
kimkeyy (heidi)

Ask @tsheidi

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regarding your previous ask about skin in sk, by "bad skin" means how bad?

how bad is "bad skin" in korea?? well, if you're talking about society's standards and the standards of most young women, any blemish is no good. that's why those pimple patches are so popular here, they heal your zits while also covering them up with a skin-color patch. even though the patch is totally visible too, most people consider it better than showing a zit.
but skin (and body types, while we're at it) come in all flavors, even here. it's the same as anywhere else really. some people have flawless skin and some people have really awful skin, and everywhere in between. just humans, same as any other country ^^;

hi heidi, im curious abt sth x) how are kfans reaction or thoughts to shinee world date that happened?

umm..that's a good question, actually. it happened so long ago that i can't really remember...i don't think i saw many people talk about it. it seemed like it wasn't a big deal to koreans...but i'm not sure. i didn't pay much attention to that...>_<;

can you teach me how to speak english? at least give advice how to study english. i cant speak english fluently T.T

well it would be kind of hard to teach you at such a high level without meeting you! judging by your question, i'm guessing your level is very high, near-fluent. the best way to improve your english fluency at that level is to talk to native english speakers a lot (and i mean a LOT). also, you should watch english movies or tv shows with difficult plots and ideas, or english news. hearing real english a lot (like daily) and speaking/living with native english speakers is the best way to improve english ability.

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Key will miss seeing u ? XD u are gg back to U.S soon T.T

i hope he does...i'm really sad because i'm realizing that shinee's supposed to have a comeback right after i leave. unless they magically have a comeback in august which idk if it's possible....i really want to see them though, and i just want to go to one last fansign to say goodbye... T_T

Does skin matter in S.Korea?

yes it matters very much. of course, there are people here with bad skin, and there are people here who are overweight, but the korean society puts a lot of pressure on people to look good. skincare is probably one of the biggest markets in korea, next to electronics or something. it's huuuuge, and advertisements for makeup and plastic surgery are everywhere. skincare products are even marketed toward men very often. at a festival a while ago i won a game and recieved a free sample of "his+hers" couple skincare products LOL one for the guy and one for the girl.
but having bad skin here isn't too uncommon either. what i'm talking about is just the society and advertising/media putting pressure on people to look good. you can definitely tell that it's much more pressure here than it is in america.
i've heard stories of women trying for jobs like in a company/business, and if they're up against women with similar credentials/experience, then the woman who looks the best will get the job. or the one with the better clothes, better haircut, skinnier, etc. but i'm sure that kind of thing also happens in america. pretty sad, though.

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Hello :) I'm 16 and I feel like I want to be an ESOL Teacher in Korea in the future, but I only know a few korean and I don't even know if I'm pronouncing it properly x3 I'm a citizen in NZ for 7 years, do you think I have a chance of being an ESOL teacher in Korea? And how much do you get paid?

yes, you have a chance to be an esol teacher!! but make sure you take the TESOL certification test because you weren't born in NZ right? if you were born in a non-english speaking country it might be a little harder to get a job, even though you're an NZ citizen now. it's always good to take the test and get certified, then you'll have a better chance no matter what!
not knowing korean isn't a very big deal ^^ i know lots of people who live here just fine but don't really know any korean (idk how they do it though LOL)
and english teachers in asia get paid a really high amount! i shouldn't say my salary because i'm in a special program run by the government, and i don't think my pay reflects the real pay of actual english teachers that work full-time (i only work 15 hrs per week). i'm not sure exactly how much full-time teachers make, but i know it's a lot. and more than me XD

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Heidi... When will you go back to US? even you're there you'll still make your sns' alive, won't you?! if not.. then I'm going to really miss you ㅠ_ㅠ

i'm going back to the u.s. at the end of august, and yes ofc i'll still use my twitter and ask.fm ^^ but i hope it doesn't get too boring..because i won't be able to fanacct or anything so maybe no one will care about me anymore T_T lol..
Liked by: nuggets

Hi Heidi, I was hoping you might be able to give me advice on preparing for the weather in Korea.. I'm going to be there from late August to December.. coming from Michigan.. So more specifically what is their fall weather like?

i'm from michigan, too!! ^^ the weather here is pretty much the exact same, just that korean fall and spring is shorter. it's always so sad. it seems like the nice fall and spring weather only lasts two weeks T_T it goes from hot summer to cold winter really fast.
so in august it will still be pretty hot, but pack lots of hoodies and jackets if you'll be here through december, it gets really cold!
Liked by: ttanalski

sad ㅠㅠ but, you're come back again to korea right?..

yes as soon as i can! i don't know when yet, though.

I mean I went to Korea once, duringWSS promotion, I think. After discovering you on twitter, I want to meet you haha xD Maybe next time we can meet if i have another opportunity to fly there ^^

aww I was here during wss! ^^ too bad you didn't know me to contact me haha. but yeah i would like that! let me know if you come~ XD

wuahh...really ^O^ so please help me for next album ^^:D can't wait for their comeback T.T

rissa fajarini
i can't wait either!!! but i'll probably miss it T.T going back to america soon

(same anon that still feels emotional after D+9 of the concert) The more I listen to their songs, I miss them even more lmao, I should find a way to move on T.T Anyways, you are so kind, I love your personality. I wish we can meet each other when I visit Korea again ^^

Again? :D when did you last come here? But yeah I would love to meet :) <3 I hope I can come back to Korea ASAP haha

uhhm i know that shipping is... uggrrhh :D but if u have a time, please tell me kkk~ wanna album so bad especially with key sign.. :D (sorry for my english :D)

rissa fajarini
haha I'd love to help you get a signed album but unfortunately mine aren't for sale~ ^^ they always write your name next to their signature at fansigns. I can't give mine away :) haha

i'm sorry before ∩__∩ but? what are u doing in korea??

I've been teaching English here for two years! :D

Yes omg the moment I step out of the venue their voice will repeat again in my mind, I miss them so much haha. I think it has been around D+9 after SWC3JKT and still.. ugh i feel like crying right now haha~

Omg I feel like that sometimes too T~T just thinking about the good memories makes me feel sooo emotionallll haha. I especially get that way when I ride the bus, because I have fond memories of riding the bus to Seoul while listening to the Dream Girl album after it came out. Dream Girl was the first time I ever saw SHINee in person, so it has a special sentimental value to me! :)

i'm so excited for you!!!!!! i plan on seeing them sometime in the next 2 years but i'm kind of worried. is ordering the global package hard? is it in english? and how do i know when there is an opportunity to?

It's not hard at all, but it's competitive in the beginning! I had to sit on the computer refreshing the page at exactly 3pm until the site opened and grab a ticket right away. You can reserve a ticket but not pay for it, but if you don't pay within 2 hours it will automatically get cancelled and you have to book it again. That's what I did all day while I was trying to figure out how to pay (you can't pay from within Korea so I had to use a friend's American credit card haha). You have to keep close track of the time and refresh the page after the 2 hours are up and wait for it to pop up again so you can grab it before someone else does! Right now, all of the cheapest plans (the hostel ones, instead of expensive hotels) are gone. But many of those people are probably doing the same thing I was doing. I don't think they're all sold yet.
Yes the whole site is in English (there are also Chinese and Japanese versions). If you go to the website (www.smtowntravel.com) you can make an account and get the email newsletter. They email you when new packages are coming and tell you the exact day and time they'll open.

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What is Global Package? Thank you ^^

It's the package offered by SM for foreigners. It doesn't include airfare, but it includes a concert ticket and a hotel and transportation to and from the concert.
It also comes with lots of other perks, like specially selected seats (the package participants all choose their seats at random the night before the concert, but all the available seats are specially selected so any seat in the global package is a pretty good seat).
Participants also get to pre-order their merch and recieve it (and leave it in their hotel) before the real merch lines even open. Also, since it's pre-ordered, there is never anything sold out :) and participants can buy up to 5 of each item at one time.
It also comes with a snack and meal on the day of the concert, special SM souvenirs, and a special event that isn't announced yet (for SWC3, we got to walk on the stage before the concert and visit SHINee's waiting room and leave them messages ^^).

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Liked by: ttanalski

if we pay for the shipping, would you send an album? ;W;

I would like to do that, but it's a bit hard for me! I've done it before, but since I don't have an easy way to recieve money, it's hard for me to send the albums because I have to pay for the shipping in advance, while I collect money in paypal >< usually i can't afford to pay for the shipping on my own

This is kinda creepy but how do the shinee members smell like

You don't even know how many times I've been asked this XDDD
Sorry to disappoint you, but I never smelled them haha. I just stand in front of them briefly, not a hug or anything. So I couldn't smell anything unless they had super strong cologne or smelled really really bad haha. I just smelled nothing XD
Liked by: T.

hi Heidi, wanna ask you, what is the thing to study in korea?, some kind more prctical skills? thank you

what do you mean? what do i study? i don't study anything right now.. ^^ i'm not in school

oh..heidiii u hav soooo manyy albums...while i just have one album misconception

yeah i have so many!! XD aww i wish i could give you all of mine haha
Liked by: naughty_onew89


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