
kimkeyy (heidi)

Ask @tsheidi

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If you could own any building in the world, which one would it be?

O: idk..the sm building? XD if i own the building does that mean i own the idols?? haha prly not..but at least i could get inside XDDDD i'd like to just stand there and watch

showchamp was changed to only live format so i heard... and actually, i went just now hahah and im pretty sure it was the right place but there was no one there ;;n;;

oh really?? sorry yeah i teach on weekdays and i live super far from seoul so i never had a chance to go to showchamp since it's on wed >< idrk about it. but keep waiting n good luck c:
Liked by: Tracy

"and i got to talk to key a lot that day. he was the one initiating all of the conversations, and he kept asking me questions like he genuinely wanted to get to know me." waahh i followed you for a long time but i don't know this story. how did it happen what was it like *-*

yessss because that story is over a year old now omg!!! time flies...haha. it happened cuz i won those three fansigns in the same day. idek how......one was in cheonan, one was in suwon, and one was in seoul. for the one in seoul, i bought 35 albums...but for the other two, i only bought 5 each, just for fun..you know. the one in suwon was online sale so i didn't have to go to suwon, but i had to go to cheonan in the morning before dream concert to buy albums XD i went way too early on accident and had to sit outside waiting for the store to open for a few hours hahahaha. but then i bought them and went to dream concert and during the concert, the fansign results were released and my friend and i checked them on our phones and i was screaming because i won TWO OF THEM!!! my friend had checked the other one and said i didn't win so i believed him. but the next morning right before i left i checked again just to be sure and MY NAME WAS THERE. my friend didn't recognize my name LOL. OMG IT'S A GOOD THING I CHECKED or i would have missed it...omg though SOMEHOW i won all three O_O i'm still amazed keke i think that might be a record XD i know many people who have gone to two in the same day but three? haha...and it was so funny, because i met them in cheonan first and then i had to run really fast to suwon, they have their own personal car but i had to go all the way to the train station and wait for a train. omg i was so scared i would be late to all of them. the whole day i was rushing XD after i ran into the second fansign key was like "O__O HOW DID U GET HERE SO FAST?" ahahahhahaha i told him i took a train and that it was really hard and i was almost late, so i asked "i'm going to the next fansign too, can you take me in your van ㅠㅠ" and he said "yea sure XD" LMAO so i keep saying that as a joke that he still owes me a ride hahahahaha and it was so nice, because i got to meet him three times in the same day which is more than most fans get to, so each time we met we just continued the conversation from where we left off, it was like i got to have one long convo with him ^^ that's why he remembers me well. because not many people get the chance like that to see them so much at one time. i'm really grateful, i feel so lucky omg i still don't know how i won 3 different ones at the same time XDDD pinch me!!

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lol I forgot to sign in fisrt. The post below was me ㅋㅋㅋ

but you still wrote on anonymous!! TnT haha

hi~ would you happen to know when a good time to line up for show champion is? if the live starts at 6...

you're trying to get into the live show? i've never personally been to show champion and i never go to live shows so i'm not sure actually...but assuming they let people line for the live show, earlier is always best, just in case >< other shows, you need tickets for live or you need to be lined with a fandom. so idk about showchamp ;;

Hey heidi, im the same anon that asked abt the coldest n warmest periods from dec-march, n i know that you might be going back to korea to learn right? Im wondering that during march period if ure still in korea, maybe u could bring us around? >< -cont-

Oh!! I would really love to but I won't be in Korea at that time :( I'm sorryyyy. I wish i was staying that long haha ㅠㅠ I'm leaving in a month or two and I won't be back until mid-2015 at the earliest. But I can help you with anything you need, feel free to message me ^^

I read your ask.fm one by one. I like the way you explain all the questions. You're so kind, I adore you, Heidi!! ㅋㅋㅋ we are same age btw :D ㅋㅋ

omg no way awww well thanks so much ^^ <3 and OMG~ really!? 91 line!? hell yeaaaa~ haha *high five*

my name is "Titis Anggraeni" (ti-tis ang-gra-e-ni) how do you write it in hangul? i've tried to write it before, but i'm not sure with the letter "tis" & "gra" sometimes hangul make me dizzy XD

i hope i can get the pronunciation correct ;m; but i think it's 티티스 앙그라에니. sometimes when you write names in hangul, they don't have the same sounds in korean so you have to split one syllable into two. "tis" = 티스, "gra" = 그라
hope that helped :D

Hello heidi! Do you have any email address?? Really need some help and I was hoping I could contact you privately. >////< No worries, I'm a SHAWOL and I won't spam you or something. Thank you! ^▽^

sure! ^^ tsheidi@naver.com

is shinee smell good? i'm so curious >_<

i've never smelled them >< i never hugged them, so i wasn't close enough. their cologne or whatever isn't strong, so i can't smell it

onew takes the name of shawol wow very spectacular, oh unnie, I'm still with the shinee fandom color truth many people talk and google also exist that say 'pearl Aqua green ocean' or ' pearl sky blue ocean ' I confused a lot, sorry I ask because I am looking for information on google is not so clear

ahh, like i said before, the color is technically "pearl aqua", sometimes called green. "blue" and "sky blue" are incorrect.

Hi Heidi! Have you ever stay in guesthouse or hostel in seoul? If yes, can you recommend which one or two is the best? Thank you!

Yeah, I've been to a few. The two I remember are pretty decent.
The one that I like is called Come Inn, and it's in Hongdae right by playground park/club street and next to the Hongik University campus, which means it's in the center of everything so it's always crowded and at nighttime there's tons of people outside drinking and partying. So if you don't like crowded places maybe don't try this one haha but if you want to party, this is the place to be.
The hostel itself is nice and not really full of partying, and you can't hear anything loud from outside in there, from what i experienced. The rooms are alright and the living room/common area is nice too with a big TV. There's also a balcony so if you DO want a place to hang out, you can go up there and meet people and play cards or drink or whatever, and look down around the street and buildings.
I really enjoy that place mostly because of the location. During the night Hongdae is full of partying and clubs, and during the day it's crowded too because there's a lot of shops and good food. Usually there will always be people busking or playing impromptu concerts, or underground rappers doing little shows around Hongdae. Also, on Saturdays the art students from Hongik University have a flea market selling their works in playground park, which is a good place to pick up unique souvenirs. I bought my parents hand-painted fans :)
Another one that I went to recently was in Wangshimni, it was called 2C House. The rooms were really nice, but the manager was never around when you needed him, and i don't think there was a living room/lounge area. The location is ok because it's Wangshimni (on the green line, connected to a lot of other subway lines), but I prefer Hongdae. There's not too much to do around Wangshimni, it seems like.
I've been to a few others a long time ago that I don't remember where they're at or what they're called, but in my experience it's kind of hard to find a bad one O: There are plenty of websites where you can search for hostels and see people's reviews ^^ Sorry I don't know more. Good luck!

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yes i'm understand about information, How about taking the name of shinee world? and when it became the official name of the shinee fans??

The name SHINee World was taken from SHINee's first full album, 'The SHINee World'. I've heard that Onew was the one who chose the name, and it took them about 100 days from debut to announce it and call their fans shawols. Shawol is short for "SHINee World" in Korean.

wait keys in a musical? which one?

he's starting the musical Zorro at the end of August or beginning of Sept ^^

Heidii what is encore? xD lame me is lame

Usually concert tours start in Seoul, but after the tour they sometimes have an encore concert in Seoul again to end the tour :)

do you know how to send message to blue night?

If you have a korean cell phone you text the number #8000 (must include the #) with your message, or you can make an account at the imbc website and then go to the Blue Night page here: http://www.imbc.com/broad/radio/fm4u/bluenight/index.html
On the sidebar there are 3 entries:
mini 메시지 : this lets you send mini messages (under 120 characters) similar to a text message (these are viewable to the public)
사연과 신청곡 : here you can send in your personal stories (in korean) or song requests (these messages are locked and not viewable to the public, except for the title)
새 글이 등록되었습니다 : another board to write stories (these are also locked and not viewable to the public, except for the title)
All of the boards have a **do not spam** warning, so be careful of spamming, and you should write in Korean. If you want to say generic messages to Jonghyun or that you love Blue Night, you should use the mini message board. The other boards are mostly for serious posts of personal stories for Jonghyun to talk about on the show, or song requests (in the song request board only).

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Hey heidi, my family and i are planning to go to korea, but we're not sure whens the best time to go. Do you know, between the months of december and march, when its the best to go? And when is it the coldest and warmest between those months? Thank you!! :-)

I think December might be the best time. Especially if it's okay for your family to travel during the holidays, there's lots of decorations put up all around Seoul. Huge Christmas trees and light displays everywhere. And things are on sale. And during the last few days of the year, they film Gayo Daejun! :) so if you want to see a big kpop event like that, it's a good time to go.
As for the weather, all of those months are awful and cold ㅠㅠ absolute coldest might be...Jan and Feb. I waited outside in Gayo Daejun lines and it was pretty awful, actually. But lining for SM The Ballad in February was worse. And lining for SWC3 in March was awful in the middle of the night but during the day was better >_< this year in Kor it snowed all the way through March. It even snowed during SWC3 T_T

Hi,is there a way how international fans can buy musical tics? I will be going to Seoul on Sept/Oct & i reaaally wanna go for Key's musical. So i'm wondering how can i purchase the tics. Do we have to buy the tix on 22 july itself for all the dates of the musical? I'd appreciate the help, thank u (:

Yes actually I'm pretty sure you can buy tickets on Interpark Global. I've never done it though (so don't bet everything on me), but it seems possible. Because they have tickets for things like Singing In The Rain on the global site. But if you can get an ARC number while you're living here in Korea (i think you need to be staying at least half a year to get one) that would be better, or ask a Korean friend who has an Interpark account to let you borrow theirs, then you can use the Korean Interpark site and I think you can still use a foreign credit card on there, even.
And you don't have to buy all tickets on the 22nd. The ticketing opens on the 22nd and stays open. And even if you can't buy any right away, the shows are never FULLY sold out so if you need a plan B you can buy tickets whenever you want, just watch carefully (keep checking) and see when people cancel their ticket orders and new seats will pop up. You can get decent seats that way if you're diligent about checking (I've gotten 3rd row seats before that way). Or you can get a seat that's a bit farther, but either way there's guaranteed to always be some seats available, the shows won't sell out like a concert.

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