
kimkeyy (heidi)

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Hi Heidi unnie! So far, how many times have you seen SHINee?

i think....ten times? >_< well, ten times total, but every member was not there every time. so some members are less then ten XD
Liked by: m

한국에서 생활하면서 적응하기 힘들었던점은 뭐가있어요?ㅅ?

힘든게 별로 없지만 재미있는게 있어요ㅋ
한국에는 걷는길이나 쇼핑몰에 쓰레기통 많이 없어요...미국에는 쓰레기통은 대게 많아요!ㅋㅋ 그리고 롯데리아와 영화관에서 쓰레기통은 음식을 버리는 곳도 있고 컵을 놓은 곳도 있고..미국에서 그런 쓰레기통을 한번도 안봤어요!! 신기해요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 미국엔 재활용 많이 안하나봐요..ㅎㅅㅎ
아...그리고 난 금발머리 외국인이니까 한국에서 사람들이 항상 날 응시해요...서울에서 많이 안하지만 시골에 살아서 응시하는 사람이 많아요 여기ㅠㅠ; 특히 할아버지/할머니, 아줌마/아저씨들...내게 관심이 많나요?ㅋㅋㅋ

what kind of honorific would you use to address idols? i've been unsure of this for a while and i know that people like to call male idols oppa. but if you're not using oppa, and they're older than you, would you use 씨? or is that too formal?

To be honest, I avoid addressing idols if i can...lol I always just start talking because I don't know how I should say their name and I'd embarrass myself by saying oppa or something LOL
Since I'm foreign, I don't like to call them oppa because it seems weird to me p__p;;
But you can use 씨! That one is just fine ^^ I've called Onew "Jinki-ssi".
Oh but I remember now I actually always call Taemin "Taemin-ah" since I'm older than him and I like it LOL I made him call me noona once XD
...and I think I called Taeyeon "unnie" lol p__p but for some reason that feels so different from "oppa" XD
Liked by: T. m Tracy

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Do you like korean foods/cuisine?? I tried kimchi but its too sour & not suit to my taste..hehe.. And it feels weird to me as their food is always the same & seems quite easy to cook as they always use fermented things like gochujang(?), soybean paste..and lots of pickled-like foods.. ><

I LOVE Korean food! You should try kimchi at more than one place, because all kimchi tastes really different. Some people like it more fermented/sour, and some people like it more fresh/salty. (I prefer it really fermented haha).
Korean food does use a lot of the same ingredients sometimes but if you had real Korean food in Korea I think you would see that there's actually a very large variety. But yeah they love pickled and fermented things! XD
Don't give up on Korean food though :D there's bound to be something that you'll enjoy a lot!
Liked by: m

hi eonni! what is the difference between (name)군 and (name)씨?

씨 is the generic honorific, which basically is similar to Mr, Mrs, or Miss.
군 has pretty much the same meaning, but it's used a little less often, and usually seen as more polite. It's only used with males. (I hear this one a lot on TV talk shows XD "우리 Key군!")
양 is the female equivalent of 군.
Liked by: m

Hi Heidi! please hear me, I need you to help me. a few days ago was my first time to met SHINee, in SWC3JKT. Every minute I always cried, cause never thought that I would meet them. When the concert ended, I still cried. Moreover until now I'm crying. It's already D+4 Heidi :'(.

OMG! don't cry~ are they at least happy tears? keke. I know how you feel. Too many feelings makes it hard to function in life right XD but don't let it affect your life too much! you'll be ok! *hug* ^^ <3
Liked by: rainy T. m

were you still in school when you started learning korean? i don't know about you, but when it comes to learning korean for myself, i find it hard to want to keep up with it when i'm in school because learning korean isn't mandatory like my other work and i don't want it to become a stresser to me.

Yes, when I started learning Korean I was in my third year of high school. And it took me a very long time in the beginning because, like you said, it's not mandatory. So I didn't study it very diligently. That's why it took me so many years to only get to this level (it's a good level but if I had real classes I think I would be much farther).
Don't let it stress you out or affect your school work, but find small ways to study instead of taking up a lot of time. For example, write a short diary in Korean every day, or use masking tape to label everything in your room with Korean words! And one of my favorite ways is to change computer programs and websites into Korean. I changed Facebook, YouTube, Google, iTunes, Skype, etc. At first, it can be a little hard, so only change websites and programs you know how to use really well. But then even though it's hard at first, you'll get used to it and can practice reading even without trying! And you can learn some computer terms (like copy/paste, or whatever haha)

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Liked by: m

Thank you so much for responding to my question about pronunciation! I'll really look into what you said since it does sound really helpful. (: May I ask, when you were translating the lyrics, did you already know all of the Korean words or did you have to go back and translate as you learned?

I barely knew the words at all! But it's okay because I wasn't translating it into English, just into English letters. So the meaning of the words doesn't matter, since this is only hangul reading practice ^^

I can find you and sing noraebang with you when I get back to korea :3

OK that sounds like fun please contact me hehe

LOLOL i can only imagine the owners' faces when u walk in & start singing trot lmaoo do u have many korean friends? all my friends are fandom friends

i have a few korean friends but most of my close friends are other english teachers because in my small town it's hard to find people my age, everyone in the country is either a gradeschool kid or a grandparent XDDDD
Liked by: Tracy

oh yeah time zones LOL noraebang sounds fun~ do u sing shinee songs or other groups too?

noraebang is like my favorite passtime! LOL actually I tend to not sing SHINee songs, only occasionally. but it depends on what group of friends i'm with too. if we're SHINee fans we'll sing SHINee, but usually i'm out with the foreigners from my town who don't know kpop. so we sing a lot of english songs haha. but my favorite songs to sing are usually old korean songs, trot, or ballads. i love singing any song jonghyun has ever covered on radio, etc XD he has great taste.

meat is the best u__u what r u doing today? any plans? ^-^

the day is already over in korea LOL i'm going to go karaoke with a friend in a little bit then go home and sleep XD

When you were learning Korean, did you find it hard to pronounce things correctly at first? I find that it's easy for me to learn vocab and grammar rules and everything but pronunciation that sounds natural is so difficult for me T_T Do you have any ideas for how I can practice better pronunciation?

Pronunciation is very hard! I had a looooot of trouble in the beginning. When the language is so different from your own, it can be a real pain to train yourself to say new sounds.
As for tips, I think it's best to study the pronunciation rules (like how ㅂ turns into an ㅁ sound when it's next to ㄴ, for example "감사합니다"). They might seem obvious (since you probably learned "감사합니다" really early), but trust me there are lots, and some of them are really subtle. You can google Korean pronunciation rules and come up with some lists of what you should study. That's important!
My favorite method for studying pronunciation and reading at the same time, is to transliterate kpop songs (i.e. write the Korean lyrics out using English/Roman letters). I used to do this with SHINee songs back in 2010. I transliterated the whole Lucifer album. It took a long time, but it was fun because it was SHINee and it REALLY helps you remember the lyrics! You'll be able to sing all the songs you work on like a boss when you're done!
The way I did it was by pulling up the Korean lyrics for each song and reading a line, and writing it out in roman letters in a word document.
So for example, the first line of the Dream Girl chorus is "손에 잡힐 듯 잡히지 않는", and I would write it like "sone jabhil deut jabhiji anhneun". Doing this really helps so much with reading. Your reading speed will improve!
Then for the pronunciation part, I would listen to the song, and repeat just that one line over and over again, sometimes one word at a time. I would really listen to the way the words are being pronounced, and then I would edit my transliteration accordingly. So I would change "jabhil" to "japil" and "jabhiji" to "japiji". This is because of one of the pronunciation rules of Korean, where consonants before ㅎ become aspirated (ㅂ sound -> ㅍ sound).
After doing this for a while, you'll memorize correct pronunciation subconsciously and improve your reading too. Even now, I still think that was one of the best things I ever did to kick-start my Korean learning.
But FYI, once you do it for a long time you get too good at it and it becomes boring! Lol by the time Sherlock came out, I couldn't even force myself to finish transliterating one song because I already knew all the rules and I kept writing it all correctly and never having to listen to the song to fix my mistakes. But that's a good thing right!? Being too good at something is good! LOL
Good luck studying and I hope this helps you at least a little bit TuT <3

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Liked by: Aiai

You can do that? Apply for korean uni sepparately? Omg! But i dont know if i would have the guts to do so. I probably would need a job to stay there long like that TT i'm a coward TT

Yeah I need a job too...I really need income LOL. But yes of course you can apply for Korean universities as an international student (rather than exchange student).

omg heidi... i woke up & read abt the Key butt smacking HAHAH best way to wake up :"") how are you today dear~

hungry :) LOL

im kind of confused with the way korean puts their words. I know the format is sov but is it compulsory to apply this to all sentences and also add 는/를?

Yup it's subject-object-verb format but you do NOT need to add the particles (은/는, 이/가, 을/를, etc) all the time. It's more proper if you keep them in, especially in writing, but Koreans commonly leave them out during conversation. Not like 100% of the time, but you can see it frequently.
As for word order, it's pretty standard but I've seen times when people will add something else from the sentence at the end, like an afterthought. For instance, the other day I told my friend "I miss SHINee". Even though we were already talking about SHINee, and I could just say "너무 보고싶어요", for clarification or emphasis I just added SHINee back on the end and said "너무 보고싶어요 샤이니를.."
People don't go around talking like that all willy-nilly, and it's definitely not "correct" (according to books and grammar rules), but structures like this are used occasionally in colloquial conversation.

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Liked by: Aiai nuggets

I miss them so much ;__;

omfg....me too..................T________T i'm gonna die when i'm back in americaaaa

Hi! I know this sooo late but, how does most of kshawols react to minho minhye thing? thank you (/^o^)/♡

i'm sorry~ T_T i was on hiatus for a really long time so i missed the minhye thing...i don't know about it...sorry T_T

I got quite emotional too T_T during swc2 i cried 3 times, maybe its cause i know that i wouldnt get to see them in awhile T_T but during internet war (im a taemint n jonghyun's my 2nd bias) istg that was the hottest thing ive ever seen, but i wasnt shouting/screaming but staring at them omg ;___;

i knoooowwwww just cry it out T~T <333

What is the education system in korea like? I mean from what age to what age are you in elementary/middle/high school?

In Korea, there are 6 years of elementary school (ages 6-12), 3 years of junior high school (ages 12-15), and 3 years of senior high school (ages 15-18).
They also have preschool and kindergarten for ages 3-6, which is optional.
School is required for children ages 6 to 15, which means elementary and junior high school are mandatory. After that, students can either go to high school or a vocational school.

wht du u think about bap yongguk?

i think he's a pretty cool dude! super deep voice...good for rapping ㅎㅂㅎ from what i've heard, he's very talented and kind


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