
kimkeyy (heidi)

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what if Jonghyun dating a girl (again), your opinion ..

i'm happy as long as he's happy. i don't like hearing him whine about being lonely all the time XD but i know after what happened last time it's hard for him to come public with a relationship. i don't know what would hurt worse, being lonely or being hurt by the words of antis...and he knows it would hurt many of his fans so i'm sure he struggles with that a lot. so anyway, i support whatever decision he makes as long as it's HIS decision. if he comes forward and announces it publicly on his own it's very different than getting found by fucking dispatch, or forced by the company or something. if that happened, i'd be very angry and sad for him. so i support whatever he decides on his own.
anyway as for my personal feelings i don't mind the idea of him dating, in fact i ship him with some girls too hahah but of course it would be easier for me if he dated a girl i like rather than someone i don't care about LOL;;

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hi, has Jjong ever mentioned his dad? he always talks about mom and noona but i don't remember anything about his dad

yes he has, and he has told stories about his dad from when he was little, but he is no longer around. don't know the details. T.T

Hi, Heidi. Just wondering....can you speak German or Dutch?

nah :( not at all. my grandpa could though! hahah~ he was from germany. but when he came to america he refused to teach his kids (my dad/uncles) german ㅠㅠ

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Is SHINee underrated in Korea? What do netizens generally think of them? Why are they not getting enough recognition? Like for example, in MMA they were the lowest ranked boy group :(

They get a lot of praise from the general public and I do believe they have many fans. I just think shawols don't use much of their strength on voting power. Same reason we get low MV views :( we have to try harder (pls don't forget to vote!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ)
but don't let things like poll results and stuff like that affect your view too much, they're not underrated here, they're super famous and even people who aren't kpop fans know who they are and even all the members. i only hear good things even from non-kpop fans.

and what's the course load like? i know classes are like 4hrs a day but does homework/assignments take up the time after that? would living on or off campus be better, do you have cultural activities/trips, and are you allowed to use school facilities etc? sorry!!

it can be a lot, if you have to work a part-time job or something that takes up a lot of your time. if i'm being totally honest, i never do the regular homework. outside of class i'm always so busy with work and other stuff that i try to grab every moment of free time i can. though i really wish i could cut back on work and focus on school, but i can't afford to XD anyway, to answer your question, yes there is almost always something to do for homework and it's recommended that you do it, but you won't fail or anything if you don't. the only homework i actually put time and effort into are large-scale presentations and essays that are required.
the living on campus thing is kinda up to you! if you would enjoy living in a dorm then that would be good. assuming it's similar to american dorms, you'd have roommates and a sense of community. you'd probably be able to meet many people there. and a dorm would be good if you (or your parents or whoever is paying tuition) can also afford the dorm fee, then that's something you won't have to worry about month-to-month like i do. so that would be a big benefit if that's an option for you. but off campus you do have freedom to choose where you want to live and/or move around freely if need be, etc. but yeah mostly it's all personal preference and if you can afford the dorm ㅠㅠ (i can't afford the dorm fee since you have to pay it all up front with tuition, so i pay rent monthly at a goshiwon because i can make that work haha)
in the regular and academic programs there should be one outing per semester. last semester my class went to seoul grand park and visited the zoo. they also gave us free admission to a musical and my classmates all went together :) (i missed both of those things because of work though ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ) and the sogang campus of course has MANY of its own activities and festivals!
and YES, you may use all of sogang's facilities, including the library (can't check books out, but can study there and use the computer lab), athletic facility, infirmary, counseling office, post office, lounges, etc. you may also join any club on campus or create your own. one of my classmates joined a dance team. pretty neat!

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language program anon : it's alright!! thanks for the info about sogang and yonsei! personally, i'm very quiet/introverted/shy + OVERLY self-conscious but i really wanna improve my spoken korean, do you think the sogang program would be too challenging for someone like me?

i know where you're coming from, anon! and i totally agree. i am usually like that too. especially in high school i would have panic attacks before giving speeches in class. i hate being put on the spot more than anything. i also was super self-conscious about making mistakes when speaking korean, to the point where it was really detrimental and hindered my progress (still trying to get over that, but getting better! lol). but the classes really helped me open up and i feel a lot less stressed about giving speeches and etc now. sometimes being forced to face your fear is all it takes haha. and it's really not as painful as i thought it would be either. like i said, they're very lenient and the environment is really relaxed. i enjoy it there a lot. ^^

if Jonghyun enlist in the army, you feel ... ?

i don't even want to think about this enough to answer the question.. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Helloo :D Any Help on joining Exo's fanclub, any?(Hoping to Join by Dec./Birthday gift to myself lol). Tips on learning more Korean? &Anythingg on 'stop'Obsessing' over Kpop men'TuT Ok. I don't, but I seriously lose track of time when I should be Studying.Chebal. IM SORRY Its Long :c Kamsamnida!

sorry for the late reply ^^;;
i don't know much about exo's fanclub. you mean the website with the star constellation thing? sorry i really don't know much about it but it should be still open??? maybe? i thought it was. and it's available to foreigners too, so just go on the website or get the app, it should be self explanatory? T_T;; idk..wah
for tips on learning korean, the best advice i could give you is to force yourself to be less shy! i know that's hard because i never followed that advice either lol, but it really is the most helpful. meet people on language exchange sites and talk to them on skype, write to penpals and use korean as much as you can and don't worry about making mistakes. everyone makes mistakes. you can't learn if you don't make mistakes! what's important is using it a lot and getting used to it. the rest will come naturally.
for tips on how to stop obsessing over kpop men: sorry can't help you there i'm stuck too LOL
good luck studying ;~; fighting!

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Wheres the best place to shop/look at sceneries in korea?

i'll recommend myeongdong for shopping, even though it's overrun by tourists there's a lot to see there. but i'm not much of a shopper so idk how good my advice is compared to others lol. but if you're looking specifically for korea souviners, try insadong.
for scenery, my favorite is anywhere along the han river. i recommend the yeouido or banpo parks. try renting bicycles and riding by the river!
Liked by: Nataliafang

hi, heidi :з i have been following you for a while on twitter and i must say you are pretty sugoi ^^ just wanted to wish you all the best in everything you do. and a small question from your silent admirer: could you please write five interesting or unusual facts about yourself. thanks :з

omg u said i'm sugoi *anime blush* O///////O
that is really so sweet of you what omg ;~~; <333
five interesting facts....oh dear. i'm so bad at thinking of things off the top of my head but p__p i'll try haha XD
1) i have one sister and she's three years younger than me but she already has a two and a half year old daughter and is working on her second..........(a.k.a she's trying to murder my biological clock ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠlol) and my niece is the most beautiful kid on the planet and i'm obsessed with her. but i was stuck in korea, so i missed my sister's entire pregnancy and i didn't get to meet my niece until she was already one and a half years old :( then i went back to korea after 6 months. i hope to see them again soon, but i'm missing a lot ㅠㅠ sorry for being depressing :'(
2) i was supposed to be born on april 1st, but at my mom's baby shower she accidentally popped a button on her dress, and ran back home to quickly sew it, and then she slipped and fell down the stairs. she landed on her hands and knees. I'M LUCKY TO BE ALIVE O___O haha i was fine, but i came really early LOL i was born on february 27 :) luckily there were no complications or anything ^^;
3) i was a super junior fan before shinee debuted. i got into kpop around april 2008, and i was heavy into super junior. the first kpop related thing i ever saw was suju's show "full house", and the first kpop merch/item i ever owned was the super show 2 dvd XD and when shinee debuted i loved them so much, and i tried to juggle both groups but then right after sorry sorry i was just like pffgttfghf SHINEE. juliette era snatched me hardcore XDD (i also had a brief moment where i was a huge big bang fan too O_O ...wut hahaha. aww, thinking of 2009 gives me so many kpop feels. ahhh, the good old days.)
4) i have mentioned this on twitter before so many people probably know this (i think?) but i have synesthesia, the thing that jjong mentioned in the view mv shoot bts. he said he wrote the lyrics about synesthesia. it's a brain disorder where two senses get connected, so for example when you hear a certain sound you see a specific color. i don't have that fancy sound one, mine is just words/letters/numbers + colors, but i still think it's cool. the colors make a big impression on me so when someone's hair or outfit matches their name's color it's pleasing to me LOL. and the color is really noticeable/sticks well, so many times i'll forget a word or someone's name but i'll remember the color vividly. so that helps me remember what it might be XD like "her name was yellow...but only C is yellow...C...ah, that's right! it's Candace!" lol...happens to me all the time.
5) idk what else to say so this is random but. one time when i was young and my dad left me home alone with my friend, we tried to make a pizza but we failed miserably and made a huge mess and wasted a lot of ingredients. we didn't want to get in trouble, so we went out and buried it in the backyard. LMAO
muah :* <3

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Liked by: your only ace Vickie

do you listen Jonghyun's blue night radio every night?

no i don't, actually ㅠㅠ the timing is a bit inconvenient for me huuu :( but i listen when i can, and when special things happen :D

hi heidi, i was wondering if you have any info/advice regarding korean language programs at diff unis? like comparing sogang vs snu vs yonsei vs korea vs kyunghee vs others etc. that is if you've heard any feedback/experience ppl have had! if not, it's ok and sorry for the trouble!~

i really have no idea about any of the unis except sogang and yonsei. and i never attended yonsei, so this is just based on what i've heard from friends.
sogang is widely known as being VERY geared towards speaking. there is a lot of focus on group work, group discussions, presentations (both solo and group), etc. they also have other unique events and assignments. for example, they have UCC contests where you can make a video about anything you want (while speaking or narrating in korean, using what you learned from the classes) and the top prizes are large scholarships toward the language school tuition. also, in level 4 they require groups in each class to write, direct, shoot, and edit their own video. this is the main project for level 4 and the best one gets shown at the graduation ceremony.
but, don't let that scare you off. i'm the type of person who absolutely dreads presentations and acting in videos and that kind of thing, but i chose sogang because i wanted to challenge myself and i needed to improve my speaking skills, and i'm glad i made that choice. it isn't nearly as bad as i thought it would be, and sogang seems really lenient. so you don't have to worry about stuttering or making mistakes with your presentations or anything, each specific assignment isn't graded in that way. the teachers of course will correct you when you need it, but they are so nice and really they'll probably just be super interested in what you have to say. it is a really comfortable environment and it helped me open up a lot. and btw the pace is really fast, at least in the higher levels (i didn't attend 1~3 so i'm not sure). it's actually pretty hard to juggle with both a part time job AND hobbies, but it's worth it because you learn a lot really fast.
as for yonsei, i can't say much but i have heard that they're very grammar focused. i heard there is a loooot of book work and maybe more writing than sogang also? but they also have presentations too, maybe not as many but from what i've heard it seems like they're much more strict about them. i'm not saying the teachers aren't nice though. i mean, i've never been there so all i can do is relay what i've heard, and i've heard from multiple people that it's a lot of book work and memorization. but i'm sure they learn at a similar pace and i'm sure yonsei is just as much of a challenge and you would learn a lot there also. it really just depends on your learning style, some people thrive with book work. so i'm not trying to dis yonsei or anything! that's just what i've heard haha
and sorry i haven't actually spoken to anyone who went to the other schools so i can't help much there :(

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안녕하세요 heidi-nim, are you still a student in South Korea college / university?

I'm studying at Sogang University, but just the language school. I'm just taking some Korean classes.

And you could get products in Coex Artium ?There are all products. I would pay in advance. Before, you tell me how much it costs each product or, I investigate the costs. After that I will pay, and after that you receive money, you can go to buy what I asked. With calmly, the day that you can go. *-

Shaimellynn F. F.
Well, I will think about it. Let me research about payment methods. If I can connect paypal to my Korean bank account, I might be able to do it.

hi heidi sorry to ask about this but i saw tht some1 else asked abt buying merch & do you perhaps know of any shawols that take orders???? i really want the LP and i was just wondering, thank u for your time & i hope u have a good day! :>

Sorry, I haven't seen anyone! I heard a shawol took orders but then they said no they don't. Maybe because these goods are so limited, it's so hard to take orders...ahhh... ㅠㅠ
(If any of my followers see this, please tweet me if you know someone taking orders and I can RTㅜㅜ I know that many people are looking for someone to take orders..)

Do you remember what textbook or book did u use in school when u studied Korean? :)

Never took classes before now, so I only ever used the Sogang Korean books in school ^^ but studying on my own I used many books. My biggest recommendation is the Korean Grammar In Use series :)

You buy after having money. No before. No problem. The money goes straight to your bank account, you yourself can verify that. They are selling the goods until October 18. There is still plenty of time. Please, I beg you. Please... I love Jonghyun...

Shaimellynn F. F.
sorry ㅠㅠ I can't. I can't receive the money easily. And the merch is limited to one per person. I already stood in line twice for my own merch ㅠㅠ;; so I can't get for anyone else..sorry

Do you know will Jonghyun's novel be available onin november?

I heard a second print will be available for order on 10/15, but not positive. But anyway there WILL be more in the future.^^;

Would you accept transfer? I think a bank accepts transfer of my country to South Korea. If I pay by that means, Yes can you help? I desire acquire the goods of Jonghyun, mainly the novels and kazoo, lightstick not I want because they say that only one can buy one unit of that product for person. ^^

All of the products are one per person :( sorry, I can't help...

Hi!! How did you manage to preorder Jonghyun's LP? I waited in line early on Friday morning and got those little cards so I'm assuming that's how you did it? Do you just give the card when you're buying the other concert goods if the LP still isn't sold out yet?

The info sheet is a pre-order slip. Fill out your name, how many you want (1 or 2), phone number, and address. Give the slip and pay at the desk on the 4th floor (Cafe). They will ship the LPs on Nov 25~30.

Good afternoon, Do you live in South Korea? Please, buy the goods of Jonghyun and other Coex Artium, for me. I'll pay for everything. You don't pay anything. Will be on sale the goods from today 2 - 10 October. I'll pay for Paypal. https://www.paypal.com/kr/webapps/mpp/country-worldwide Please ?

Shaimellynn F. F.
I'm sorry, I can't accept money by paypal because it isn't easy for me to receive the money...It takes too long and I can't afford to buy the merch before I can get the money. I want to help but I don't think I can unless I team up with someone. I'll tweet this and ask if anyone knows who is taking orders. I'm sure someone is??? I hope ><;


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