
kimkeyy (heidi)

Ask @tsheidi

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u mean ur in the university ?

I started uni and went to school for 3 years but I took a break to come to Korea. I stayed in Korea for 2 whole years, it's a long time but now I'm going back to USA and I have to finish uni or attend uni in Korea.
Liked by: T.

do you think jongkyung was real? and why?

I think (and this is just my opinion) that it was super fake. I think it was a cover-up that sm threw together for something bigger. The two of them were chosen because it worked well, he had once said she was his ideal type, and she was about to come out as a star in a huge movie, so they wanted the promotion. But those "paparazzi" photos are clearly staged (the lighting is too good, you can see their faces too clearly, etc). And after that, we never saw any photos of them together ever again. Also, they never even talked about each other, unlike Baekyeon who fans have seen write hidden messages in instagram posts or whatever. Idk the whole thing just bugs me, and it makes me mad because if it was fake then Jonghyun lost a lot of fans and went through a ton of shit, and cried in public, for nothing. Btw SSK didn't gain any popularity from it either, all she gained was antis.
Again, this is all just my opinion. It was never proven to be fake, it just kind of disappeared on its own. Took them 6 whole months to announce they "weren't dating anymore", and everyone had already stopped caring at that point because they obviously weren't ever seen together or anything...lol ;;

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Liked by: Annisa Aprilia T.

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do people ever judge you or give you trouble for how much you like shinee?

yes, a little. my students think i'm weird and my non-kpop friends (and my family) think i'm ligitimately insane, but for the most part people are just amazed or impressed with my passion haha. kpop is typically a middle school hobby here in korea. so even though shinee's fans are mostly around my age, we have a really old fandom so the majority of kpop fans are much much younger. that's why sometimes koreans are surprised XD because i'm in my mid-20s and still care about kpop this much..

What is naver?

Naver Corportation is a company in Korea similar to Google. They started as a web portal with their own search engine and also expanded to include email, news, academic thesis search services, and more. Naver is the 5th most used search engine in the world.
Liked by: T.

how do u avoid pantylines

don't wear tight clothing if it's made out of thin material??? i dunno haha i never really had a problem with that >__>;

About the Line or Kakao question. why they prefer to have Kakao instead of Line? :<

Kakao was created over a year and a half before Line, but the biggest reason so many Koreans use Kakao is because Kakao was originally released in Korea, and Line was originally released and promoted in Japan.
Line was created because of an earthquake in Japan in 2011 that damaged telecommunications systems across the country, and forced people to communicate using internet-based resources. So to help this, Naver Japan created the Line app. Although Naver is a Korean company, their Japanese branch originally promoted the app in Japan instead of Korea, and that's why Line is so popular there.
Line is currently Japan's #1 social network, while in Korea, 93% of smartphone users use Kakaotalk.

It's possible for someone who is not a native speaker teach english in korea? do you know what we need to do? thank you >.<

I don't know the exact requirements, but I think if you are able to pass the English proficiency test with a high score, and get TESOL/EFL certification, you should be able to get a job. But you probably need an actual Teaching degree also. You should ask someone who knows about TESOL/EFL laws and requirements to make sure. Or if you ask the Korean embassy where you're from, they might be able to help find some information for you.
P.S. most schools are always looking for native English speakers to teach English. If you're not a native speaker, you need to do VERY well on the tests and be very highly qualified to teach English because it can be hard or annoying for companies to provide foreigners with working visas so they can live here. If they can't find a native English speaker, they can easily find a Korean person who is EFL certified. So you need a good degree and many qualifications to make them want you more than an average Korean person who studied to teach English.
Sorry it has to be like that T_T native English speakers always get preference. Even though many many many people from non-English speaking countries can speak English very well or even fluently, it doesn't look like that in the paperwork so the schools get worried or don't want to risk it. But if it's your dream to teach English here, don't give up! Keep searching and emailing about job positions, and ask for Skype interviews, or come visit Korea and do some job-hunting and interviews in person. I believe you will eventually find a job if you don't give up :) Good luck!

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i need some advice please :/ ill be almost going out of high school in less then 3 years and i still do not know what to take in university. i've always wanted to teach english to foreigners but only here in canada (where im from). do you have any advice in what i can take in university? :)

It's common for high schoolers to not know what you want to study. I didn't know what I wanted to study until one or two years AFTER I started college! Haha so it's not too bad to start college as an "undecided" major. You can take a year or two to take the basic classes that are always required, then change your major after that. So don't worry too much, and you will figure it out eventually! You have lots of time left :) I think it's much better to take extra time looking for something you will REALLY like, than to start studying something you don't love and have to change it later. So don't feel bad if you just take the general education (required) classes in the beginning ^^
But if you're interested in teaching English to foreigners, you should look into TESOL/Teaching majors and minors. If you get a teaching degree with TESOL certification and/or TESOL minor, you can teach English to foreigners anywhere! All over Canada OR the rest of the world, in case you decide you want to travel. Good luck!

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Can you give me a name starting with Min? Except for minhye

Female name ideas? Some Korean girl names starting with Min are: Minah, Minju, Minhee, Minkyung, Minyoung, Minjung, and Minji.
Hope that helps ^^

can you share that audio file of kibum and jonghyun speaking English with you? I'm so curious, please >.<

omg noooo it's so embarrassing my voice is silly and i sound so nervous T_T and our convo really isn't that interesting LOLLL and i don't have audio of jjong speaking english, only the fanacct for that time haha. i only have audio if jjong saying my name *__*

Heidi i really glad about your answer about jongkey and 2min shipper..sometimes shipper just too annoying..im agree with you for everything..i still dont get it why people love if their idol bcm a gay (sorry im still cant move on from matt bomer cough LOL)..thanks youre so nice..hv a nice day Heidi.

HAHA yeah i still fantasize about that and think about it in my imagination but i keep the imagination and real life separate hahaha >.<

You're English teacheeeerrr??? Omonaa >.< seonsaengnim >.< I love English :)) I want to meet u maybe XD hihihi But, i'm in highschool kkk

haha awh i would love to meet you haha p__p if u can come to korea let me know~~ XDDDD

can you understand korean well? oh what is your passion if you would like to tell ^^

for the most part haha i've been studying many years but only self-taught so i'm not as good as i would like to be. i'm going to continue working hard. once i come back to korea i'll take real advanced classes at a university and get a degree in korean language. my dream is to someday achieve a 5/6 on the topik test and study korean, linguistics, and translation/interpretation. i'll pair those degrees together to do translation work and teach beginner and intermediate korean classes to foreigners in seoul :) that's my dream!! haha T_T

I'm a Filipino but I can speak well in English :) My pupils are foreigners that's why I talk to them in English. I really want to teach there in Korea. Maybe after 2 years. I hope I can meet you someday and we can spazz together about SHINee :)

Well then if English isn't your native language you should take the proficiency test and get TESOL certified, then it will be easier to find a job ^^ and that would be cool~~ haha if you come here let me know!
Liked by: Miss Blinger

What is happening with minho? who's minhye?

i have no idea...i think something about that happened when i was on hiatus so i never learned anything about it >< sorry;;

hi heidi~ i feel like i havent sent u an ask in a while since i got to seoul ㅋㅋ im excited for sunday :DD

me too!!! :D \o/

heidi! i actually have something to ask you, is there somewhere private where i could clarify certain things with you? it's regarding fandom so yeah ^~^

yeah sure, you can email me at tsheidi@naver.com or add me on kakao, my id is tsheidi

Heidi how did u know that ur korean name is Hyerin :o

I chose it myself, actually ^^;; I like the sound of Hye, and it starts with H like my name. And my middle name is Lynn so i picked Hye-Lin/Hyerin

oh so you live in korea since you teach there? is it difficult? :)

no, not really difficult!! i like the job, but it's not my passion to do it forever


Language: English