place you can just start talking and maybe make a new friend. and there's a huge sense of camaraderie between foreigners here. it's a giant network of people who help each other out and trust each other immensely, even if they just met. people will lend you things or go out of their way to help you. i've even had people lend me large amounts of money without batting an eye. it's a really interesting experience. it almost doesn't feel like real life sometimes. and of course, it's not just the foreigners that are cool. koreans are super nice and hospitable as well. there are downsides to living here too, of course, but i'm not going to be able to pick just one thing that i'll miss because i'll miss too much.

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Liked by: Rick Grimes

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what exactly does 홍보요정 mean? I see fansites call Jonghyun that a lot on Twitter and I heard someone say it means like public relations/promoter fairy

yes it means exactly that! 홍보 is PR or "promotion" and 요정 is "fairy" so they're calling him a promoter fairy XD PR fairy..hahaha. because he's always promoting stuff on twitter lmao like the other day when he tweeted f(x)'s teaser

**uniii can u tell me whats meaning of 4×8 9+23 about jongkey?

4 x 8 = 32 and 9 + 23 = 32
so 4 x 8 equals 9 + 23 so that makes jongkey math ^^ (cuz jjong's bday is 04/08 and key's is 09/23. it's just math with their birthday numbers)

i rmb this one fansign event of shinee i guess, there was a picture of jonghyun and a fan like connecting their index fingers together. lol. they touch their index fingers together. i don't know if the staff found out about it tho but i think it was one of the cutest things jjong did ;_____;

yes omg ;_; sometimes you can touch them if the timing is right XD the staff won't get mad or anything, they just try to stop it before it happens. but if it happens they're just like *shrug* haha. but i know that picture you're talking about TuT so precious.....awhhh..

if you go to a fansign... can you shake their hand? i hear people say that they have soft hands etc, but i don't remember seeing fans shake their hands.

technically you're not supposed to. shinee's not allowed to touch fans, and if you ask, the staff will stop the members from doing it. but if the staff isn't looking, you can sometimes get away with it. once i asked key for a handshake and the staff stopped him so i couldn't. but i've gotten handshakes from jonghyun twice at fansigns :)
and another thing is that they have high touch events sometimes. and they're not always high fives. the first high touch i went to was more like a handshake event XD and the second one i went to was like a high-grab-your-hand-and-hold-it rather than a high-five XDDDDD hahaha. and those aren't broadcast on tv ever and no cameras are allowed so that's why you've never seen it, probably.
Liked by: winda liu

who in shinee would understand if you asked questions in english during fansigns?

Key....just Key. I suppose Onew might understand a little, but for the most part their English conversation is not very good. Like, Onew is very good at pronouncing English like in songs, but having a conversation is very different. I think SNSD Taeyeon might be the same way.
But all of them would understand if you kept it simple. Like "I love you!", or "Your hair is nice."
But if you want to ask any real questions or say anything meaningful (without using Korean), Key would be the only one. Key's English is near fluent. I've never held back anything or changed any vocab to simpler words while talking to him. He's damn good, and no hesitation. I'm always so proud XD
You can say more difficult things to the other members, but even if they understand they might be a bit nervous to respond (English phobia XD) and they would be a lot more comfortable if you used Korean, especially Jonghyun I think. I don't want to make them nervous or make our interaction uncomfortable for them, so I only speak Korean to everyone except Key.

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Liked by: RINI

What do K-shawols think about all the shipping thing/shippers? I'm always worried about it xD What do they think about Jonghyun's behavior/support LGBT?

I'm not exactly sure on the first one because I've never asked, but I can tell you that it's much less common here. Or at least quieter. Overseas fans are always shipping stuff out loud and writing it in their twitter bio's, etc. But Korean fans don't do that, usually. And fanfics in Korean are a little more hard to come by. And even if you find Korean fanfics, many times they're about friendship and stuff rather than dating or sex. Idk if it's because people are ashamed of it or looked down upon for it, or maybe there just aren't that many people who ship here. I bet it's the second one. I think they just aren't as interested in that.
As for the Jonghyun thing, I remember lots of fans being nervous about him getting backlash, but only because they were worried for him. From what I saw, people were supporting him through and through, and everyone here was very proud of him.

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Liked by: RINI

Hi Heidi! I love how you are so friendly to all of us who asked a lot of questions to you. Sending virtual hugs to you~~~ \(^_^)/

:D and i love you all for sending me questions to keep me not-bored!! :) haha. i love communicating with you guys. stop by whenever~ ^^ <3
Liked by: Anyss Nadya

Thank you for the Weather response ^^ Michigan's winters seem to be longer and colder;but sounds like it will be a easy adjustment.

yeah, michigan winters are definitely longer and colder. but you're probably equipped fine :) very similar weather to michigan.
Liked by: ttanalski

unni, can you tell me, your IG account?? :)

my instagram is tsheidi, same as my ask.fm ^^ (someone on ask.fm and instagram already took the name kimkeyy before i could....)

hi heidi, how much last swc 3 global package in seoul? is it include hotel and airplane tix? and what section that we get? thank you

swc3 in seoul global package cost $369 usd for the cheapest package. the packages never include airplane tickets, but they include a hotel room or hostel dorm room. the section for the concert seats is unknown. there are some seats in each section (but only the good sections, floor seats or 2nd level center sections) reserved for global packages, and participants draw their seats randomly the night before the concert. when you buy the package, you can choose whether you want floor seats or 2nd level seating, but the seat number and section is random.

why do you like shinee? give me 5 reasons

because i enjoy their music over anyone else in the world, and they're always changing and evolving.
because they are kind to each other and everyone else; they're smart and good people.
because they are awesomely talented and the most hardworking people i know.
because they helped me through a lot of tough times.
because without them, my life would be a lot different.

describe shinee in ten words

cute, funny, handsome, kind, talented, friendly, brotherly, amazing, hardworking, perfect (in no particular order)
wow ten adjectives is a lot

Hi Heidi! I am the one who is given the study link by you yesterday haha. I have a question, how do I pronounce 많다? Do we eliminate the ㄴ and only ㅎ is heard or we pronounce both? Thank you! :)

you pronounce the first syllable just like 만 so you don't say the ㅎ, but since it's there it makes 다 sound like 타. so it's like 만타/'man-ta'.
it only changes the ㄷ sound because ㄷ is a consonant. if ㅎ is followed by a vowel it doesn't have a sound (so 많이 is like 마니/'man-ee')

thanks for the tip! i'll try to look it up more and maybe i could go work as an english teacher! do you think i could work as a nurse in korea? i think they use different terminologies in hospitals?

i'm not really sure about other jobs like nursing..i'm sure your korean needs to be very good to do that...hmm but yeah i really don't have any experience with that ^^; you should search about it

In my phone i dont have the password for ask.fm app hehe but now im on the pc Thank you so much for answering a lot of ques XDD you're so sweet jeez im that girl from the onew's accident with the lightstick and ''2시50분'' heheh

oh hello :) and thanks for asking the questions! i love answering stuff here so don't hesitate to drop by ^^

do you know about the bottle project thing? is it really popular in sk right now? the 1st i thought it just Key's fans project but then almost all fandom even other from group doing this bottle project

yes it's very popular in korea now. even outside of kpop, many companies are selling those bottles too. it's kind of the new craze i guess XD

thanks for answering! i was hoping i could find an excuse to teach english while fangirling lol XD

haha yes you could get a job!! but it's always better to be more prepared, like have an English degree and/or TESOL certification, etc. it will be easier to find a better job AND you'll earn more money that way.

would it make a difference if for example i am a natural born American citizen, yet i didnt stay in america, and i lived and studied in another country, for example the Philippines?

If you're still an American citizen and you learned English to fluency in the beginning while you grew up in America, I don't think that would be a problem.

does jonghyun have small feet?

oh...good question...if the size for jonghyun i read online is right, then that's on the small end for a guy, but too big to fit in women's shoes. so it's close to average i suppose.

can other nationalities, who their first language isnt english teach english there in korea?

I assume that you can as long as you get TESOL certification and pass the correct tests. If English is not your first language or you were born outside of a native English speaking country, you need to have more credentials to prove your English skill/fluency. But if you get TESOL certified and pass the English proficiency test I'm sure it would be fine. Just finding a job might be a bit more competitive (because everyone wants native English speakers, so they look for them first).
Liked by: Michael Warming


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